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1917 214_Squadron_crest 1977

Motto : "Ultor in umbris" ("Avenging in the shadows")
Badge : A nightjar volant affrontée. The nightjar was chosen because it is a bird which is active at night and is indicative of the role of the squadron.
Authority : King George VI, March 1938


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Site last updated 14 March 2025

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This site is dedicated to all of the service men and women who served with the No. 214 (FMS) Squadron RAF
~ we and every future generation will be forever in their debt ~

"We will remember them"

Remembrance wreath laid in November 2018 on the No. 214 Squadron Memorial at the National Arboretum in Alrewas, Staffordshire

Source : Peter Walker and Anne Chueng

Flight Lieutenant Marshall Angus Johnson RAF RCAF

Died September 23, 2003

Web site founder

Greetings Visitor

Welcome to the No. 214 (FMS) Squadron RAF Web Site. We hope you will find the site interesting and informative. The main purpose of the site is to bring the veterans and families of 214 Squadron together to ensure that the legacy of our heroes is passed on to our grandchildren, great grandchildren and all future generations of our families to come. The site forged close links with the 214 Squadron Association whose aim was to support and assist veterans and their families in whatever way possible. Sadly the Association has now closed.

Most of the information on the site covers World War 2 and covers the bomber squadron's history, RAF home bases, aircraft, veterans & personnel, numerous squadron photographs, news clippings, military documents / propaganda, war posters, aircraft and crew losses, and a special section on members who became Prisoners of War.

However we are now expanding our records to cover the complete history of the Squadron and it's members (1917 to 1977).

Therefore anyone who served in 214 Squadron throughout it's history should be mentioned.

All squadron veterans, their friends and family members, or any other interested people are invited to help with the building of this site.

If you have any information, pictures or stories you can contribute please click this link and contact us via the email contact address shown there. Please read the contact us page before contacting us. Thank you.

All materials or photos sent will be treated with the greatest care, loaded onto the site with the source acknowledged. All electronic sources will be stored carefully.

The site is, and always will be, under development as new information is gathered.

If you find any links that do not work please let us know.

The question "Why are there not more pictures of the squadron and personnel?" has been raised on numerous occasions. The answer is that candid unofficial photos of the squadron are very rare. The reason for this is that cameras were strictly forbidden and this policy was enforced out of the real possibility that the film or camera could fall into enemy hands thereby providing all sorts of clues to assist them that you or I might not consider. You will note that many of those found here are official pictures either sanctioned or taken by the RAF. In fact most people would be surprised to learn that very many Britain based squadron veterans do not have a single photograph, official or otherwise. This however mainly applies to the Squadrons based in Britain where enforcement was easier. It does not hold true with Squadrons based in other countries where often massive personal collections can be found.

All information, pictures and stories on this site, unless otherwise indicated, are the property and copyright of the families of 214 Squadron collectively or of an individual member. We are certain there is very little here that the veterans or their families would not wish to share, but you must seek the contributors or the site administrator's permission first.

The use of any materials from this site for any commercial purpose whatsoever is strictly forbidden.


rememberance day

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visits since 17 February 2007

© Copyright No. 214 Squadron website and the families and contributors to the site.

All information, pictures and articles on this site, unless otherwise indicated, are the property and copyright of the families of the No. 214 Squadron collectively or of an individual member.

The use of any materials from this site for any commercial purpose whatsoever is strictly forbidden.

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