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Crew :
RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) BK334

No further information available yet.

Source : Unknown

Date record last updated : 10 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) C9606

3 May 1943 Air Sea Rescue - no further details known

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) C9606 consisted of :

Plt/Off Hurley, Pilot
Flt/Lt Donald 'Mac' MacGilchrist, 169977, Bomb Aimer, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British

Source : Donald MacGilchrist

Date record last updated : 20 September 2008

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C DV518 BU-C

Take off was from Stradishall at 19.55 hrs on 1 April 1942.

The target was Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low-level attacks on railway targets.

Bombed a railway bridge (11 spans, steel construction, and touching the end of a long thin island) over the River Rhine at Mainz at 23.00 hrs from 12,000(?) ft. Bombs seen to burst on the bridge and crew were sure that it was blown up.

Returned at 03.10 hrs.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C DV518 BU-C consisted of :

Wg/Cdr Cyril George Miles, Pilot, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sgt Terris, Co-pilot

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 28 March 2015

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C DV768 BU-?

Take off was from Stradishall. The operation was Kiel. Presumed to have crash landed in the sea close to the target. Four bodies were washed ashore and buried locally. Since 1945 they have been re-buried at Kiel War Cemetery. The two bodies not found are named on the Runnymede Memorial.

This was the last Wellington aircraft reported missing from 214 Squadron who were beginning a Stirling Conversion Programme.

Date of loss : 28 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C DV768 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Sydney Walter George Avent, 1283173, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 21
Sgt Allan John Hyde, 1375119, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 21
Sgt Gordon Kenneth Moyle Newman, 1181418, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 19
Sgt Gwilym Thomas Owen, 1007568, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 28
Sgt Harold Frank Vernon Wheway, 925047, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 22
Sgt Fernley Thomas Williams, 1201671, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 30

Source : Chorley

Date record last updated : 27 November 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C HF856 BU-?

On the 10 April 1942 at 22.50 hrs, Wellington Mark 1c Bomber No. HF856 left Stradishall Royal Air Force base destined for the German city of Essen in the heavily defended industrial Ruhr Valley. Intelligence had predicted clear weather over the whole bombing run and as with the 3 previous night sorties that week, the planes of his 214 Squadron should return in the early hours of the next morning. The weather forecast had not been correct however and once over Germany the formations broke up in the heavy cloud and encountered concentrated and accurate anti-aircraft fire.

HF856 crashed at Gelsenkirschen-Hullen where the crew were originally buried. All are now buried in the Reichswald Forest Memorial Site in Germany.

NOTE: Records indicate Wellington lost as HF856, Research by Alan Butterworth indicates HB856.

Date of loss : 10 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C HF856 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Fred Bonser, 992516, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 April 1942, Aged 23
Cpt Harold MacRae Butterworth, 179138, Royal Artillery, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 April 1942, Aged 20
Plt/Off James Walter Murray, 104453, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 11 April 1942
FS Harry Alyn Neal, R/67970, Co-pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : American, KIA 11 April 1942, Aged 26
Sgt Cyril Walter Penny, 925051, Navigator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 April 1942, Aged 22
Sgt David Smith, 1308039, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 April 1942

Source : Alan Butterworth and CWGC and Ian Hunt and Chorley

Date record last updated : 20 November 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I L4215

The picture of Wellington L4215, surrounded by crew signatures above was presented to Wing Commander Nuttall, the CO of 214 Squadron when he was due to leave in August 1940. However he had to stay for another month until his replacement could take over. So, when it was finally presented to him in September 1940, the picture had the signatures of the crew of Wellington T2559 who were all killed on 30 August 1940. See picture in Photo Album 4.

Date record last updated : 31 December 2014

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I L4269

November 17 1939

Colin was piloting Wellington L4269 when it struck a tree stump on take-off, damaging the undercarriage. He re-landed on the flare-path with one wheel up and one down. The aircraft was repaired by the manufacturer. That the aircraft was repairable suggests that Colin exhibited some skill in landing the aircraft safely.

Crew of Wellington Mark I L4269 consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Colin Leslie Gilbert, 39458, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 7 May 1942, Aged 24

Source : Noel Baker

Date record last updated : 28 September 2013

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I L4345 BU-?

Training flight. Overshot a landing attempt at Methwold, Norfolk, and while tryingto go round again the bomberstalled. The pilot and his passenger were both killed in the ensuing crash.

Date of loss : 6 November 1939

Crew of Wellington Mark I L4345 BU-? consisted of :

Plt/Off John Lingwood, 70866, Pilot, Royal Air Force, KIA 6 November 1939, Aged 20
AC1 Arthur Matthews, 534864, Royal Air Force, KIA 6 November 1939, Aged 23

Source : Chorley and Brian Bouchard

Date record last updated : 1 December 2017

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I L4346

Crew of Wellington Mark I L4346 consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr John Frederick 'Baggy' Sach DFC AFC, 580327 / 43475, Pilot, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Charles Bradshaw

Date record last updated : 15 December 2017

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L4358

This aircraft was used during the "Westland "force air defence exercise in August 1939
Click on this link to see more information about this

Crew of Wellington Mark I C L4358 consisted of :

Sgt James Constant Mills DFC, 43016, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Ashley Wood (grandson of James Mills) and https/

Date record last updated : 19 March 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I L4365

January 12 1940

Colin flew Wellington L4365 to an airfield near Porthcawl, once known as RAF Stormy Down, to ascertain if it would be suitable as a rearward aerodrome, presumably in the event of invasion.

Crew of Wellington Mark I L4365 consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Colin Leslie Gilbert, 39458, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 7 May 1942, Aged 24

Source : Noel Baker

Date record last updated : 28 September 2013

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L7840 BU-?

This Wellington had been built by Vickers Armstrong at Chester and was fitted with Pegasus XVIII engines. It was part of contract 992424/39 and had been delivered to 22MU on 21 May 1940, before being transferred to 214 Squadron on 10 September 1940.
Wellington L7840 of 214 Squadron Reserve Flight attached to 150 Squadron reserve flight.
On 11th October 1940 L7840 was taking off from Stradishall at 14.45hrs on a training session on the SSE-NNW runway when it swerved to starboard and crashed in flames and out of control into the SE corner of of No 1 hanger. Four crew were killed and 2 were seriously injured.

Date of loss : 11 October 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C L7840 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt D J Capel
Sgt Richard Samuel Eastment, 524673, Observer, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 October 1940, Aged 31
Sgt Clifford A Hellewell, 935937, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 October 1940, Aged 20
Sgt George William Hunt, 39922, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 11 October 1940, Aged 22
Sgt C D Pownie
Fg/Off Charles William A Haughton Rafter, 41203, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 October 1940, Aged 22

Source : Bill Stubbs and Jonathan Shipley and Chorley

Date record last updated : 7 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L7843 BU-?

Operation to Mannheim. Took off 21:50 from Stradishall. Last heard on w/t at 04:33 sending distress signals. Both pilots are buried in the Heverlee War Cemetry and Sgt Sambrook, his date of death being shown as 30 September 1940, rests in the Belgrade Cemetery at Namur, Belgium. Sgt Williams and Sgt Thompson were taken as POWs. The fate of Sgt Peck is unknown.

Date of loss : 28 September 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C L7843 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt John Robert Hall, 740620, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 September 1940
Sgt A C Peck, POW 27 September 1940
Plt/Off John Rea, 42647, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 September 1940
Sgt Harry Edward Sambrook, 935979, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 September 1940, Aged 28
Sgt K S Thompson, POW 27 September 1940
Sgt T F Williams, 902179, POW 27 September 1940

Source : Andrew Lemon and Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2006 and CWGC and Chorley

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) L7847

Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (11-Aug-1940 and 12-Aug-1940)

Raid on Castrop-Rauxel - oil refinery 11 August 1940
Raid on Fredeburg - razzling 12 August 1940

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (11-Aug-1940 and 12-Aug-1940) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Norman Maxwell Boffee DFC, Pilot
Flt/Lt Philip Richard Steuart Filleul, 33383, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 September 1944, Aged 26
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (15-Aug, 17-Aug, 19-Aug, 24-Aug, 05-Sep-1940)

Raids as follows:
15 August 1940 - Gelsenkirchen
17 August 1940 - Groitsch near Leipzig
19 August 1940 - Kiel canal - battleship Gneisenau
24 August 1940 - Knapsack near Cologne
5 September 1940 - Harzgeburge

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (15-Aug, 17-Aug, 19-Aug, 24-Aug, 05-Sep-1940) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Norman Maxwell Boffee DFC, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, 117960, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 May 1944
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (08-Sep-1940)

Raid on barges at Boulougne

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (08-Sep-1940) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, Pilot
Flt/Lt Maurice Walter Hartford DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (10-Sep-1940 - 16-Oct-1940)

Raids on:
10 September 1940 Antwerp Aerodrome
12 September 1940 Osnabruck - marshalling yards
17 September 1940 Ostend
25 September 1940 Calais docks and harbour
28 September 1940 Sweeping - search
7 October 1940 Berlin - Siemens Electrical works
12 October 1940 Buterfield - changed to Hanover
16 October 1940 Kiel - battleships Scharnhost and Lutzow

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (10-Sep-1940 - 16-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, Pilot
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L7849

The take off was at 16:06hrs from Stradishall on an operation to Le Havre. Upon return the aircraft crashed at 02:30hrs into the sea off Winterton Norfolk. A local Coast Guard vessel managed to rescue three of the crew, but the remainder drowned. The bomber's wireless was un-serviceable at the time of the crash.

Date of loss : 28 December 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C L7849 consisted of :

Sgt Alleway
Sgt Albert William Hodgson, 636770, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940, Aged 20
Sgt John Francis Huxtable, 901860, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940, Aged 24
Sgt Edward Bertram Douglas Jenkins, 748696, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940
Plt/Off J A Temperley
Sgt Vaughan-Davies

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2006 and Chorley

Date record last updated : 10 January 2016

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L7859 BU-C

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L7859 (10-Oct-1940)

Mission was to bomb Hanover
Take off 21:48
Landing 3:52

A document at The National Archives ( ref AIR 81/3724) shows a different crew to that shown in the 214 Squadron ORB.

Here is the link :
The National Archives document says that Sgt A Carty was taken POW and shows the crew to be :
Sgt R O Bishop
Sgt A W Brooke
Sgt A Carty
Fg/Off W A Harris?
Sgt A Hyam
Fg/Off A A Proctor

The 214 Squadron ORB (Operations Record Book) does not mention that Sgt A Carty was taken prisoner and shows the crew to be :
Sgt Bishop
Sgt Brooke
Sgt Carty
Sgt Chester?
Sgt Hyam
Fg/Off Proctor

The 214 Squadron Summay of Events states that all 12 crews involved in this operation returned safely.

Zoe Evans and the website administrators would be please to hear from anyone who can confirm who the sixth member of the crew was (Fg/Off W A Harris? or Sgt Chester?)

Crew of Wellington Mark I C L7859 (10-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt R O Bishop
Sgt A W Brooke
Sgt Albert Carty, 648723, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British, POW 11 October 1940
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Fg/Off A A Proctor

Source : Zoe Evans (Granddaughter of Sgt Albert Carty) and RAF Commands website and The National Archives and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 14 January 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C L7859 (29-Nov-1940) BU-C

Target was Cologne West Bank industrial port . No results seen due to cloud cover.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C L7859 (29-Nov-1940) BU-C consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr D F Balsdon, Pilot
Plt/Off Lodge, Co-pilot

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) L7869

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) L7869 (14-Feb-1941)

Take off 18:46
Returned 20:00

This crew returned owing to wireless failure over the sea. All bombs were bought back to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) L7869 (14-Feb-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Cotterall
Sgt Gillies
Sgt Haines
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Parker
Sgt B L Tillotson, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I N2529

January 10 1940 Colin fetched Wellington N2529, a new Mk 1A, from Weybridge.

Crew of Wellington Mark I N2529 consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Colin Leslie Gilbert, 39458, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 7 May 1942, Aged 24

Source : Noel Baker

Date record last updated : 28 September 2013

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C N2746 BU-M

Wellington Mark I C N2746 (29-Nov-1940) BU-M

Target was Cologne West Bank industrial port No results seen due to cloud cover.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C N2746 (29-Nov-1940) BU-M consisted of :

Fg/Off E Dawes, Pilot
Fg/Off Maclean, Co-pilot

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 7 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C N2746 (13-Mar-1941) BU-M

On 13 March 1941 the crew took off at 2000 from their base Stradishall, Suffolk in Wellington IC N2746 BU-M. Their target was Hamburg .

They were on the way to their target, flying over the Dutch province of Groningen, when they were intercepted around 23.00 by a German night fighter, piloted by oberfeldwebel Paul Gildner. Gildner had been successful only twenty minutes prior, when he shot down a Blenheim of 110 squadron (with crew Flt/Lt Dickinson DFC, Sgt Charles William Fry and Sgt Robert Mower) which crashed west of Groningen, near Tolbert.

Shortly after shooting down the Blenheim he engaged the Wellington flown by Sgt Elder and his crew over the town of Jispinghuizen. Machinegun fire was heard among the roaring engines of the planes. The Wellington was hit and started to burn. Soon after the Wellington crashed on the eastside of the main road running from Vlagtwedde to Ter Apel.

Only the nose turret gunner, Sgt Douglas Wilmott Waters, managed to bail out of the burning plane. He was taken prisoner.

The rest of the crew was buried at the Esserveld cemetery in Groningen, where they were laid to rest together with the Blenheim crew that was shot down only minutes earlier.

A picture of the German fighter pilot (Ofw. Gildner) and his wireless operator, inspecting the wreck of Elder's Wellington which has been located by Stevin Oudshoorn (see below).


Ian Waters was able to take Douglas to visit the graves in 1999, but were unable to locate the crash site in the time they had.

In March 2016 Ian visited Holland on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the crash. With the assistance of local help he was able to meet up with Mr & Mrs Abbes and their two sons. The Wellington had crashed just short of their farmhouse in the village of Jipsinghuizen. Mr Abbes’s parents were living there at the time, and whilst they have sadly passed away, Mr Abbes was able to tell of his parents experience. Mr Abbes clearly recalled his mother having told him she saw the German’s extract five crew from the plane, so my father’s report, in which the Germans had told him Tommy had also jumped, but was too low, appears incorrect.
The following day Ian was taken to meet a Mrs Hulskar, a charming lady of 90 years old. She didn’t speak English but the Abbes’s were able to interpret. As a 14 year old she had a first hand account of the events of the night of 13/14 March 1941. She recalled a terrifying experience from the noise of gunfire of the German nightfighter shooting at the Wellington at a low altitude. She then saw a fully deployed parachute coming down, which implies his father left the aircraft at a higher altitude than 400 feet. This landed in a tree which she was able to show Ian.

Douglas had told Ian that he had seen lights of the German border post. This had previously caused them considerable difficulty in locating the crash site, and as the Abbes’s were to inform us, this was not a border post but a concentration camp, several of which were along the border.
Mrs Hulskar told us, as a child, she was in the farmhouse with her parents and two friends. Douglas had knocked on the door and they took him inside. He was taken to the kitchen and offered coffee. A knock on the door revealed two gentleman known to the occupants of the farmhouse as German collaborators. Mrs Hulskar’s father and his friend said they had seen no-one but would come and help find the parachutist, leaving their wives, Douglas and Mrs Hulskar in the house.

A subsequent knock on the door revealed the mayor’s secretary who said they were aware of an escape network who would get Douglas to England. He left and they never saw him again. The mayor’s office informed the farmhouse occupants that he had made it to England. That was incorrect as he was arrested shortly afterwards.

Mrs Hulskar did say Douglas returned to see them after the war and thank them for their help.

This photograph was taken when they placed at wreath at the graves on the 75th anniversary. They are from left to right Gert Abbes (son of Mr & Mrs Abbes), Klass Niemeijer of the Dutch WW2 aircrash investigation unit, Mrs Abbes, Mr Abbes and Ian Waters.

Sadly Mr Abbes passed away in August 2016 and Mrs Hulskar in October 2017.

Date of loss : 13 March 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C N2746 (13-Mar-1941) BU-M consisted of :

Sgt Victor Lawrence 'Vic' Bagley, 754080, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 March 1941, Aged 21
Sgt George Cedric 'Danny' Daniel, 618264, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British, KIA 13 March 1941
Sgt Alexander Graeme 'Mick' Elder, 754780, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 13 March 1941, Aged 19
Sgt Sol Glazer, 40621, Navigator / Observer, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 13 March 1941, Aged 29
Sgt John La Bassee 'Jack' Tomkinson, 701366, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 13 March 1941, Aged 22
Sgt Douglas Wilmott Waters, 910761, Nose Gunner, Nationality : British, POW 13 March 1941

Source : Stevin Oudshoorn (Nachtjagdarchiv Horst Diener, via Ab Jansen in Wespennest Leeuwarden, vol. I, pg 116) and Chorley and Ian Waters (son of Sgt Douglas Wilmott Waters)

Date record last updated : 8 March 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2776 BU-G

Wellington (model unknown) N2776 BU-G

Crew (left to right) Ted Hargest, Sgt Evans, Maurice Hartford, George Steven, John Potter and Jack Wetherly (leaning on ladder). September 1940.

Several of this aircrew's early operations formed Bomber Command's contribution to the Battle of Britain: their attacks were on the German invasion barges gathering in the Channel ports.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2776 BU-G consisted of :

Sgt Evans, Rear Gunner
Sgt Clayton Edward 'Ted' Hargest DFM, Wireless Operator
Flt/Lt Maurice Walter Hartford DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force
Sgt John Frederick Potter DFC, Navigator
Sgt George Steven, Air Gunner
Flt/Lt Jack Harold 'Shorty' Wetherly DFC MiD, 82716, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 March 1943, Aged 28

Source : Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot.

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (09-Jan-1941) BU-G

Take off 17:55
Returned 22:07

This was one of four crews who successfully attacked and bombed their primary target, the oil refinery at Gelsenkirken. All returned safely to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (09-Jan-1941) BU-G consisted of :

Sgt Cotterall
Sgt Gillies
Sgt Haines
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Parker
Sgt B L Tillotson, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (pre Sep-1940) BU-G

From left to right: John Potter, Sgt Evans, Ted Hargest, George Steven, Maurice Hartford and Fg/Off John Beck (in front sitting)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (pre Sep-1940) BU-G consisted of :

Wg/Cdr John Leighton Beck DFC & Bar MiD, Pilot
Sgt Evans, Rear Gunner
Sgt Clayton Edward 'Ted' Hargest DFM, Wireless Operator
Plt/Off Maurice Walter Hartford DFC, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force
Sgt John Frederick Potter DFC, Navigator
Sgt George Steven, Air Gunner

Source : George Coates (grandson of WC J L Beck) and Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (21-Dec-1940) BU-G

Target : Porto Maghera, Venice. Op duration 18.53 to 04.53.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (21-Dec-1940) BU-G consisted of :

Flt/Lt Frank Leslie Herbert Eddison DFC, 39377, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Australian, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 30
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Co-pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (15-Jan-1941)

Up 18:55 hrs Return 00:08 hrs

No record of the specific mission in ORB

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (15-Jan-1941) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt D Paterson
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt White
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 BU-R

Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (29-Nov-1940) BU-R

Target was the West bank industrial port Cologne. No results seen due to cloud cover.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (29-Nov-1940) BU-R consisted of :

Flt/Lt Frank Leslie Herbert Eddison DFC, 39377, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Australian, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 30
Fg/Off P R O'Connor, Pilot

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (19-Dec-1940) BU-R

Target : Boulogne. Unable to locate target due to cloud cover. Brought bombs back and landed Debden. (Op duration 23.18 to 04.55?)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (19-Dec-1940) BU-R consisted of :

Sgt William Herbert Browell, 754853, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (01-Jan-1941) BU-R

Target : Bremen. Op duration 18.12 to 23.40.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (01-Jan-1941) BU-R consisted of :

Sgt William Herbert Browell, 754853, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (29-Jan-1941) BU-R

Target : Wilhelmshaven (The 'Tirpitz'). Hit close to aiming point and caused 15 small fires and 2 explosions. Fires still visible 40 miles from target. Landed ok at base although cloud base only 150 ft. Op duration 02.52 to 08.17.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (29-Jan-1941) BU-R consisted of :

Sgt William Herbert Browell, 754853, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (10-Feb-1941) BU-R

Target : Hanover. Bombed at 23.00. Fires visible from 20 miles away on return. Op duration 20.53 to (03.--?)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (10-Feb-1941) BU-R consisted of :

Plt/Off Gilbert, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (14-Feb-1941) BU-R

Target : Gelsenkirchen (Nordstern Oil Refinery). Unable to locate target so bombed factories on eastern outskirts of Essen at 21.00 from 10,000 ft instead. One large explosion seen after the bombs had burst. Op duration 18.55 to 23.31.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (14-Feb-1941) BU-R consisted of :

Plt/Off Gilbert, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (22-Feb-1941) BU-R

Target : Brest ('Hipper' Class Cruiser). Returned with bombs. Landed Hatfield. Op duration 02.36 to 09.00.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (22-Feb-1941) BU-R consisted of :

Wg/Cdr Loughnan, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (25-Feb-1941) BU-R

Target : Düsseldorf. Bombed on ETA as 10/10 cloud. Large red glow seen after bombing. Op duration 18.51 to 23.43.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2778 (25-Feb-1941) BU-R consisted of :

Sgt William Herbert Browell, 754853, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 BU-P

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (23-Nov-1940) BU-P

Up 17:34 hrs Back 21:39 hrs.

This crew set out to attack Le Havre but low cloud made recognition of target impossible. Nor could the alternative or last resorts be recognised. The crew therefore returned to base with their bombs.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (23-Nov-1940) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (10-Dec-1940) BU-P

Up 21:05hrs Back 01:52 hrs.

Took off to attack Ludwigshafen near Mannheim. Icing and severe weather compelled them to return early to base where they landed safely having brought all bombs back.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (10-Dec-1940) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (13-Dec-1940) BU-P

Up 17:32 hrs Back 23:22 hrs.

This crew was detailed to take photographs of the Kiel area. 10/10 cloud over the area prevented the talking of photographs and the crew returned to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (13-Dec-1940) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Albert William Hodgson, 636770, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940, Aged 20
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (15-Dec-1940) BU-P

Up 00:30 hrs Back 07:45hrs.

Bombed railways in Berlin. Landed at Mildenhall.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (15-Dec-1940) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Albert William Hodgson, 636770, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940, Aged 20
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (03-Jan-1941) BU-P

Up 17:15hrs Back 22:45hrs.

Attacked their primary target in the heart of the city of BREMEN. Extensive conflagrations were caused which were visible up to seventy miles from the target.

Peter Doig Scott's Flying Log says :
Blitz on Bremen
It also says that Flt/Lt Beck was flying on this mission. The 214 Squadron ORB does not mention him.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (03-Jan-1941) BU-P consisted of :

Flt/Lt Beck
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (09-Jan-1941) BU-P

Up 18:22hrs Back 23:01hrs.

This crew failed to locate primary target at GELSENKIRCHEN, therefore bombed DUISBERG railway junction.
Peter Doig Scott's Flying Log says :
Blitz on Gelsenkirchen
It also says that Plt/Off J A Temperly was flying on this mission. The 214 Squadron ORB does not mention him.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (09-Jan-1941) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Plt/Off J A Temperly
Sgt Wilkie

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (15-Jan-1941) BU-P

Up 19:35hrs Down 00:19hrs.

Located and bombed their primary target at WILHELMSHAVEN, leaving intensive fires burning over the target area.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (15-Jan-1941) BU-P consisted of :

Flt/Lt Sidney Dobson 'Tich' Meadowcroft, 102104, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 June 1944, Aged 26
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (22-Jan-1941) BU-P

Raid on Dusseldorf.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (22-Jan-1941) BU-P consisted of :

Flt/Lt Sidney Dobson 'Tich' Meadowcroft, 102104, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 June 1944, Aged 26
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of W/Cdr P D Scott) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (04-Feb-1941) BU-P

Raid on Brest - Cruiser hit.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (04-Feb-1941) BU-P consisted of :

Flt/Lt Sidney Dobson 'Tich' Meadowcroft, 102104, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 June 1944, Aged 26
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (10-Feb-1941) BU-P

Raid on Hanover.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (10-Feb-1941) BU-P consisted of :

Flt/Lt Sidney Dobson 'Tich' Meadowcroft, 102104, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 June 1944, Aged 26
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Wg/Cdr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (Daughter of W/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (11-Jun-1941) BU-P

Target : Düsseldorf. Bombed from 14,500 ft between "PQWP" [- typo for 01.20 ?] and 01.40. No results seen except flashes due to haze. Op duration 23.30 to 03.45.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (11 June 1941) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Nicholls, Co-pilot
Flt/Lt Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2802 BU-A

In mid November 1940 Jack Wetherly took over as Captain of a new crew from OTU. Together this crew flew ten or so operations during the bitingly cold winter of 1940 / 1941.
Sometimes Pockney was replaced by the most senior gunner on the squadron, Flight Lieutenant Culley.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2802 BU-A consisted of :

Sgt Hubert William John Barr, 759105, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941
Plt/Off Ian Douglas Napier Lawson CB, CBE, DFC & Bar, AE, 86354, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sgt Albert Livesey, 970744, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 19
Plt/Off Ewart Duncan Pockney, 76925, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 19 August 1941, Aged 35
Sgt Nigel Firth Walker DFC DSO, Navigator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom
Flt/Lt Jack Harold 'Shorty' Wetherly DFC MiD, 82716, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 March 1943, Aged 28

Source : Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2802 (Date unknown) BU-A

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2802 (Date unknown) BU-A consisted of :

Plt/Off Gordon Crampton, Pilot, Nationality : British, POW 14 July 1941
Flt/Lt J H Waite, 87654, Observer / Bomb Aimer

Source : Peter Waite (son of Flt/Lt J H Waite)

Date record last updated : 8 March 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2802 (07-Sep-1941) BU-A

Up: 20:00 hrs
Return: 02:20 hours

Owing to excessive petrol consumption the aircraft was unable to reach mani target. However Peine (16 miles south west of Brunswick) was attacked at 22:55 hrs. 1x 1,000lb bomb, 1x 500lb bomb and 1x 250lb bomb were all dropped from 14,000 feet. They were seen to burst just south of the railway in the centre of the town but no results were observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2802 (07-Sep-1941) BU-A consisted of :

Sgt Boyd
Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian
FS Ronald Anthony John Trevillian, 755032, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2808

Wellington (model unknown) N2808 (08-Sep-1941)

Up: 20:25 hrs
Return: 02:15 hrs

Dropped 1x 1,000lb bomb, 1x 250lb bomb and 2x 500lb bombs from 13,500 feet on the centre of the town near the railway line. One small red fire appeared to have started before the aircraft left at 23:30 hrs.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2808 (08-Sep-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2855 BU-N

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner from 18-Aug-1941 to 18-Feb-1942

National Archives AIR 81/6208 notes that this flight was with 38 Squadron on 02-May-1941 when it exploded while on the ground.

Source : Liam Venner and Richard Maddox (researcher) and The National Archives

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2902

Wellington (model unknown) N2902 (13-Sep-1941)

Up: 22:20 hrs
Landed away from base at 03:50 hrs.

Carried out operations and upon return were forced to land at Wantage hospital in Oxfordshire.

Lynn Mortimer comments " I think this is where dad said they landed in the turnip patch and the owner of the estate gave them the best meal he had eaten during the war.)"

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2902 (13-Sep-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I N2993 BU-?

Crashed near Ely, UK after the pilot was blinded by the glare of searchlights whilst on a training flight

Date of loss : 6 June 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I N2993 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Peter Frederick Kay, 742168, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 June 1940, Aged 20
Fg/Off John Freeman Nicholson, 70501, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 June 1940, Aged 22
Sgt Augustine Daniel Flurence O'Driscoll, 580123, Observer, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 June 1940, Aged 30
LAC Maurice Pelling, 749447, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 6 June 1940
Sgt Bernard Raper, 548176, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force, KIA 6 June 1940
Sgt Ernest Albert Revell, 514831, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 June 1940

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2006 and Chorley and Jock Whitehouse and Gary Bick (Researcher)

Date record last updated : 21 March 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) N2994

Wellington (model unknown) N2994 (05-Aug-1940)

The raid was on Hamm - marshalling yards.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) N2994 (05-Aug-1940) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Norman Maxwell Boffee DFC, Pilot
Flt/Lt Philip Richard Steuart Filleul, 33383, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 September 1944, Aged 26
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) P2530

No further information available yet.

Source : Unknown

Date record last updated : 10 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) P9267

Robert M Nelson may possibly be part of this crew

Date of loss : 4 April 1940

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) P9267 consisted of :

Plt/Off John Denton Hargreaves, 77035, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 4 April 1940, Aged 20
Fg/Off Herome Alexander Innes DFC, 40227, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 4 April 1940, Aged 27

Source : Jock Whitehouse and Traces of WW2 website

Date record last updated : 8 August 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1046

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1046 (05-Nov-1940)

Mission to Emden.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1046 (05-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, 117960, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 May 1944, Aged 27
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1046 (07-Nov-1940)

Mission to Essen - Krupps works.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1046 (07-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, 117960, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 May 1944, Aged 27
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1046 (15-Nov-1940)

Up 17:59 hrs Back 20:27 hrs.
Successfully attacked and bombed their main objective - Schipol Aerodrome.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1046 (15-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1226 BU-L

This Wellington was built by Vickers Armstrong at Chester as part of contract 992424/39. It was fitted with Pegasus XVIII engines. It was delivered to 23 MU on 23 October 1940 and had been transferred to 214 Squadron on 16 November 1940.

On 9 May 1941 Wellington R1226 crashed at Breezand, Anna Paulowna (Province of North Holland) The aircraft came down in the fields of the Homan company, tulipbreeders. The aircraft crashed at 02:48 hrs (local time). It was shot down by a German nightfighter of Oblt. Zur Lippe und Uffz. Renette. All crew were buried in one grave at Den Helder, Huisduinen cemetery. After the war the crew was reinterred at Bergen op Zoom grave no. 32 C.2

Target was: Hamburg/Bremen/Kiel/Emden/Berlin

Date of loss : 9 May 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1226 BU-L consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Frank Leslie Herbert Eddison DFC, 39377, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Australian, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 30
Sgt John Holt, 749319, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941
Plt/Off Norman Mervyn Kebbell Kirckaldie, 401315, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 23
Sgt Cyril Paton, 904673, Front Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 22
Sgt Kennedy Tait, 974125, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Arnot Flaws Wilson, 935907, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 19

Chris Dijkshoorn from Breezand in the Netherlands writes :
I found your website today and I was wondering if you know someone that knows more about R1226 that crashed in Breezand The Netherlands. That is the place where I grew up not far from the crash site. I have a foundation that unveils remembrance poles in the municipality of Hollands Kroon and we are going to unveil a pole for the crew of the R1226 this year. Hopefully you are interested and maybe we can get in contact with relatives of the crew.
You can find more information about this on our website

If you have more information related to any of the crew, please contact the administrators of the site and we will pass the information onto Chris.
Thank you

Source : Jonathan Shipley and Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon) and Chris Dijkshoorn from Breezand in the Netherlands

Date record last updated : 2 May 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1246

On 9 December 1940, at 00:13hrs this aircraft took off en-route to the Middle East, First stop Malta. Three other flights were on the same journey, R1249, R1251 and R1250. They were due to join No. 70 Squadron based in Kabrit, Egypt. Only 2 crews arrived safely.

This aircraft hit a barrage balloon cable near Paris and crashed at approx 04:00hrs at Somery, 6km from Forges-les-Eaux. All crew members escaped by parachute. They were all captured and taken POW within 12 hours of the crash.

Date of loss : 9 December 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I R1246 BU-H consisted of :

WO Ronald Ayre, 114211, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, POW 9 December 1940
Fg/Off John Wyndham Collins, 40495, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 February 1945, Aged 30, POW 9 December 1940
WO/I John Frederick Coombs, NZ 401201, Rear Gunner, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, POW 9 December 1940
Sgt J A Hounslow, 749475, Rear Gunner, POW 9 December 1940
WO Frederick James William Steele, 561898, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 19 April 1945, Aged 33, POW 9 December 1940
Flt/Lt Peter Fowler Walker, 85280, Navigator, Royal Air Force, POW 9 December 1940

Source : Andy Buckley and the Air Historical Branch (RAF) of the Ministry of Defence and

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1249 BU-?

On 9 December 1940 this aircraft was one of four crews transferring from 214 Squadron to 70 Squadron in Egypt. It arrived safely.

The other crews were R1246, R1251 and R1250.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1249 BU-? consisted of :

Plt/Off Crainswick, Pilot

Source :

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1250 BU-?

On 9 December 1940 this aircraft was one of four crews transferring from 214 Squadron to 70 Squadron in Egypt. It never arrived and was recorded as missing.

The other crews were R1246, R1249 and R1251.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1250 BU-? consisted of :

Fg/Off Brain, Pilot

Source :

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1251 BU-?

On 9 December 1940 this aircraft was one of four crews transferring from 214 Squadron to 70 Squadron in Egypt. It arrived safely.

The other crews were R1246, R1249 and R1250.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1251 BU-? consisted of :

Plt/Off Day, Pilot

Source :

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1341 (14-Jul-1941)

On 14 July 1941 R1613, R1614, R1341 and T2918 took off from Stradishall at 23:15hrs on a mission to Bremen.

Of the four aircraft sent by 214 Squadron this night, two returned to base which ultimately saved them from the disaster that lay ahead. R1341 piloted by Plt/Off Guild returned claiming bad weather and icing conditions and the aircraft would not climb. Furthest point reached was 58-30 to 320.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1341 (14-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt De Ville
Plt/Off Guild, Pilot
Sgt McKenzie
Sgt Needham
Sgt Page
Sgt Wallace

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1342

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1342 consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1342 (09-Jul-1941)

Not airborn. Detailed to attack C.C.24

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1342 (09-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Klassen
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt Simson
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 3 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1342 (12-Aug-1941)

Up: 21:30hrs
Return: 04:00hrs

Dropped 6x 500lb bombs and 1x 250lb bomb on a square immediately North East of the aiming point at Hannover at 23:42hrs from 12,000 feet. They were seen to explode but no real results were observed.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1342 (12-Aug-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1342 (16-Aug-1941)

Up: 00.19hrs
Return: 04:05hrs

The point of aim at Duisburg could not be located but the river was found and the 1x 1,000lb bomb, 5x 500lb bombs and1x 250lb delay bomb dropped from 14,00 feet at 01:40 hrs. Bomb flashes were seen.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1342 (16-Aug-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1376

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1376 (21-Mar-1941)

Take off 18:35
Returned 01:50

This aircraft failed to identify the main target alternative of last resort target owing to 10/10 cloud and therefore returned with bombs to avoid indiscriminate bombing.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1376 (21-Mar-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Kershaw
Sgt Albert Livesey, 970744, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 19
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Parker
Sgt Tait
Sgt Walker

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1380 BU-?

Operation to Kiel. Took off from Stradishall. Lost without trace. All are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.

Date of loss : 8 April 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1380 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Ronald Arthur Chatfield, 647420, Royal Air Force, KIA 8 April 1941
Sgt Herbert Robinson Easton, R/56846, Royal Canadian Air Force, KIA 8 April 1941
Sgt Kenneth Manson, 40654, Royal New Zealand Air Force, KIA 8 April 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Cecil Harry Reuben Mercer, 968118, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 April 1941, Aged 26
Sgt Roylance Claude Plummer, 944822, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 April 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Russell Arthur Williams, 741780, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 April 1941, Aged 20

Source : Chorley and Martin Blackmore (nephew of Sgt Ken Manson)

Date record last updated : 1 December 2017

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1447 BU-A

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1447 BU-A

On the night of 9/10 May 1941 146 bombers (69 Wellingtons, 42 Whitleys, 24 Hampdens and 11 Manchesters) of Bomber Command conducted a successful attack on the twinned cities of Mannheim and Ludwigshafen. Heavy damage was inflicted on twenty two factories and eleven wagons that were full of industrial fuels. The wagons were burned out entirely. Two bombers - a Wellington (214 Squadron) and a Whitley - were lost.
Wellington Mark I C R1447 flew out of Stradishall at 22:26hrs. It was shot down by a German night hunter whereupon the aircraft, which was close to Woensdrecht, crashed down. All six crew members were taken as Prisoners of War.

Surname of Sgt Harold Baines is shown incorrectly as Barnes in Chorley and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock.

This extract from 214 Squadron ORB shows his name to be Sgt Baines

Date of loss : 9 May 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1447 BU-A consisted of :

Sgt Harold 'Harry' Baines, 942396, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British, POW 9 May 1941
Sgt J R Fry, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, POW 9 May 1941
Sgt H E Y Gillies, POW 9 May 1941
Fg/Off Marcus M Marsh, POW 9 May 1941
Sgt B L Tillotson, POW 9 May 1941
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : Chorley and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Wim de Meester of The Netherlands and John Baines (Son of WO Harold Baines) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 6 October 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1447 (12-Mar-1941) BU-A

Take off 20:12
Returned 00:47

Attacked Main Target (Focke) Wulf A/c Works at Bremen , All bombs seen to explode, two fires started. The two fires were still burning after A/C had left the target for about 20 minutes.

214 Squadron ORB says that Sgt Cotterell was in the crew. We think that this should have been Sgt Cotterall.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1447 (12-Mar-1941) BU-A consisted of :

Sgt Harold 'Harry' Baines, 942396, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British, POW 9 May 1941
Sgt Cotterall
Sgt Gillies
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Parker
Sgt B L Tillotson, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1447 (27-Mar-1941) BU-A

Take off 19:55
Returned 00:40

Operations to Cologne. This aircraft attacked at 21:25 hours from 13,000 feet with 7 x 500lb bombs.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1447 (27-Mar-1941) BU-A consisted of :

Sgt Barr
Sgt Kershaw
Sgt Albert Livesey, 970744, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 19
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Parker
Sgt Walker

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1462 BU-?

Delivered by Vickers (Chester) between August 1940 and May 1941. Tropicalised to FE Standard. Airborne from Stradishall.
Wellington R1462 missing from operations to Hamburg on 12 May 1941. Plt/Off Toplis took over his crew from P/O Jack Wetherly who had completed his tour in March 1941, Two usual members of the crew, Sergeant Nigel Walker navigator, and gunner Plt/Off Duncan Pockney were not with them at this time: Walker was on leave prior to being commissioned. Ian Hunt reports that Sgt P.R.K. Burley was on board this flight, not Plt/Off Ian Lawson as the second pilot.

Andrew and Gavin Lindsay, two brothers have been researching the career of their relative, Sgt Thomas Webley James (air-gunner) lost from Stradishall on 11 May 1941 when Wellington R1462 was brought down near Hamburg.
On exhausting all of the available records, the boys, together with Bill Livesey, the nephew of another crew member, decided to try and contact any local people who had either witnessed, or who remembered the crash.
Their efforts were not only successful, but when, after visiting the Hamburg War Cemetery - an extremely emotional experience in itself, they finally visited the small rural community they were treated with great kindness sympathy and understanding and learned much of the events of that sad day, not least the great respect shown by the people when removing bodies of the crew.
From photographs taken at the time it seems that the aircraft, flying low and probably damaged, ploughed through two lines of tall trees bordering a small road, and with the wings tom off, the fuselage continued on into a field disintegrating as it went. There was no fire (fuel still in wing tanks), and bombs were scattered around, but sadly, there was nothing that could be done for the crew.
With their work virtually complete, both the boys and Bill hope to produce their versions of the story, telling not only of the operational side which is well documented, but more importantly the human effect of just one crash on folk from both sides.

Date of loss : 12 May 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1462 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Hubert William John Barr, 759105, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941
Sgt Peter Richard Keith Burley, 1152213, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Arnold Walker Gibson, 749389, Navigator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 26
Sgt Thomas Webley James, 541997, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 24
Sgt Albert Livesey, 970744, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 19
Plt/Off John Grahame Toplis, 61483, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 20

Source : Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot and Ian Hunt and Nightjar Newsletter August 2014

Date record last updated : 25 January 2015

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1604 BU-?

Take off from Stradishall. Operation to Mannheim. Aircraft crashed at 23:00 hrs in the vicinity of Vlissingen (Zeeland) Holland, where the crew are buried. During 1972 the Royal Netherland Air Force excavated wreckage from this bomber, after which it was suggested that the crash may have been caused by a lightning strike.

Date of loss : 29 August 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1604 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Edward Wilson Foxlee, R/58084, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 29 August 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Ernest Halestrap, 948309, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 August 1941, Aged 26
Sgt John Edward Jerrard, 961532, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 August 1941, Aged 23
Sgt Gerald Klusky, 915976, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 August 1941
Sgt Kenneth Morris, 985066, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 August 1941, Aged 19
Sgt John Henry Williamson, 1057437, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 August 1941, Aged 23

More information can be found here on the Wings to Victory in the Netherlands database :

Source : Chorley and Leon Janssen (researcher) and Martien van Dijk (Wings to Victory in the Netherlands)

Date record last updated : 30 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1609

Operation to Emden
Took off at 23:59 from Stradishall. Lost without trace. All are commemorated on the RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL. Sgt Cotton had survived a crash-landing earlier in the month (June 1941) on return from Berlin.

Aircraft claimed by Oblt Helmut Woltersdorf 4/NJG1 - Sea. 30km North of Schiermonnikoog (Schiel): 4,800m at 01:40.

Date of loss : 24 June 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1609 consisted of :

Sgt Kenneth Judson Barton, R/64730, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 24 June 1941
Sgt John Charles Eric Black, 955681, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 24 June 1941, Aged 23
Sgt Godfrey Allenby Douglas Cotton, 945560, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 24 June 1941, Aged 23
Plt/Off John Dodds-Forrest, 62022, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 25 June 1941, Aged 27
Sgt George Thomas Hunt, 944629, Observer / Bomb Aimer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 24 June 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Godfrey Tegid Jones, 947989, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 25 June 1941, Aged 23

Source : Mrs June Batley and Mrs Jeni Cook (both relatives of Sgt Hunt) Mrs Nadia Turrell (Sister of Sgt Hunt) and Chorley and Nachtjagd war Diaries Volume 1 - Theo Boiten (via researcher John Jones)

Date record last updated : 23 November 2018

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1611

No further information available yet.

Source : Unknown

Date record last updated : 10 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark II R1613 (14-Jul-1941) BU-G

Drawing by Marshall Johnson in 1942

Plt/Off Gordon Crampton Plt/Off John Charles Jenkins
Crampton_Gordon_Insignia Jenkins_T_Insignia

Sgt R Kent Flt/Lt Marshall Angus Johnson
Kent_R_Insignia Johnson_Marshall_Angus_Insignia

FS H E Jones FS R Instone
Jones_H_E_Insignia Instone_R_Insignia
The above insignia were hand drawn in Marshall Johnson's diary

On 14 July 1941 R1613, R1614, R1341 and T2918 took off from Stradishall at 23:15hrs on a mission to Bremen.

Of the four aircraft sent by 214 Squadron this night, two returned to base which ultimately saved them from the disaster that lay ahead. R1341 piloted by Plt/Off Guild returned claiming bad weather and icing conditions and the aircraft would not climb. T2918 piloted by Sgt Gwilliam returned claiming engine trouble. The remaining two R1613 piloted by Plt/Off Crampton was shot down by a night fighter and R1614 piloted by Plt/Off Brown continued on to the target but never returned.

While at 10,000 feet over the city of Bremen in Germany R1613 was attacked by a german fighter aircraft who came from above and to the side. According to pilot Crampton, Marshall Johnson who was rear gunner at the time, calmly announced over the intercom, as if he were talking about the weather, "down the phones, we are under attack" and promptly sent up a hail of gun fire to meet his attacker. The German fighter raked the forward section of BU-G killing their second pilot Jenkins and the aircraft immediately exploded in flames. The rest of the crew managed to bale out safely with only minor injuries but Sgt Kent's chute caught and tangled on the tail of the flaming aircraft and he was pulled down with it to his death. All of the surviving members were captured by the germans, two of whom were sent to a german hospital and the rest off to prison camp where they spent the rest of the war.

Chorley reports that R1613 was shot down by a night fighter and crashed at Brookstreek in the vicinity of Quakenbruck in Germany. It is believed that Brookstreek may be a corruption of Brokstrasse,as no such locality as Brookstreek has ever been found. Pilot Officer Jenkins died and the rest of the crew were taken as Prisoners of War.

Date of loss : 14 July 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark II R1613 (14-Jul-1941) BU-G consisted of :

Plt/Off Gordon Crampton, Pilot, Nationality : British, POW 14 July 1941
FS R Instone, Air Gunner, Nationality : British, POW 14 July 1941
Plt/Off John Charles Jenkins, 64315, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British, KIA 15 July 1941, Aged 20
Flt/Lt Marshall Angus Johnson, R68074 and J96444, Rear Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, POW 14 July 1941
FS H E Jones, Waist Gunner, Nationality : British, POW 14 July 1941
Sgt Robert Kent, 745050, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 August 1941, POW 14 July 1941

Source : Chorley and Plt/Off Crampton

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark II R1613 (Date unknown) BU-G

Crew of Wellington Mark II R1613 (Date unknown) BU-G consisted of :

Plt/Off Gordon Crampton, Pilot, Nationality : British, POW 14 July 1941
Flt/Lt J H Waite, 87654, Observer / Bomb Aimer

Source : Peter Waite (son of Flt/Lt J H Waite)

Date record last updated : 8 March 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1614 (14-Jul-1941) BU-H

On 14 July 1941 R1613, R1614, R1341 and T2918 took off from Stradishall at 23:15hrs on a mission to Bremen.

Of the four aircraft sent by 214 Squadron this night, two returned to base which ultimately saved them from the disaster that lay ahead. R1341 piloted by Plt/Off Guild returned claiming bad weather and icing conditions and the aircraft would not climb. T2918 piloted by Sgt Gwilliam returned claiming engine trouble. The remaining two R1613 piloted by Plt/Off Crampton was shot down by a night fighter and R1614 piloted by Plt/Off Brown continued on to the target but never returned.

Presumed lost over the North Sea. Plt/Off Brown is buried in Holland at Bergen op Zoom War Cemetery, but the bodies of FS Lewis and Sgt Hull were washed onto English beaches. The rest are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.

Date of loss : 14 July 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1614 (14-Jul-1941) BU-H consisted of :

Plt/Off Victor Kingsley Brown, 60071, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 14 July 1941, Aged 25
Sgt Maxwell Ritchie Collins, R/74592, Royal Canadian Air Force, KIA 14 July 1941, Aged 35
Sgt Joseph Shield Else, 755881, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 14 July 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Ronald Douglas Hull DFC, 912001, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 14 July 1941, Aged 19
FS William George Lewis, 967100, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, KIA 14 July 1941
Sgt Jack Taylor, 759305, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 14 July 1941, Aged 25

Source : Chorley and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1621 BU-G

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1621 BU-G consisted of :

Fg/Off William Gordon Venner, J88353 & R/54229, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian
Plt/Off Woods, Pilot

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 16 June 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1712

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1712 consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1712 (19-Aug-1941)

Up: 21:10 hrs
Return: 02:56 hrs

Nothing was seen on arrival at main target. Bombed on E.T.A. on flak and search lights at 23:25hrs from 13,000 feet, dropping 6x 500 lb bombs. Bombs were seen to burst but no results were observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1712 (19-Aug-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1717 BU-Z?

Took off from Stradishall on a mission to Frankfurt. Presumed crashed in the sea off the French coast.

Date of loss : 3 September 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1717 BU-Z? consisted of :

Sgt Lionel Black, 948150, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Jesse Clemence Brakeman, R/68117, Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Clifford Hambleton, 955336, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 26
Flt/Lt Reginald Hubert May, 60822, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 28
FS James Patrick McKay, R/58824, Navigator, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 26
Sgt Leslie Whitehouse Price, 981412, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 21

Source : Captain Glen McKay Retd (Canadian Armed Forces), (nephew of FS James Patrick McKay) and CWGC and Chorley

Date record last updated : 29 December 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1759 BU-L

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1759 consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1759 (11-Sep-1941) BU-L

Up: 20:00 hrs
Return: 04:00 hrs

Five or six fires were seen upon arrival.
3/4 mile south from target 360x 4lb bombs, 1x 500lb bomb and 1x 250lb bomb were all dropped from 13,500 feet at 22:50 hrs. Several more fires started and seen on departure but clouds prevented further observation.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1759 (11-Sep-1941) BU-L consisted of :

Sgt Klassen
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1759 (15-Jan-1942) BU-L

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 31 August 1942.

On 15 January 1942 this aircraft took off from Stradishall at 17:40 hrs for ops to Hamburg. For some reason the aircraft drifted too far north on it's return and it was presumed to have crashed into the North Sea off Whitby, Yorkshire, killing all on board.

Two bodies were recovered, one was buried at Thornaby on Tees Cemetery after being washed ashore near Redcar. The other was buried at Driffield after being washed ashore at Cloughton Wyke near Scarborough. The rest of the crew have no known grave.


Date of loss : 15 January 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1759 (15-Jan-1942) BU-L consisted of :

FS William John Elder, R/65845, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 20
FS Edward Everett Hale, R/58480, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 25
Sgt Arthur Lionel Lax, 741541, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 25
Sgt Joseph Barnby Myers, 947280, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 27
Sgt George James Peck, R/77370, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : American, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 22
Plt/Off Henry Joseph Woodrow, 403487, Navigator, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 27

Source : Liam Venner and Richard Allenby and Chorley

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1784 BU-?

Took off from Stradishall on an operation to Berlin.

They were all originally buried in Berlin Heerstrasse British Cemetery and were re-buried in the Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery on 30 October 1946.

Ann Blake writes that the crew were handpicked by the pilot for this special mission. Flt/Lt Falconer had finished his tour of ops but agreed to do this extra one.

Date of loss : 8 September 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1784 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Leonard Tyne Chapman, 929858, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 27
Wg/Cdr Grahame Lawrence Cruickshanks DFC, 34191, Pilot, Royal Air Force, KIA 8 September 1941
Sqn/Ldr William Davies, 74467, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 42
Fg/Off William Esplen, 82979, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Flt/Lt Keith James Falconer DFC, 84730, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Arthur Norman Page, 1376222, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 26

Source : Simon Esplen (Grandson of William Esplen) and Chorley and Ann Blake (daughter of Flt Lt Falconer) and CWGC

Date record last updated : 30 November 2018

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1789 BU-Q

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1789 (11-Sep-1941) BU-Q

Out 20:00hrs and back 04:00hrs.

One fire seen on arrival. Target bombed from East to West from 15,500 ft, dropping 1 x 1,000 lb, 2 x 500lb and 1 x 250lb bombs. All bombs seen to burst 1/4 mile SSW of docks, causing a pillar of white smoke about 1,000 ft high. 2 Fires were seen for 40 miles on the way back.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1789 (11-Sep-1941) BU-Q consisted of :

Sgt J I Burbridge, 958282, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt David F Cooper, 1109722, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt H 'Tich' Critchley, 1110584, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt J W B Follitt, ???519, POW 29 September 1941
WO Leslie 'Hank' Hancock, 745181, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt Paterson

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1789 (03-Oct-1941) BU-Q

Up: 19:20 hrs
Return: 02:15 hrs

Made a south to north run over the Legenbure Dock at 20:24hrs. Dropped 1x 1,000lb bomb, 6x 500 lb bombs and 1x 250lb bomb from 12,000 feet. Five fires were seen on leaving.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1789 (03-Oct-1941) BU-Q consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R1789 (01-Apr-1942) BU-Q

From L-R Tibbatts, Dunn, ?, Burtwell, Wood,? Sgt Downs is on the far right of the photo.

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off 20:19hrs from Stradishall on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr.
(35 Wellingtons and 14 Hampdens were to carry out attacks on railway targets. 22 aircraft reported that they had carried out this task but 12 Wellingtons and 1 Hampden were lost. Seven of the lost Wellingtons were from 214 Squadron, with a loss of 41 lives, and only 1 survivor.)

Crashed at Maxdorf, 10km WNW of Ludwigshafen. All are buried in Durnbach War Cemetery.

We have been in contact with Erik Wieman, WW2 researcher and he would be pleased to hear from family or contacts linked to this crew. His email is (remember to remove the XXX before sending an email)

Date of loss : 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R1789 (01-Apr-1942) BU-Q consisted of :

Sgt Sydney Burtwell DFM, 1172870, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 2 April 1942
Sgt Henry 'Harry' Downs, 616823, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 24
Sgt John Clifford Dunn, 1310826, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 26
Sgt Arthur Edwin Rees, 934390, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 2 April 1942
Sgt Kenneth Horace Tibbatts, 1256777, Navigator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 19
Sgt Peter Wood, 1310876, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 2 April 1942

Source : Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume and Diana Beach, niece of Sidney Burtwell and Helen Stunt, daughter of Henry Downs and John Bradford (website manager of Old Mercer Club) and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 8 January 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R1918 (29-Aug-1941)

Up: 20:35
Return: 02:10

The main target was Mannheim and owing to the clouds it was bombed on E.T.A. position by 360x 4lb incends and 3x 500lb bombs from 15,000 feet at 22:45hrs.
The incends were seen to explode but no results were observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R1918 (29-Aug-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R2476

On 7 December 1940 three crews were despatched half an hour ahead of the main force to act as pathfinders by locating and marking the target, Dusseldorf, with incendiaries. The weather was atrocious and Geoff Cole's aircraft lost both engines, falling several thousand feet before he was able to start them again. The other two 'pathfinder' aircraft, captained by **Flight Lieutenant Harris** and
Flying Officer Dadswell, were both lost.

Date of loss : 7 December 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R2476 consisted of :

Sgt Francis Thomas Buckingham, 758023, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940
Fg/Off David Allan Dadswell, 40367, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 26
Sgt William Henry James, 972478, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940
Sgt Edward Cooper Lee, 969132, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 28
Sgt John Cunningham Macaskie, 936778, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Charles Duncan Powrie, 745352, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 24

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2006

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I R2699 BU-

Took off from RAF Methwold on a training mission.

On final approach the aircraft went out of control and crashed in flames short of runway.

Crashed on the approach to Methwold aerodrome, Norfolk.

Date of loss : 13 December 1939

Crew of Wellington Mark I R2699 BU- consisted of :

Plt/Off William Leonard Colmer, 42473, Pilot, Royal Air Force, KIA 13 December 1939, Aged 25
Plt/Off Rex Alan Russell-Forbes, 41743, Pilot, Royal Air Force, KIA 13 December 1939, Aged 21
LAC John Thomas Warriner, 615941, Royal Air Force, KIA 13 December 1939, Aged 24

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2006 and Chorley and John Jones (Researcher) and Jock Whitehouse

Date record last updated : 5 April 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R2818 (06-Aug-1941)

Up: 20:40 hrs
Return: 03:50hrs

The point of aim was identified and 1x 1,000lb bomb, 3x 500lb bombs and 1x 250lb bomb dropped from 13,000 feet at 00:53 hrs. They were not seen to burst and results were not observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R2818 (06-Aug-1941) consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (12-Oct-1940)

Up 18:23hrs Back 00:32hrs.
Target was Berlin.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (12-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (14-Oct-1940)

Up 20:48 hrs Back 02:20 hrs.
Distributed "Deckers" before attacking target.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (14-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (16-Oct-1940)

Up 19:25hrs Back 02:14 hrs.
Target was Kiel to attack and bomb shipping.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (16-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (20-Oct-1940)

Up 17:44 hrs Back 22:17 hrs.
Target Gelsenkirchen.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (20-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (28-Oct-1940)

Raid on Kiel - changed to Cuxhaven

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (28-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, Pilot
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (05-Nov-1940)

The Operational Record Book records that the primary target of Emden was successfully attacked and fires were observed in the target area as aircraft were leaving.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (05-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Robert Charles Bishop, 653306, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Harold Wignell 'Boyk' Brook, 581316, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Stanley Charles Chester, 742972, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Plt/Off Edward Robert Matheson Pears, 84012, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 26
Sgt Albert Edward Taylor, 906563, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 20

Source : Richard Phillips (co author of Sway at war 1914-1945)

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (07-Nov-1940)

Target was the Krupps Works at Essen

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (07-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Robert Charles Bishop, 653306, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Harold Wignell 'Boyk' Brook, 581316, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Stanley Charles Chester, 742972, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Plt/Off Edward Robert Matheson Pears, 84012, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 26
Sgt Albert Edward Taylor, 906563, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 20

Source : Richard Williams (co author of Sway war Memorial 1914-1945)

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (13-Nov-1940)

Up 17:38 hrs Back 23:45 hrs.
This crew attacked dockyard at Wilhelmshaven. Two bursts were onserved but no incendiaries seen to ignite. The crew landed safely at Honington. Weather at base being unfit.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (13-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (17-Nov-1940)

Target was the Ruhr Valley.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (17-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Robert Charles Bishop, 653306, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Harold Wignell 'Boyk' Brook, 581316, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Stanley Charles Chester, 742972, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Plt/Off Edward Robert Matheson Pears, 84012, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 26
Sgt Albert Edward Taylor, 906563, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 20

Source : Richard Williams (co author of Sway War Memroial 1914-1945)

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (19-Dec-1940)

Up 23:08hrs Back 03:34hrs.
This crew set out for Gelsenkirchen but were unable to find a target owing to cloud. Bombs were brought back to base.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (19-Dec-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (21-Dec-1940)

This crew detailed to Attack Porto Marghera, (Venice) but failing to locate this, bombed a railway junction believed to be near Nurmberg.

Peter Doig Scott's Flying Log says :
Raid on Venice - changed to Germany. They ran out of oxygen crossing the Alps so rather than return to base they turned back across the Alps and bombed Germany instead.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (21-Dec-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sgt Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Wilkie

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (13-Jan-1941)

Raid on Milan - cancelled after take off

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (13-Jan-1941) consisted of :

Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Sgt Williams, Co-pilot

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C R3208 (09-May-1941)

Take off was at 22:22 hrs from Stradishall. Target was Hamburg.

The aircraft was presumed crashed in the sea. FS Browell was the only body found and is buried at Soltau in Becklingen War Cemetery.

Simon Dean recalls that his father told him they were flying over Hamburg and that Sgt Browell's body was found in the river there. Simon knows that the rest of the crew were never found, but their names are on the Runnymede Memorial.

This is believed to be a photograph of Wellington R3208 but no markings can be seen.

Sgt Alan Dean is 2nd from left. Can anyone identify who is who for the rest of the crew?
Date of loss : 9 May 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C R3208 (09-May-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Robert John Bennett, 908791, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 20
FS William Herbert Browell, 754853, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Sgt Alan Walter Dean, 926810, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 19
Sgt William James Stephen McGregor, 990467, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 24
Sgt Maxwell George Robertson, 1063077, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 24
Sgt John Leslie Smith, 748177, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 23

Source : Simon Dean (nephew of Sgt Alan Dean) and Nightjar Newsletter Autumn 2005 and Robert Macleod (nephew of Sgt Robertson) and Chorley

Date record last updated : 28 December 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington R3209 BU-H

Date of loss : 7 December 1940.

Took off at 17:40 on 7 December 1940 from Stradishall Suffolk, half and hour before the main force to act as a pathfinder by locating and marking the target, Dusseldorf with incendiaries. The weather was atrocious and the flight failed to return. Lost without trace. 6 killed. Flt/Lt Harris's body was washed ashore on the French coast where he is buried at Oye-Plage (Pas de Calais).

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3209 BU-H consisted of :

Sgt Arthur Charles Ashman, 906102, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 19
Flt/Lt Wilfred Arthur Harris, 33256, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 24
Sgt William Desmond Ingrams, 759238, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940
Sgt Richard Francis Stacey, 654662, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Phillip James White, 956165, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940
Sgt Alan Asquith Wooding, 745040, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 27

Source Ian Hunt and CWGC

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (05-Nov-1940)

Up 18:03 hrs Back 22:11hrs.
Attacked and bombed petroleum sheds at Emden, their secondary targets. Large fires and explosions were observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (05-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 10 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (23-Mar-1941)

Take off 19:42
Returned 22:45

Operations to Berlin. This aircraft took off at 19:42 hrs. owing to I.F.F. and W.T. going U.S.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (23-Mar-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Barr
Sgt Kershaw
Sgt Albert Livesey, 970744, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 May 1941, Aged 19
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Parker
Sgt Walker

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (14-Jul-1941)

Up : 23:25
Down : 02:25

Attacked docks and shipping at Rotterdam between 00:40 and 01:10 hrs. from 12,000 ft., dropping 120 x 4 lb. incendiaries and 6 x 500. Bombs are believed to have dropped on the Oil Refineries, but no results were observed except a red glow as the aircraft crossed the Dutch Coast.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (14-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Klassen
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt Simson
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 3 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (17-Jul-1941)

Up : 23:35
Down : 04:35

The main target was attacked with seven 500lbs from 15,000 ft between 01:20 and 01:30hrs. The bombs were seen to burst and are believed to have fallen about one mile E. of point of aim. No definite results were observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (17-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Klassen
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt Simson
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 3 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (20-Jul-1941)

Up : 22:45
Down : 03:45

Could not recognise main target but bombed on E.T.A. Flak and bomb bursts with 360 four lbs and three 500 lbs from 15,000 ft at 00:46 to 01:05 hrs. Bombs were seen to burst but no definite results were observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (20-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Klassen
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt Simson
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 3 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (23-Jul-1941)

Up : 23:10
Down : 04:20

The main target was identified by three fires already burning. 1 x 1,000 lbs., 3 x 500 lbs. and 1 x 250 lbs. were droppedbetween 01:06 and 01:30 hrs. from 13,000 feet. No results were seen, but a good fire was observed E. of point of aim.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (23-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Klassen
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt Simson
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 3 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (25-Jul-1941)

Up : 22:19
Down : 05:10

No fires were seen on arrival but the Alster (river) was identified. 360 four lbs and one 250 lbs were dropped at 1:20 to 01:30 hrs from 13,000 ft, and were seen to burst and are believed to have fallen about one mile N. of point of aim. The incends appeared to start several fires.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) R3233 (25-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Gibbons, Front Gunner
Sgt James Jordan, Observer
Sgt Klassen
Sgt Nicholls
Sgt Simson
Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 3 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2470 BU-K

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2470 BU-K

© IWM (CH 1416)
Maintenance staff overhaul damaged Vickers Wellington Mark IC, T2470 'BU-K', of No. 214 Squadron RAF, in a C-type hangar at Stradishall, Suffolk.
Click on the image for a larger version on the IWM website.

Wellington T2470 of 214 Squadron being towed into a hanger at Stradishall

On 27 September 1940 the target was Ostend invasion barges.

On 07 October 1940 the target was Calais barge concentrations.

On 12 October 1940 the target was Bitterfeld north of Leipzig.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2470 BU-K consisted of :

Fg/Off David Allan Dadswell, 40367, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 26
Flt/Lt Wilfred Arthur Harris, 33256, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 24
Wg/Cdr (Acting) Keith Walter Kaufmann DFC and Bar, 39464, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : Australian

Source : Ian Hunt and Richard Williams (co author of Sway war Memorial 1914-1945) and Richard Maddox (researcher) and Imperial War Museum

Date record last updated : 17 March 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2470 (30-Aug-1940)

Raid on Berlin - Siemens Electrical Works

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2470 (30-Aug-1940) consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Heather
Wg/Cdr (Acting) Keith Walter Kaufmann DFC and Bar, 39464, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : Australian
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2470 (02-Sep-1940)

Raid on Black Forest

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2470 (02-Sep-1940) consisted of :

Wg/Cdr (Acting) Keith Walter Kaufmann DFC and Bar, 39464, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : Australian
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2470 (28-Oct-1940) BU-K

The target was Kiel.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2470 (28-Oct-1940) BU-K consisted of :

Sgt Robert Charles Bishop, 653306, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Harold Wignell 'Boyk' Brook, 581316, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Stanley Charles Chester, 742972, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Sgt Albert Edward Taylor, 906563, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 20
Sgt Gilbert Ernest Turner, 745245, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 23

Source : Richard Williams (joint author of Sway at War 1914-1945)

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2470 (05-Nov-1940) BU-K

The aircraft took off from Stradishall at 17:50hrs. While approaching base in readiness to land, another Wellington cut across the flight path of T2470, causing Sgt Turner to lose control and the Wellington dived into the ground at 22:15hrs near Denston, 1 mile east of Stradishall airfield Sussex.

Date of loss : 5 November 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2470 (05-Nov-1940) BU-K consisted of :

Sgt Andrew William Hay, 519077, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940
Sgt Edward Kenny, 968455, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Charles McCulloch, 745703, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 22
Sgt Thomas Henry Sansum, 902416, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Gilbert Ernest Turner, 745245, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 23
Sgt Stanley Allan Wormald, 758099, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 20

Source : Roger Sansum (nephew of Thomas Henry Sansum) and Chorley

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2471 BU-?

On 23 November 1940 Wellington 1c T2471, Code BU-? Took off at 17.00 hrs from Stradishall on an op to Berlin and dissappeared without a trace. Possibly lost over the coast of Holland.

The ORB states "This crew set out to bomb the Chancellory at Berlin, since when nothing has been heard of them"

All crew members were reported missing, and subsequently listed as KIA .
The notes just say: "Lost without trace". It's therefore quite likely that the crew were either shot down over the sea or otherwise had to ditch into it.

The names of this crew are perpetuated on the "Runnymede Memorial"

"Luftwaffe Night Fighter Combat Claims 1939-1945" which lists German claims of allied aircraft shot down states that 3 aircraft were claimed shot down on the night of 23-24 November 1940, two of which were Wellingtons. The details given are as follows:

1) Wellington, 80km west of Scheveningen, 6.30 pm, by Hptm (Captain) Karl Hulshoff of 3.NJG2
2) Wellington, 50km west of Scheveningen, 6.40 pm, by Fw (Sergeant) Heinz Struning of 1.NJG2.

Martin Middlebrook's book on RAF Bomber Command states that two aircraft were lost on this night - 2 Wellingtons - so it is likely one of these two as noted above was T2471. Both being "west of Scheveningen" (on the Dutch coast by The Hague) were intercepted well out over the North Sea and (from the time of the claims) would have been incoming on their way towards Germany.

Date of loss : 23 November 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2471 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Robert Charles Bishop, 653306, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Harold Wignell 'Boyk' Brook, 581316, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Stanley Charles Chester, 742972, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Plt/Off Edward Robert Matheson Pears, 84012, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 26
Sgt Albert Edward Taylor, 906563, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 20

Source : Ian Hunt and W R Chorley's book 'RAF Bomber Command Losses 1939-1940' and Luftwaffe Night Fighter Combat Claims 1939-1945

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2476 BU-X

Wellington (model unknown) T2476 (29-Nov-1940) BU-X

Target was Cologne West Bank industrial port . No results seen due to cloud cover.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2476 (29-Nov-1940) BU-X consisted of :

Sgt Francis Thomas Buckingham, 758023, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940
Fg/Off David Allan Dadswell, 40367, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 26

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2542

Wellington Mark I C T2542 (09-Jan-1941) BU-J

Target : Gelsenkirchen (Oil Refinery). Failed to reach the English coast: rear gunner's intercom failed. Brought bombs back. Landed with undercarriage retracted. Crew all OK. Op duration 18.03 to 18.33.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2542 (09-Jan-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt William Herbert Browell, 754853, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2542 (20-Oct-1940) BU-J

Raid on Gelsenkirchen oil refineries

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2542 (20-Oct-1940) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, Pilot
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2542 (09-Apr-1941) BU-J

Take off 20.25hrs

On 9 April 1941, on a raid to Kiel, the aircraft was shot down over the target, with the complete loss of this crew. All are buried in Kiel War Cemetery.

Mervyn Leyshon had previously been the skipper of some of this crew at No 1 OTU (Bassingbourn).
Mervyn left Bassingbourn ahead of the rest of this crew to transfer to 214 Squadron Stradishall for operational experience.

Date of loss : 9 April 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2542 (09-Apr-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Richard Brown, 944326, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 April 1941, Aged 22
Sgt James Clark Cattell, 40932, Observer, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 9 April 1941, Aged 21
Sgt John Philip Cusworth, 745758, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 April 1941, Aged 22
Sgt Cornelius Matthew Flinders Hitchcock, 904310, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 April 1941
Sgt Alexander John McHardy, 973376, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 April 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Douglas Cyril 'Ging' Rowland, 910608, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 April 1941, Aged 21

Source : Nightjar Newsletter and Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon) and Gary Cusworth (relative of Sgt Cusworth)

Date record last updated : 8 October 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2559

Memorial at Halle in The Netherlands

Please see the following documents created by Bennie Eenink.
The story behind the British war graves in Halle (NL) T2559 by Bennie Eenink
The pictures of the story behind the British war graves in Halle (NL) T2559 by Bennie Eenink

Date of loss : 30 August 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2559 consisted of :

Sgt George Henry Bainbridge, 581078, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940, Aged 29
Fg/Off Lionel Montague Craigie-Halkett, 39066, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940
Plt/Off Wilfred Bertram Stuart Cunynghame, 41560, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940, Aged 22
Sgt Sydney John Haldane, 551723, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940, Aged 19
Sgt George Edward Merryweather, 547673, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940, Aged 20
Sgt Arthur Burnham Puzey, 755485, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940, Aged 20

Source : Bennie Eenink and Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2006 and Chorley

Date record last updated : 31 December 2014

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2562

Wellington (model unknown) T2562 (10-Oct-1940)

Raid on Hanover oil refineries

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2562 (10-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, Pilot
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2562 (01-Nov-1940)

They were enroute to operations over Berlin but due to high fuel consumption of the Wellington they changed their target to Osnabruck

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2562 (01-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Alan M Brown, Pilot
Plt/Off Edward Robert Matheson Pears, 84012, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 26
Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2708 BU-N

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (01-Nov-1940) BU-N

Up 17:38 hrs Back 20:56 hrs.
This crew set out for Berlin but engine trouble compelled them to return shortly after crossing the Dutch Coast. Finding no suitable target they brought their bombs back.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (01-Nov-1940) BU-N consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Plt/Off Hayward
Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (29-Nov-1940) BU-N

Target was Cologne West Bank industrial port. No results seen due to cloud cover.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (29-Nov-1940) BU-N consisted of :

Sgt Elder, Co-pilot
Sgt E F Fry, Pilot

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (13-Mar-1941) BU-N

Target : Hamburg (Shipyards?). Bombed the "Main Target" and all bombs fell in the target area. Op duration 19.45 to 02.25.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (13-Mar-1941) BU-N consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (23-Mar-1941) BU-N

Target : Berlin. Bombed at 23.18 to 23.33 from 10,500 ft but no results seen due to haze and evasive action. Op duration 19.55 to 04.10.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2708 (23-Mar-1941) BU-N consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 BU-D

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (25-Oct-1940)

Operation to Hamburg. Take off 18:29hrs and returned at 00:17hrs.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (25-Oct-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Robert Charles Bishop, 653306, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Harold Wignell 'Boyk' Brook, 581316, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 25
Sgt Stanley Charles Chester, 742972, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 21
Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28
Sgt Albert Edward Taylor, 906563, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 20
Sgt Gilbert Ernest Turner, 745245, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940, Aged 23

Source : Richard Williams (co author of Sway War Memorial 1914-1945)

Date record last updated : 22 August 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (13-Nov-1940) BU-D

Take off 17:29
Returned 23:25

This crew attacked their main target, an oil refinery at Hanover. Bursts were seen in target area followed by fires and vivid explosions. The crew returned safely and landed at Honington, the weather at Base being unfit.

From Left to Right
Sgt W G Cole - Pilot
Sgt F C Meadows - 2nd Pilot
Plt/Off K Falconer - Navigator
Sgt McNight - Air Gunner
Sgt Platt - Air Gunner
Sgt Hunter - Air Gunner

This crew was together for 7 Missions on 13, 15, 17, 19, 23 and 29 November 1940 and 7 December 1940. The crew were then split up.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (13-Nov-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : 214 Squadron ORB and Dan Stephens

Date record last updated : 28 August 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (15-Nov-1940) BU-D

Take off 18:19
Returned 23:35

This crew set out for Hamburg but owing to weather conditions attacked and bombed Schipol aerodrome before returning safely to Base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (15-Nov-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (17-Nov-1940) BU-D

Take off 17:17
Returned 20:40

This was one of two crews who attacked their primary target at Gelsenkirchen. No definite results were observed owing to cloud. Both crews returned safely to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (17-Nov-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (19-Nov-1940) BU-D

Take off 00:08
Returned 04:46

This crew attacked Bremen Marshalling Yard. No results observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (19-Nov-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (23-Nov-1940) BU-D

Take off 17:16
Returned 23:30

This was one of two crews who successfully attacked and bombed Marshalling Yards Putlitzstrasse and Lohrtar? causing fires and explosions. They returned safely to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (23-Nov-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (29-Nov-1940) BU-D

Take off 19:17
Returned 22:59

This was one of six crews who all found their primary target, the west bank industrial port of Cologne and successfully bombed it. Definite results could not be observed owing to the amount of cloud. All returned safely to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (29-Nov-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (07-Dec-1940) BU-D

Take off 17:15
Returned 22:05

This was one of five crews who successfully bombed their main target, the blast furnaces at Dusseldorf. All returned safely to base.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (07-Dec-1940) BU-D consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Plt/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt Hunter
Sgt McKnight
Sgt Frederick Charles 'Freddie' or 'FC' Meadows Air Crew Europe star, 39-45 star, War and Defence Medal, Non Com 742555 Com 147965, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British
Sgt Platt

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 November 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (12-Mar-1941) BU-D

Peter Waite writes :
A particularly important mission recorded in his Father's logbook was on 12th March 1941 when the squadron bombed Berlin and Sq/Ldr (Acting Wing Commander) Sharp took the plane to 0 ft to machine gun searchlights who were picking out following crews, he was awarded the DFC. This event is recorded in several newspaper cuttings that my father kept with his logbook until his death in March 2007.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (12-Mar-1941) BU-D consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Sharp DFC, Pilot
Flt/Lt J H Waite, 87654, Observer / Bomb Aimer

Source : Peter Waite (son of Flt/Lt J H Waite)

Date record last updated : 8 March 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2800

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2800 (07-Dec-1940)

Up 17:18hrs Back 22:11hrs.
Successfully bombed their main target, the blast furnaces at Dusseldorf.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2800 (07-Dec-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Albert Robert Newitt
Plt/Off Harold Johnstone 'Jock' Paterson DFC, 83712 / 745714 / 742714, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 20 April 1941
Sqn/Ldr Alfred Howard 'Pug' or 'Sniffer' Smythe DFC AFC DSO, 37563, Pilot
Plt/Off Spry
Sgt Walker
Sgt Wilkie

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (19-Dec-1940)

Cross country flight and air firing practice at Cardigan Bay.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (19-Dec-1940) consisted of :

Sgt Chapman
Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot

Source : 214 Squadron Summary of Events

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (04-Feb-1941)

Up 18:30 Returned 23:50hrs

Attacked main target at BREST (HIPPER CLASS CRUISER). Large red fire and thick black smoke seen.

Returned safely.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (04-Feb-1941) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt George McKeand DFC DSO, 101511, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt Taylor
Sgt White

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (10-Feb-1941)

Flight up 21:13hrs. Returned 02:47hrs. Target was Hannover.

High level bombing. Fires were seen on arrival and bombs seen to burst.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (10-Feb-1941) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt Taylor
Sgt White
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (14-Feb-1941)

Up 19:01hrs. Return 23:30hrs. Target Gelsenkirchen.

Aircraft made a shallow dive from 9,000 ft to 6,000 ft. A small fire was seen. Further attack on flarepath 51.43N 04.07E

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (14-Feb-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Cotton
Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt Taylor
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (23-Feb-1941)

Fom L - R : FS Kitchin, Sgt I K Woodroffe, Sgt A S Patterson, Sgt Smith, Sgt D Paterson, Sgt Taylor

Up 02:31hrs Returned 07:55hrs.

Target was Hipper Class Cruiser near Brest. Owing to bad weather the operation was a complete failure. Returned with bombs. Landed at Mildenhall.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (23-Feb-1941) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt D Paterson
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt Taylor
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB and Photo donated by Colin Ford (Photo collector)

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (01-Mar-1941)

Up 00:68hrs Returned 05:24hrs. Target Wilhelmshaven.

On arrival a flare was seen which lit up the target basin. They used the light to aim for the target. Target attacked from 6000 ft, dropping 6 x 500lb bombs. No results were seen but pilot thought the South side of basin was hit.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (01-Mar-1941) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt D Paterson
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt Taylor
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2819 (14-Mar-1941)

Up 19:40hrs Return 01:42hrs. Target was Hamburg.

Crew attacked docks at Hamburg. They were unable to see point "B" owing to search light activity and flak. Bombs caused 6 white explosions and one very good fire which was visible for over 50 miles.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2819 (14-Mar-1941) consisted of :

Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt D Paterson
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt Taylor
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2841 BU-K

Wellington Mark I C T2841 (29-Nov-1940) BU-K

Target was Boulogne

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2841 (29-Nov-1940) BU-K consisted of :

Flt/Lt Aubrey Edward Henderson Cattle, Pilot
Sgt Williams, Co-pilot

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 19 April 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2841 (15-Jan-1941) BU-K

Target : Wilhelmshaven. (Or T2871, in ORB?). Op duration 20.07 to 00.56.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2841 (15-Jan-1941) BU-K consisted of :

Sgt William Herbert Browell, 754853, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 25
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2841 (29-Jan-1941) BU-K

Take off 03:02 hrs from Stradishall on a mission to Wilhelmshaven. As the bomber left the ground with a full bomb load the port engine failed and the Wellington sank back onto the runway and burst in to flames. Fortunately none of the crew lost their lives. Padre Harrison (Squadron Chaplain) who was nearby was one of the first to reach the scene of the accident and, despite the risk of explosion, he was instrumental in saving the lives of the crew. For this great heroism he was awarded the George Medal.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2841 (29-Jan-1941) BU-K consisted of :

Sgt M 'Jinx' Elelman, Rear Gunner
Sgt H Foster, Navigator / Observer
Sgt Rothorn
Sgt Humphrey John Drummond Smiles DFM, 103535, Pilot
Sgt J R Turner, Front Gunner
Sgt Turner

Source : Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon) and Chorley

Date record last updated : 30 April 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington T2850 BU-K

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 18 August 1941.

Source : Liam Venner

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2893

Take off from Stradishall. During the flight they experienced an engine failure and could not maintain height. At 01:10hrs the plane struck some trees and crashed and caught fire near Elmdon, Essex, England. Two of the airmen died in the crash and three other crewmen sustained varying types of injuries. One survived un-injured.

National Archives AIR81/4416 names all the crew members and notes that the aircaft was serving with Reserve Squadron at RAF Stradishall on the date of the crash. list this crew as 214 Squadron ME Flight. quotes :

"The pilot, Sqn Ldr B J McGinn, a highly experienced pilot with more than 4200 hours to his credit, was from 70 Sqn based in Egypt and was one of the pilots of this squadron who went to Britain to collect the first Wellingtons with which the squadron was re-equipping. He had flown one operation with 214 Sqn on the 14th, a raid to Schiphol airfield. The destination of this flight was to Luqa, Malta".

This is described by Duncan Wood who remembers :
"I was only 6 at the time and I slept through the crash itself, even though I was sleeping on that side of the house. My mother woke me and I remember the room being filled with light and the yard was filled with an assortment of folk - firemen, RAF personnel etc.
According to the Pilot of T2893 who spoke to my parents they were on a "secret mission to Cairo". He thought "the plane had been sabotaged as he couldn’t gain height". The Navigator said he thought "they were running into cloud", but realized that could not be possible and "that they were actually crashing into trees".

There are speculations on that the aircraft was on a special mission, either to Malta, or to Cairo via Malta.
There are also mentions that the aircraft could have been sabotaged.

NONE of these speculations have been proven.

Date of loss : 30 November 1940

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2893 consisted of :

Sgt Claude Horace Bain, 401220, Air Gunner, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 30 November 1940, Aged 23
Sgt A D Brisbane, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sgt R D F Clarke, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sqn/Ldr B J McGinn, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Plt/Off J A Parker, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Sgt John Raggenbass, 971156, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 November 1940, Aged 21

Source : Chorley and CWGC and Jock Whitehouse (214 Squadron Historian) and Edith Pattison (friend of a family member of John Raggenbass) and National Archives AIR81/4416 and Duncan Wood and and and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2918 (14-Jul-1941)

On 14 July 1941 R1613, R1614, R1341 and T2918 took off from Stradishall at 23:15hrs on a mission to Bremen. Return 01:20hrs.

Of the four aircraft sent by 214 Squadron this night, two returned to base which ultimately saved them from the disaster that lay ahead. T2918 piloted by Sgt Gwilliam returned claiming engine trouble.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2918 (14-Jul-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Binge
Sgt Cooper
Sgt Gwilliam, Pilot
Sgt Heppenstall
Sgt Sheed
FS Alexander Robert Vint, 915640, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2956 BU-?

Air test. Believed to have iced up while flying in cloud and crashed 12:40 at Great Wratting, 2 miles NNE of Haverhill, Suffolk. Plt/Off Walker was on the strength of 38 Squadron, a unit that had moved recently to the Middle East.

All the crew perished in the crash and were interred in their home towns, apart from Sergeant (Air Gunner) Archibald S. Roberts from Glasgow who lies in Haverhill Cemetery, Suffolk.

Date of loss : 8 January 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2956 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Ronald Cain, 638553, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 January 1941, Aged 20
Sgt William Edward Griswold, 654640, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 January 1941, Aged 22
Sgt Peter Robert Peart, 740666, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 January 1941, Aged 26
Sgt Archibald Sinclair Roberts, 746816, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 January 1941, Aged 32
Plt/Off Tom Eric Timmins, 79164, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 January 1941, Aged 24
Plt/Off Charles Norman Walker, 78863, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 January 1941, Aged 29

Source : Chorley and Kim Bucknole (nephew of Plt/Off Tom Eric Timmins)

Date record last updated : 22 June 2018

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2992 BU-J

Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (15-Mar-1941) BU-J

Target : Lorient (U-Boat Base). Attacked alternative target (Brest) due to thick haze at Lorient. Bombed at 22.18 from 11,000 ft. 6 x 500 lb bombs dropped in the dock area. Landed St Eval and returned to Stradishall next day. Op duration 19.05 to 00.34.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (15-Mar-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (21-Mar-1941) BU-J

Target : Lorient? (U-Boat Base). (No a/c details in ORB). Attacked the "main target" between 21.35 and 22.00 from 10,500 ft. 13 x 250 lb bombs. No results seen.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (21-Mar-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (27-Mar-1941) BU-J

Target : Cologne. Bombed at 23.13 from 10,000 ft. Op duration 20.25 to 00.(36?)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (27-Mar-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (30-Mar-1941) BU-J

Target : Bremen. Failed to locate main target so attacked Oldenburg [to west, between Bremen and Emden]. Bombed at 22.40 from 13,000 ft. Op duration 20.04 to 01.32.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (30-Mar-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (03-Apr-1941) BU-J

Target : Brest (Warships). Bombed at 22.19 from 10,500 ft. Fires seen to be started. Op duration 19.05 to 00.55.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (03-Apr-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (22-Apr-1941) BU-J

Target : Brest (Warships). Bombed the "main target" at 22.30 to 23.00, from 11,000 ft. Nothing seen on arrival. RG saw fire blaze up for 15 mins, then die down again as a/c left. Op duration 20.00 to 01.25.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (22-Apr-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Jones, Co-pilot
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (04-May-1941) BU-J

Target : Brest (The cruisers 'Scharnhorst' and 'Gneisenau'). Bombed at 23.47 to 00.29 from 10,000 ft. No results observed. Op duration 21.15 to 03.20. (Note P/O Didsbury is also shown as flying with Sgt Parker in R1376).

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (04-May-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Didsbury, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (06-May-1941) BU-J

Target : Hamburg. Unable to identify target: 10/10 cloud, so bombed flak concentration at Bremen at 01.42 from 12,000 ft. Op duration 22.15 to 05.00.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (06-May-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Didsbury, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (08-May-1941) BU-J

Target : Hamburg. Unable to locate main target so bombed Husum at 01.50 from 12,500 to 11,000 ft, resulting in a large fire with a large explosion seen in the northern part of the fire. Op duration 22.10 to 04.35.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (08-May-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Didsbury, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (09-May-1941) BU-J

Target : Mannheim. Bombed at 01.35 from 12,000 ft. Op duration 22.35 to 04.20.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (09-May-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Didsbury, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (11-May-1941) BU-J

Target : Hamburg (Shipping). Bombed at 01.38 to 02.00 from 15,000 ft but no results seen due to evasive action. Op duration 22.37 to 04.55.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (11-May-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Didsbury, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (16-May-1941) BU-J

Target : Cologne. Bombed at 00.54 to 01.10 from 13,000 ft causing fires with red explosions and volumes of white smoke. Op duration 22.30 to 04.30.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (16-May-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Didsbury, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Plt/Off Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (07-Jun-1941) BU-J

Target : Brest (The 'Prinz Eugen'). Took off 22.25. Landed Upavon, 04.00.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (07-Jun-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Nicholls, Co-pilot
Flt/Lt Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (12-Jun-1941) BU-J

Target : Hamm (Marshalling Yards). Unable to identify target so bombed flak at Dortmund, from 12,000 ft at 01.40. No bursts seen, but 4 fires visible. Op duration 23.30 to 03.55.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (12-Jun-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Nicholls, Co-pilot
Flt/Lt Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (16-Jun-1941) BU-J

Target : No details given. Cologne?. Bombed at 01.40 to 01.46 from 14,500 ft. No results seen due to evasive action. Scattered fires seen between Cologne and the target area. Op duration 23.40 to 03.40.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2992 (16-Jun-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Sgt Nicholls, Co-pilot
Flt/Lt Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C T2992 (07-Jul-1941) BU-J


Airborne 22:04hrs on 7 July 1941 from Stradishall. Operation to Cologne.
Crashed at Genk-Bodem (Limburg), Belgium. All those that died are buried in As-en-Campine Communal cemetery.There was only one survivor, Sgt Roughton, who was taken POW.

Date of loss : 7 July 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C T2992 (07-Jul-1941) BU-J consisted of :

Plt/Off Donald Noel Robert Armstrong, 400009, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 7 July 1941, Aged 28
Sgt Arthur Evans, 1106238, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 July 1941, Aged 21
Fg/Off Reginald Maurice Peter Jenkyns, 76584, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 July 1941, Aged 25
Sgt Edward Henry King, 918289, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 July 1941, Aged 23
Plt/Off John McAnally, 62291, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 July 1941, Aged 23
Sgt G F Roughton, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 7 July 1941

Source : Chorley and grave photograph by Ivo Swinnen of As, Belgium

Date record last updated : 1 June 2013

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) T2998

Wellington (model unknown) T2998 (23-May-1941)

Target : Cologne. Bombed at 01.50 to 02.05 from 11,000 ft. No results observed due to low cloud and ground haze. Op duration 00.10 to 04.25.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) T2998 (23-May-1941) consisted of :

Sgt Nicholls, Co-pilot
Flt/Lt Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5442 BU-V

© IWM (CH 3944)

Wellington Mark II, W5442 BU-V Sri Guroh, of No. 214 Squadron RAF, at Stradishall, Suffolk. Behind W5442 is a Wellington Mark IC, BU-Q Kuala Lumpur. Both aircraft were presented to the RAF by the Federated Malay States.

Click on the image for a larger version on the IWM website.

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 29/9/1941

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) W5442 BU-V consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Liam Venner and Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field) and Richard Maddox (researcher) and Imperial War Museum

Date record last updated : 17 March 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5442 (22-Aug-1941) BU-V

Up: 23:20 hours
Return: 05:20 hours

After trying to locate Mannheim the search was abandoned owing to thick clouds but 1x 400lb bomb was dropped on Hanau from 12,000 feet at 02:00 hrs, starting a good visible fire for 40 miles.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) W5442 (22-Aug-1941) BU-V consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5442 (27-Aug-1941) BU-V

Up: 21:00 hrs
Return: 03:55 hrs

Aircraft made a dive attack on the main target from 10,000 feet to 4,800 feet at 22:55 hrs. 1x 4000lb bomb was dropped but was not seen to burst and no results were observed due to search light activity.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) W5442 (27-Aug-1941) BU-V consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5442 (31-Aug-1941) BU-V

Up: 20:40 hrs
Return: 01:40 hrs

Dropped 1x 4,000lb bomb from 15,000 feet on E.T.A. position and flak at 22:35hrs. Bomb was seen to burst but no other results.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) W5442 (31-Aug-1941) BU-V consisted of :

Sgt John Valentine 'Swanee' Swan War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Aircrew Europe Star, J27753, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Lynn Mortimer (daughter of Flt/Lt John Valentine Swan)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5450

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark II W5450 (03-Jun-1941) BU-?

Attack on Berlin
Take off 22:20hrs from Stradishall.
On return the aircraft stalled and crashed at 06:00hrs at Mile End Farm, Hartest, 7 miles SSW of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England. The bomber collided with trees. There was no fire. One crew member was hurt. The crew returned to base riding in a farmer's cart.

Date of loss : 3 June 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark II W5450 (03-Jun-1941) BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Godfrey Allenby Douglas Cotton, 945560, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 24 June 1941, Aged 23
Sgt William R Crofts
Plt/Off Colin McDougall Didsbury, 401259, Pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 7 August 1941, Aged 23
Fg/Off Keith James 'Blondie' Falconer DFC and MID, 84730, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 8 September 1941, Aged 33
Sgt A N Jones
Wg/Cdr Richard Bowen Jordan KCB DFC, 16076, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force

Source : Chorley and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark II W5452 BU-U

Operation to Berlin. Take off was at 19:24hrs from Stradishall.

After a successful mission there was a heavy fog at Stradishall, the plane was low on fuel and diverted to RAF Manston.

The pilot, Pilot Officer Abrey, tried to do an emergency landing at RAF Manston but the aircraft crashed into trees. Five crew members were killed and one (Pilot Officer White) was injured.

Date of loss : 21 September 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark II W5452 BU-U consisted of :

Plt/Off Cyril William Abrey, 69490, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 21 September 1941, Aged 26
Sgt John Aitken, 953705, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 21 September 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Ivan John Green, 1154443, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 21 September 1941
Sgt Laurence Douglas Kissack, 1169259, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 21 September 1941, Aged 26
Plt/Off John Benjamin Ruston, J/15002, Air Observer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 21 September 1941
Plt/Off White

Source : Chorley and Mike Tallis and Chorley and Mike Tallis and Sarah Lee (researcher/teacher from Trinity School)

Date record last updated : 5 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5542

No further information available yet.

Source : Unknown

Date record last updated : 10 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) W5713 BU-B

Wellington (model unknown) W5713 (18-Jun-1941) BU-B

Target : Brest (The 'Scharnhorst'). Bombed the estimated position of the ship from 15,000 ft at 01.1(8?) and 01.50. No results observed.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) W5713 (18-Jun-1941) BU-B consisted of :

Sgt Nicholls, Co-pilot
Flt/Lt Walter Ronald Nisbett Sturdy DFC and Bar, 42906, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Ian Hunt

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) X3206 BU-R

The crew of this aircraft was returning from bombing Berlin when they had to fight for 3 hours against flames in their aircraft. Their own incendiaries had been set alight by flak and they could not jettison them. They were a target for every gun and night fighter.
Finally the aircraft struggled across the coast. Five minutes later it ran out of petrol and dived into the sea.
When the bomber hit the sea it's fire damaged back was broken and it sunk less than a minute after hitting the sea. Fortunately all of the crew managed to escape and spent the next two and a half days in a dinghy.
The pilot had one leg injured and his face was badly cut when he was thrown against his instrument panels as the aircraft hit the sea.
The others had been able to prepare themselves for a crash landing.
They drifted towards the Isle of Wight where they were finally taken ashore at Ventnor, exhausted.
Rescue site: Steel Bay, Bonchurch, Ventnor, IOW.

Letter written by Arthur Adsett, Special Constable, sent to and transcribed by Roy Adsett. 12 February 1978 :

"I had been with the Police Rescue Party to help save the crew of five from a Wellington Bomber which had been over Berlin and come down in flames in the North Sea and drifted three days and nights in a rubber dingy. The crew of five were drifted down the channel till the tide turned them round near our lighthouse about a mile from Ventnor.
I was called out of the shop (men’s outfitters) and got into my uniform (Special Constable) and commandeered the District Nurse’s car to take myself and one of my men to Bonchurch, and with others we managed to save them all, very exhausted and too weak to paddle the dingy. Ercolani was the Pilot Officer in charge and was the only one slightly injured.
It turned out that he was under the chap Dudley, Sqn Leader, (full name unknown) my pal in the Pub, and I said to Dudley, I believed on another mission Ercolani was killed. He said he wasn’t but he did not know about him being saved off Ventnor so I told him I had all the details and gen about the rescue in my scrap book (since lost) but I would write the details out for him if he liked, but 10 of the rescuers are now dead (1978) from old age and I am one of the few who were there at Steel Bay to help.
So he said Ercolani is still alive and now has a factory for furniture (‘Ercol’) at ‘Wycombe’ He got in touch by phone, sent my gen up to him and he came down to Cowes to see Dudley, but I did not go to Cowes as I knew I could not bear the strain of too much to drink."

Date of loss : 7 November 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X3206 BU-R consisted of :

Flt/Lt Lucian Brett Ercolani DSO DFC, Pilot
Sgt Fry
Sgt Hamilton
Sgt Holdsworth
Sgt McLennan
Sgt Weller

Source : Colin Burningham and Simon Esplen and Chorley and Ron Stilwell

Date record last updated : 14 March 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) X3233 BU-N

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 15 November 1941.

Source : Liam Venner

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9750 BU-?

Take off was from Stradishall. The operation was to Mannheim. Aircraft and crew lost without trace and all are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.

Date of loss : 7 August 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9750 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Robert Gordon Burnett, 1053569, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 August 1941
Sgt William John Vincent 'Jack' Crowsley, 986890, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 August 1941, Aged 33
Plt/Off Colin McDougall Didsbury, NZ401259, Pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 7 August 1941, Aged 23
Sgt Norman Evans Mills, 1113963, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 August 1941
Sgt Edgar James Page, 1050934, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 August 1941, Aged 26
Plt/Off Gerald Daniel Edward Stack, J/3119, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 7 August 1941

Source : Chorley and CWGC and John Crowsley

Date record last updated : 10 October 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9752 BU-?

Transit operation. Crashed 1 mile S of Oakington airfield, Cambridgeshire. It is believed the bomber, which had landed at Driffield three days previous following operations to Emden, suffered engine failure while flying at 500 feet in poor visibility.

According to Chorley Sgt Stewart was injured and all the other crew were killed.

Date of loss : 29 November 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9752 BU-? consisted of :

Plt/Off Alan Hedges Barford, 102076, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 November 1941
Sgt Samuel James Miller, 1180027, Pilot / Qualified Flying Instructor, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 November 1941, Aged 30
Sgt Thomas Albert Quinn, 623852, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 November 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Arthur Dexter Southall, 959543, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 November 1941, Aged 23
Sgt Stewart
Sgt Robert Gordon Clifford Walton, 1177185, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 November 1941, Aged 21

Source : Chorley

Date record last updated : 30 October 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9758 BU-G

Take off was from Sradishall at 20.00 hrs on 1 April 1942.

The target was Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low-level attacks on railway targets. (Z9758 in ORB).

Attacked the railway at Heidelberg, bombing just short of the station, from 2,500 ft at 23.10 hrs. Debris thrown up and fell into the river. Searchlight and machine gun posts were fired on.

Flight returned at 4am.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9758 BU-G consisted of :

Gp/Capt D A Boyle, Pilot
Plt/Off Gasper, Co-pilot

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 14 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9762 BU-T

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 27 September 1941.

Source : Liam Venner

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9762 (12-Oct-1941) BU-?

214 Squadron ORB states aircraft is X9979. Chorley and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock quote X9762

Operation was to Nuremberg. Take off 19:31hrs from Stradishall.

Date of loss : 12 October 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9762 (12-Oct-1941) BU-? consisted of :

Sgt H R Boyd, Royal Canadian Air Force, POW 12 October 1941
WO Charles Walter Heathman, 1378655, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 19 April 1945, Aged 38, POW 12 October 1941
Sgt J A Key, POW 12 October 1941
Sgt C W G King, POW 12 October 1941
Sgt R Mutch, POW 12 October 1941
Sgt A Saxton, POW 12 October 1941

Source : Chorley and 214 Squadron ORB and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 30 October 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9884 BU-?

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9884 (29-Sep-1941) BU-?

Take off was from Stradishall on a mission to Stettin. The aircraft crashed neer Landsmeer (Noord Holland), 7km North of Amsterdam due to engine failure. All crew members baled out successfully and were taken as Prisoners of War.

This crew is not shown in 214 Squadron ORB.

Date of loss : 29 September 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9884 (29-Sep-1941) BU-? consisted of :

Sgt J I Burbridge, 958282, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt David F Cooper, 1109722, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt H 'Tich' Critchley, 1110584, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt J W B Follitt, ???519, POW 29 September 1941
WO Leslie 'Hank' Hancock, 745181, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 29 September 1941
Sgt A N Jones, 949607, POW 29 September 1941

Source : Nicola Jones (daughter of Sgt Leslie Hancock) and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Chorley

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9890 BU-F

Wellington Mark I C X9890 (26-Jan-1942) BU-F

Click on this link to see Harry Ward's memoirs for 26 January 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9890 (26-Jan-1942) BU-F consisted of :

WO Harry Ashley Ward DFM
Plt/Off George Hamilton Webster, J/5471, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, KIA 28 January 1942, Aged 22

Source : Harry Ashley Ward

Date record last updated : 14 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9890 (28-Jan-1942) BU-F

Take off from Stradishall. Operation to Munster Germany. Lost without trace. All are commemorated on the Runneymede Memorial.

According to the log of Flt/Lt Edward Baker DFC this date, entry reads as follows:
Jan-28, Wellington X9939, Pilot Ed Baker, 2nd pilot Sgt. Lancaster, and Crew D.C.O Operations - Munster Airtime 4:25. By this it is nearly certain X9890 was lost on operations to Munster. Interestingly, on Jan-16 Flt/Lt Baker took X9890 on a test flight then flew it to Honnington where he left it and returned to base via a different aircraft R1505. On the morning of the 17th he apparently flew back to Honnington, re-tested X9890 then tested R1505 then apparently rejecting both he took Z1094 on operations to Bremen that night. I note that during this period many veteran pilots did test fly their aircraft prior to operations. This being the case one wonders what he found wrong with X9890?

This excerpt if from Harry Ward's memoirs : "He could remember quite clearly as he rode out to their dispersal before take-off, seeing George Webster and his crew standing beside F-Freddie. Chris Irwin was in front of the plane in his Irvin jacket smiling broadly as he waved them on their way." Like so many others before them, Harry recalls that nothing was heard of them again.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9890 (28-Jan-1942) BU-F consisted of :

Sgt Christopher John Irwin, 924231, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 28 January 1942, Aged 21
Sgt Peter Gray Milton, 997221, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 January 1942
Sgt George Marsh Robinson, 1169566, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 January 1942, Aged 20
FS Francis Alexander Tait, R/70913, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 28 January 1942, Aged 19
Sgt Francis Godfrey 'Frank' or 'Lucky' Truscott, 1168521, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 28 January 1942, Aged 23
Plt/Off George Hamilton Webster, J/5471, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 28 January 1942, Aged 22

Source : Stewart Murray, Canada - Allison: "They Shall Grow Not Old" and Andrea Muzzi of Toronto Ontario Canada. (Neice to Sgt Truscott, grandaughter of Heloise - Franks sister) and Aileen Young (Harry Ward's Daughter)

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9939 BU-E

Operations - Kiel, Crew Shot up and crash landed

On 25 February 1942, whilst attacking Kiel, the aircraft was extensively damaged by anti-aircraft fire, the undercarriage, flaps and turrets being rendered useless. The hydraulic system was put out of action, the undercarriage, flaps and turrets being rendered completely useless. The undercarriage was dangling and could not be raised or lowered. The trailing aerial was carried away and the airspeed indicator ceased to function and the fabric was holed in numerous places. On the return journey height was lost continually owing to engine trouble and the windscreen became covered with ice. Despite this, Flight Lieutenant Baker skilfully flew his damaged aircraft to Stradishall where he crash landed with the undercarriage retracted. On touching down, the starboard engine immediately caught fire.
The fire spread to the rest of the aircraft which was soon a mass of flames. The crew managed to escape but the second pilot (J Lancaster) and a gunner each sustained a fractured arm while Flight Lieutenant Baker's nose was broken. His experiences have in no way diminished his enthusiastic daring and fortitude. He is possessed of that unshakable disposition and high sense of duty so essential to an officer and bomber captain for the successful prosecution of this war.

This was one of 2 aircraft on this mission, the other being Z8858.

Date of loss : 25 February 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9939 BU-E consisted of :

Flt/Lt Edward Donald Baker DFC, J/5060, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 23
Sgt Cole
FS Spencer Sidney Dawes, R/67521, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 25
FS Edward Hamilton Erby, 1287615, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 32
Sgt J Lancaster, Co-pilot
Sgt Eric George Walter Shotter, 930243, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21

Source : Chorley and Kathy Cook (relative of Flt Lt Baker) and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 29 December 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9979 BU-O

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off from Stradishall 20:19 Hrs on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr.
Crashed at Bad Siedlung, near Russelsheim, where th crew were first buried.

Date of loss : 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9979 (01-Apr-1942) BU-O consisted of :

Plt/Off Joseph Harold Andrew Baker, 69491, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21
FS Tom Flanagan, 651415, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA
Sgt Donald Albert Stanley Hamilton, 403547, Pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 22
Cpt Howard Grantley Tingle MC, 88507, Royal Artillery, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 39
FS Ronald Anthony John Trevillian, 755032, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21
FS Alexander Robert Vint, 915640, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942

Source : Liam Venner and Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C X9979 (Autumn-1941) BU-O

William Venner's first crew posing in front of Wellington BU-O X9979.
Taken sometime in Autumn fall of 1941. X9979 piloted by Plt/Off J H A Baker was later lost on the great April Fools Tragedy of 1 April 1942.
(Note: The writing on the back of the above photo listing the crew appears to be that of Williams wife.)
Left to right:
F/Sgt Trevellian - Rear Gunner
Sgt Jack Allen (Canadian) - W/Op
F/Sgt Gordon Venner (Canadian) W/Op/Ag
P/O David Wilson - Pilot
P/O Dick Clarkson - Navigator
P/O Joe Baker - 2nd Pilot

In a bizarre twist of fate, on April Fools Day 1 April 1942 a group of the veterans and senior officers including FS Venner of 214 Squadron lifted off the runway enroute to Egypt to join the 215 Squadron in the Middle East, only hours later another group of the mostly green crews that were left on 214 lifted off from Stradishall heading to operations over Germany. Little could the first group know, but by the end of the day 41 of their former crewmates would never be coming home. Of the group that headed to Germany, 7 Wellington's and their entire crews were lost. One of these was X9979 BU-O pictured above piloted by Plt/Off J H A Baker. Only one crew member of the 42 survived.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C X9979 (Autumn-1941) BU-O consisted of :

Sgt Jack Allen, Wireless Operator, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian
Plt/Off Joseph Harold Andrew Baker, 69491, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21
Plt/Off Dick Clarkson, Navigator
FS Ronald Anthony John Trevillian, 755032, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21
Fg/Off William Gordon Venner, J88353 & R/54229, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian
Plt/Off David Wilson, Pilot

Source : Liam Venner, Fg/Off William's son. Liam has his fathers log book, service transcripton, as well as other pictures and documents

Date record last updated : 16 June 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1052 (01-Apr-1942) BU-Z

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off 20:19 Hrs on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr
(35 Wellingtons and 14 Hampdens were to carry out attacks on railway targets. 22 aircraft reported that they had carried out this task but 12 Wellingtons and 1 Hampden were lost. Seven of the lost Wellingtons were from 214 Squadron, with a loss of 41 lives, and only 1 survivor.)

Crashed between Wilskerke and Leffinge , approximately 2 miles ESE of Middelkirke, Belgium. 5 were killed and only Sgt Davidson survived and was taken POW.

Date of loss : 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1052 (01-Apr-1942) BU-Z consisted of :

Sgt C H Davidson, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 1 April 1942
Sgt Hugh Mitchell, 525420, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 25
Sgt James Murphy, 1165663, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21
WO/I Walter David Page, R/69723, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 24
Sgt Stanley 'Stan' Perry, 1174623, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 22
Sgt Richard Arthur Platt, 939816, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21

Source : Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1068 BU-X

Wellington Mark I C Z1068 (01-Apr-1942) BU-X

On 1 April 1942 the operation was to Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low level attacks on railway targets.
Aircraft was badly damaged by flak crossing the Dutch coast. It jettisoned the bombs and returned home.The aircraft landed with no brakes and overshot the runway. It was so badly damaged that it had to be written off.

Click on this link to see Harry Ward's memoirs for 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1068 (01-Apr-1942) BU-X consisted of :

Sgt W G Smith, Pilot
WO Harry Ashley Ward DFM

Source : Ian Hunt and "Avenging in the shadows", page 80, by Ron James

Date record last updated : 14 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1081 BU-B

Claimed by Oblt Walter Diesselhorst 5/JG1 at 16:45.

12 February 1942: Mission was targetting warships.
The aircraft was taking part in "Operation Fuller", the attempt to stop the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in their "Channel dash" from Brest back up to Germany. Britain only discovered the breakout once the ships were at sea and heading up the English Channel. Being caught somewhat on the hop, several hundred RAF aircraft went out to try and find and catch them, but the weather was
pretty dreadful and most of them never saw anything. The ORB reports that "it was 10/10 cloud, down to 500 feet in most places."

Z1081 had been forced to ditch. One of the other aircraft reported seeing the Wellington at approximately position 52.10 degrees North, 03.30 degrees East, (thus West of Leiden City, Province of Zuid-Holland) at 15.10 hours that day, with occasional puffs of black smoke coming from it's port engine while circling, and thought it was perhaps on search patrol. The crew themselves reported home by radio that they had engine problems and damaged hydraulics.
In the scramble that followed the ditching, five managed to get into the dinghy before it was blown away from the sinking bomber. Aboard the dinghy was Wing Commander Richard Macfadden DFC, pilot, his co-pilot, Pilot Officer Wood, Sgt Everett, Sgt Murray, and Squadron Leader Stephens DFC.
Squadron Leader Stevens was the first to die in the dinghy. The next day both pilots, Wing Commander MacFadden and Pilot Officer Wood, passed away and then, in the last few hours before rescue, Sergeant Everett gave up his brave hold on life. For Sgt Murray it must have been a most terrible experience to sit and watch his companions die in the bleak surrounds of a cruel sea. The dinghy, with a near to death Sgt Murray, was towed ashore from the coast of Wacheren in Vlissingen.
The drifting rubber dinghy was spotted around 3.5 km west of Domburg village on Walcheren Island (Zeeland) by German soldiers on their Atlantic Wall location near the sand-dunes, and the local authorities were alerted. Either a Vorpostenboot (German patrol boat) or a rescue boat was launched from Vlissingen harbour. The rescue team towed the dinghy back to port believing, in the beginning, that all the crew were dead, but by some miracle the navigator, Sgt Robin Murray, had survived nearly three days in those icy windswept seas. Sgt Everett and Squadron Leader Stephens were attached to 214 Squadron from SHQ RAF Stradishall.

Researchers Kees Stoutjesdijk and Wim de Meester are publishing details of the airwar over Zeeland (the southwestern part of The Netherlands) during WW2 and they have already published two volumes about this.
See for further information.
They are working on volume 3 in which they want to relate the story of the Z1081 in detail. They would like to contact the families of the crew and possibly obtain photographs of them. Please contact the website administrators if you can help.

Date of loss : 12 February 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1081 BU-B consisted of :

Sgt Andrew Paton Everett, 979937, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 15 February 1942, Aged 26
Flt/Lt Patrick Roderick Hughes DFC, 60804, Navigator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 February 1942
Wg/Cdr Richard Denis Barry MacFadden DFC, 37476, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 14 February 1942
Sgt Robin Murray, 751660, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, POW 12 February 1942
Sqn/Ldr Martin Tyringham Stephens DFC, 75730, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 February 1942, Aged 40
Sgt George Ingate Taylor, 643077, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 February 1942, Aged 22
Plt/Off James Wood, 69426, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 14 February 1942, Aged 25

More information can be found here on the Wings to Victory in the Netherlands database :

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2005 and Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB and John Jones (researcher) and Martien van Dijk (Wings to Victory in the Netherlands) and Wim de Meester of The Netherlands

Date record last updated : 30 January 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1114 (01-Apr-1942) BU-A

Take off was from Sradishall at 20.15 hrs on 1 April 1942.

The target was Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low-level attacks on railway targets.

Bombed at 22.46 hrs from 1,500 ft, near a railway bridge about 3 miles West of the town

Front and rear gunners machine-gunned a train in believed to be Mühlheim station, at 22.50 hrs from 500 ft.

Returned at 2.40 hrs.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1114 (01-Apr-1942) BU-A consisted of :

Plt/Off James Walter Murray, 104453, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 11 April 1942
FS Harry Alyn Neal, R/67970, Co-pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : American, KIA 11 April 1942, Aged 26

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 20 November 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z1142 BU-B

Wellington (model unknown) Z1142 (30-May-1941 and 01-Jun-1941) BU-B

Raids on:
30 May 1941 Cologne - Blitz - 1,000 Bomber Raid
1 June 1941 Essen - Blitz - 1,000 Bomber Raid

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) Z1142 (30-May-1941 and 01-Jun-1941) BU-B consisted of :

Wg/Cdr Peter Doig 'Scotty' Scott MiD, 104442, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom
Flt/Lt Smith, Pilot

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1143 BU-G

Take off was from Stradishall and the operation was to Essen.
Shot down by night fighter (Oblt Herbert Lutje, 111./NJG1) and crashed at 22:55hrs at Vriezenveen (Overijssel) on the East side of the Overijsselsch Kanaal and some 9Km NNW of Almelo in Holland. All are buried in the General Cemetery at Vriezenveen. Captain Mair of the Royal Artillery was attached to 214 Squadron.

Date of loss : 26 March 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1143 BU-G consisted of :

Sgt Walter Irvine Christsen, 404277, Navigator, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 26 March 1942, Aged 22
Plt/Off Eric William Cuthbert Creed, 400581, Pilot, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 26 March 1942, Aged 22
Sgt Albert Frederick Mons Emms, 1376234, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 March 1942, Aged 27
Cpt Alfred Peter Mair, 64403, Air Gunner, Royal Artillery, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 March 1942
Sgt William Wykes Robey Norton, 400885, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 26 March 1942, Aged 29
Sgt John Routledge Payne, 984801, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 March 1942, Aged 25

Rob Wethly writes :
I’m looking on behalf of the Christsen family in Australia for information of the Vickers Wellington Mk Ic, Z1143 BU-? of the 214 Squadron RAF with pilot Eric William Cuthbert Creed and his crew. This Wellington crashed on return of their mission to Essen in Vriezenveen (The Netherlands) on 26 March 1942 after shot down by German night fighter Oberleutnant Herbert Lütje. I'm in special interest in form78, photos of this crew and aircraft and the missing last letter of (squadron) A/C code of the Wellington.
I recently built a 1/48 scale model of this Vickers Wellington Mk Ic, Z1143 BU-? of the 214 Squadron Royal Air Force, to commemorate the loss of the entire crew.
This is a link to the facebook page showing pictures of the model and other photographs :

If anyone can help with the information that Rob is looking for please let the administrators know.

Click on the links below for the documents that Rob has provided : Loss card (bad quality)
Night raid report Page1 Pages 2&3 Pages 4&5

Source : Hans J. Kobes, Vriezenveen (NL) and Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2005 and Chorley and Rob Wethly (Chairman Foundation Air War Research Drenthe) and Jan Nieuwenhuis (World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands and North Sea)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1148 BU-L

The six graves starting from the right in the foreground are of the crew of Z1148

Z1148 BU-L took off from Stradishall at 23:12 hrs 15 April 1942 to take part in a bombing raid on Dortmund.
News was received that the plane was shot down at 03:30 hrs 15 April 1942 and crashed at Overrepen Belgium, with the loss of the entire crew.
It is believed the plane was shot down by a night fighter piloted by Oblt Alois Lechner E/NJG2.
The crew were buried by the Germans with full military honours at St Trond Belgium. All were later interred at the British War Cemetery Heverlee, Louvain Belgium, where they now rest.

Date of loss : 15 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1148 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt Samuel Cox, 869313, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force (Auxiliary Air Force), Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 15 April 1942, Aged 33
FS Billy Orrin Gates, R/74829, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : American, KIA 15 April 1942, Aged 25
Plt/Off Robert Balfour Halliday, J/6652, Air Observer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 April 1942, Aged 25
FS Douglas Harold Morton Jacques, R/76606, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 April 1942, Aged 20
FS Reginald Marcus Lawrence, R/60620, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 April 1942
Sgt Eric Mason, 1167277, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 15 April 1942, Aged 32

Source : Chorley and Norman Cox (son of Sgt Samuel Cox)

Date record last updated : 17 April 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1156 (01-Apr-1942) BU-E

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off 20:19 Hrs on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr

Failed to return. Crashed into the River Rhine at Ludwigshafen. Crew of 6 killed.

(35 Wellingtons and 14 Hampdens were to carry out attacks on railway targets. 22 aircraft reported that they had carried out this task but 12 Wellingtons and 1 Hampden were lost. Seven of the lost Wellingtons were from 214 Squadron, with a loss of 41 lives, and only 1 survivor.)

We have been in contact with Erik Wieman, WW2 researcher and he would be pleased to hear from family or contacts linked to this crew. His email is (remember to remove the XXX before sending an email)

Date of loss : 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1156 (01-Apr-1942) BU-E consisted of :

Sgt Harry Chilvers, 1112050, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 26
Sgt Anthony Alexander Ferguson, 1110578, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 25
Sgt Dennis Owen George, 1164451, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 22
Sgt Norman Ramsbottom, 1115867, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 27
FS William Robert West, R/76959, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 2 April 1942
Sgt Vernon Philip Walrond Wheaton, 933154, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 32

Source : Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 8 January 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1158 BU-S

Take off was from Sradishall at 20.55 hrs on 1 April 1942.

The target was Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low-level attacks on railway targets.

Attacked the railway at Aschaffenburg, at 23.59 hrs from 800 ft. Target area identified by the River Main and the railway tunnel about 10 miles East of Aschaffenburg. All bombs except 1 x 250 lb 3-hour delay were dropped on the marshalling yard East of the station. The delayed-action bomb was dropped on the railway about 12 miles East of the town. Coaches in the marshalling yard were machine-gunned and also the built-up area South of the station. Some tracks were seen broken up.

Returned at 02.30 hrs.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1158 BU-S consisted of :

Sgt Sydney Walter George Avent, 1283173, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 21
Sgt Allan John Hyde, 1375119, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 21

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 28 March 2015

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z1169 BU-W

Take off was from Sradishall at 20.52 hrs on 1 April 1942.
The target was Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low-level attacks on railway targets. (Z1165 in ORB).

Attacked the railway at Lohr at 23.20 hrs from 400 ft. Identified Lohr by following the River Main. 1 delayed-action bomb dropped on a railway track about ½ mile West of the town, 3 others dropped 1 mile West of the town, and the other 2 dropped on the side of the railway track 1½ miles West. These bombs were dropped close together as both engines had been hit by light flak. All bombs seen to burst but no results observed.

Returned at 04.17 hrs.

Earlier flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 26 January 1942.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z1169 BU-W consisted of :

Plt/Off Lawrence Malcolm Leech, J/5490, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 16 April 1942
Plt/Off Harry Arthur Shortt, 100558, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942, Aged 25

Source : Liam Venner and Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 28 March 2015

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark II Z8373

News was received to say that, on 26 November 1941, the aircraft had never reached Germany. After setting off at 5.30pm they had engine trouble and had to return, giving their position every short while until they were 80 miles from the English Coast when, at 7.29pm communications ceased.
Rescue launchs and reconnaissance aircraft went out in search of the plane or it's crew, but unfortunately nothing was found.

Date of loss : 26 November 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark II Z8373 consisted of :

Plt/Off Charles David Cooling, J/15853, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 26 November 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Harold James Cooper, 932086, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 November 1941, Aged 20
Sgt George Leonard 'Lennie' Hall, 960499, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 November 1941, Aged 21
FS Norman Gilbert Hettrick, R/68075, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 26 November 1941
Plt/Off Anthony David Moore, 67079, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 November 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Mervyn Alfred Weavers, 1283647, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 November 1941, Aged 25

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2005 and CWGC

Date record last updated : 10 August 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8805 (01-Apr-1942) BU-H

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off 20:19 Hrs on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr

Aircraft failed to return. 6 Killed and are buried in Rheinberg War Cemetery.

(35 Wellingtons and 14 Hampdens were to carry out attacks on railway targets. 22 aircraft reported that they had carried out this task but 12 Wellingtons and 1 Hampden were lost. Seven of the lost Wellingtons were from 214 Squadron, with a loss of 41 lives, and only 1 survivor.)

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8805 (01-Apr-1942) BU-H consisted of :

Sgt Edward Thomas Albrighton, 1204242, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942
Plt/Off Thomas Best, J/7030, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 23
Sgt Eric Dixon, 934409, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 20
Plt/Off James McKenzie Henderson, 109515, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 26
Sgt Albert George Richards, 1162948, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 31
Sgt Ernest Keith Stevens, 939982, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 22

Source : Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume and Ian Hunt and Chorley

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8842 BU-F

Wellington Mark I C Z8842 (09-Feb-1942) BU-F

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8842 (09-Feb-1942) BU-? consisted of :

Sgt C T Enright, A404312, Pilot
Sgt H Smith, 1377225, Pilot
Fg/Off William Gordon Venner, J88353 & R/54229, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 14 February 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8842 (01-Apr-1942) BU-F

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off 20:19 Hrs on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr (35 Wellingtons and 14 Hampdens were to carry out attacks on railway targets. 22 aircraft reported that they had carried out this task but 12 Wellingtons and 1 Hampden were lost. Seven of the lost Wellingtons were from 214 Squadron, with a loss of 41 lives, and only 1 survivor.)

Wellington I C Z8842 lifted off the runway at Stradishall. It was 20:19 hrs and they were off to bomb the railway yards in Hanau (Operation Limeshoot) with 13 other aircraft. They would never be heard from again. Of the 14 aircraft which set out that day, only 7 would return. It is believed that Z8842 was brought down by flack and crashed into the sea off the Dutch coast. Only two bodies were ever recovered, the rest of the crew has no known grave.

Amazingly at least three families of this crew have now been in touch with each other.

Date of loss : 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8842 (01-Apr-1942) BU-F consisted of :

Flt/Lt Edward Donald Baker DFC, J/5060, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 23
FS Spencer Sidney Dawes, R/67521, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 25
FS Edward Hamilton Erby, 1287615, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 32
Sgt George Eric Newman, 1177845, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942
Sgt Eric George Walter Shotter, 930243, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21
Sgt Vincent Leslie Stephens, 1119436, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 21

More information can be found here on the Wings to Victory in the Netherlands database :

Source : Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume and Martien van Dijk (Wings to Victory in the Netherlands) and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8858 BU-B

Operation was on Kiel. Take off 23:35hrs from Stradishall. On return to base in poor weather, the Wellington overshot the beacons at Honington and Stradishall before crash-landing at 04:00hrs on open land at Fulbourn, 4 miles ESE of Cambridge. Initially it was thought that the damage was repairable, but within a week of the incident the bomber was declared a write-off.

Sgt Anthony Alexander Ferguson was injured as a result of this crash.




This was one of 2 aircraft on this mission, the other being X9939.

Date of loss : 25 February 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8858 BU-B consisted of :

Plt/Off John Merlin Brown, J5317, Navigator / Observer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian
Sgt Anthony Alexander Ferguson, 1110578, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : British, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 25
Sgt J C Mason
Sgt D McIlroy
Sqn/Ldr Cyril Miles, Pilot
Sgt Watts

Source : Malcolm Brown (son of Sqn/Ldr John Merlin Brown) and Chorley

Date record last updated : 24 February 2011

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8900

All of this crew, except for Sgt Longdon and FS JE Williams left 214 Squadron together to go to the Middle East.
On 19 January 1942 they were posted to 99 Squadron at Waterbeach.
On 23 February they flew from Waterbeach to Portreath, en - route to the Middle East.

See Photo album 4 "The exodus of 214 Squadron to 215 Squadron".

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) Z8900 consisted of :

Plt/Off A Campbell, A402636, Pilot
Sgt L G Dobson, R/71398
Sgt W S Edington, Air Gunner
Sgt P N Herbert, 931389, Navigator
Sgt Longdon
FS B Pickthorne, R54358, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner
FS J E Williams, R/67724, Pilot
Sgt H Woodgate, A407301 (A407310?)

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 29 May 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8900 (15-Nov-1941)

Aircraft took off from Stradishall. Shot up by a Me110 over the Frisian Islands, tearing a six foot hole in the fuselage structure and damaging the controls. The crew succeeded in returning to Coltishall, where a safe landing was made. Aircraft was written off.

Date of loss : 15 November 1941

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) Z8900 (15-Nov-1941) consisted of :

Plt/Off A Campbell, A402636, Pilot
Sgt W S Edington, Air Gunner
Sgt P N Herbert, 931389, Navigator
Sgt Longdon
FS B Pickthorne, R54358, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner
FS J E Williams, R/67724, Pilot

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 4 October 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8900 (Date unknown)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) Z8900 (Date unknown) consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8943

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) Z8943 consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8949 BU-L

Wellington (model unknown) Z8949 (07-Feb-1942) BU-L

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 7 February 1942.

Source : Liam Venner

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8949 (Date unknown) BU-L

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) Z8949 (Date unknown) BU-L consisted of :

Gp/Capt John Aidan Field AFC, 37226, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8951 BU-X

Wellington Mark I C Z8951 (01-Apr-1942) BU-X

Take off was from Stradishall at 20.35 hrs on an operation to Hanau and other targets in the region East and South of Frankfurt - low-level attacks on railway targets.

Dropped 5 x 500 lb and 1 x 250 lb on 2 trains at [Dorsal?], at 00.40 hrs from 1,100 ft. Bombs fell within 50 yds of one of the stationary trains. Returned 03.25 hrs.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8951 (01-Apr-1942) BU-X consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr R B Carr, Pilot
Sgt Hodge, Co-pilot

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 28 March 2015

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8951 (16-Apr-1942) BU-X

Flight was earlier extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 10 January 1942.

Take off was from Stradishall on an operation to Dortmund on 16 April 1942.
The aircraft was believed to be shot down and crashed at 03:58hrs between Deurne and Helmond (Noord Brabant), two sizeable towns east of Eindhoven. All of the crew were KIA and buried in Woensel General Cemetery.

Update received from Richard Schoutissen confirms that the aircraft was brought down in the early hours of 16 April 1942.

Adrian Van Zantvoort continues to research and make contact with families of the crew members of Wellington Z8951, all killed in action on 16 April 1942. He has currently made contact with relatives of Sgt Egan, PO Leech, PO Shortt and Sgt Ward. He also has a possible link to Sgt Heppenstall and is still searching for relatives of Sgt Turner.
It appears that the half sister of Sgt Egan had been searching for his grave since his parents had received a telegram advising that he was missing in action. Adrian very kindly told them of his burial place and since then they have met and exchanged information, as well as visiting the site of the crash.
Thank you Adrian for all your hard work.
Date of loss : 16 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8951 (16-Apr-1942) BU-X consisted of :

Sgt Vernon Ernest Egan, 1092735, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942
Sgt Percy Heppenstall, 998624, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942, Aged 22
Plt/Off Lawrence Malcolm Leech, J/5490, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 16 April 1942
Plt/Off Harry Arthur Shortt, 100558, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942, Aged 25
Sgt Geoffrey Malcolm Charles Turner, 1251531, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942, Aged 21
Sgt Jack Ward, 1064100, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942

A memorial (War memorial "Het Rijtven") in memory of the six crew members who were killed, was unveiled at the main entrance of ORO foundation, on Helmondseweg in Deurne, The Netherlands on 26 September 2024.
Please click on this link to see more details of War memorial "Het Rijtven"

Source : Liam Venner and Adrian van Zantvoort and Chorley and Richard Schoutissen (researcher from the Netherlands) and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 5 October 2024

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8953 BU-?

Took off from Stradishall on a mission to Hamburg. Crashed in the North Sea. Sgt Boland is buried in Den Burg Cemetery on the Dutch Island of Texel; his five companions have no known graves.

Date of loss : 30 November 1941

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8953 BU-? consisted of :

Sgt John Robert Boland, 1054956, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 30 November 1941, Aged 24
Sgt Ronald William Ebsworth, 1257328, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 30 November 1941, Aged 35
Sgt Michael Joseph Fitzgerald, 1375074, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 30 November 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Gordon James Walter Fleming, 1380918, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 30 November 1941, Aged 21
Sgt Ian Arthur Flower, 1166146, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 30 November 1941
Sgt Herbert Leon Loveday, 1378203, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 30 November 1941, Aged 24

Source : Chorley

Date record last updated : 29 December 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z8965 BU-U

No further information available yet.

Source : Unknown

Date record last updated : 10 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C Z8979 (01-Apr-1942) BU-P

See A tragic day for 214 Squadron on the History page

Mission: Take off 20:19 Hrs on Operation 'Lineshoot' to bomb railway yards in Hanau, Lohr
(35 Wellingtons and 14 Hampdens were to carry out attacks on railway targets. 22 aircraft reported that they had carried out this task but 12 Wellingtons and 1 Hampden were lost. Seven of the lost Wellingtons were from 214 Squadron, with a loss of 41 lives, and only 1 survivor.)

From L-R George Hickey, John Nash or Ralph Kitney, Irvine Eagleton and William Hayes

From L-R John Nash or Ralph Kitney, George Hickey, ? , ? , ?, William Hayes. Can anyone help us name the the rest of this crew please?

Date of loss : 1 April 1942

Crew of Wellington Mark I C Z8979 (01-Apr-1942) BU-P consisted of :

Sgt Irvine Leonard Eagleton, 923470, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Australian, KIA 2 April 1942
Plt/Off Ronald William Stanley 'Ronnie' Hayes, 69424, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 25
FS Norman George Hickey, R/75890, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 22
Sgt George William Jackson, 930818, Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 20
Sgt Ralph Kitney, 931029, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 21
FS John Nash, 1378097, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 21

Source : Liam Venner and Simon Dawes and Chorley's "Bomber Command Losses" 1942 volume and Ian Hunt and Doug Eagleton (great nephew of Irvine Eagleton)

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) Z9865 BU-U

Flight extracted from the log of Gordon Venner on 12/1/1942

Source : Liam Venner

Date record last updated : 10 June 2020

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??Cole

Wellington (model unknown) ??Cole (05-Nov-1940)

Target was Emden.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??Cole (05-Nov-1940) consisted of :

Sgt William Geoffrey Cole DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Flt/Lt Jack Harold 'Shorty' Wetherly DFC MiD, 82716, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 March 1943, Aged 28

Source : Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot.

Date record last updated : 29 June 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??Eddison

The crew members who were KIA on 9 May 1941 were killed when crew of aircraft Wellington R1226, and not while part of this crew.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??Eddison consisted of :

Sqn/Ldr Frank Leslie Herbert Eddison DFC, 39377, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Australian, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 30
Sgt John Holt, 749319, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941
Sqn/Ldr Mervyn 'Taff' Leyshon AFC MiD, Non Comm 970070 Comm 103502, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British
Sgt Cyril Paton, 904673, Front Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 22
Sgt Kennedy Tait, 974125, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 20
Sgt Arnot Flaws Wilson, 935907, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941, Aged 19

Source : Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon)

Date record last updated : 4 October 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C ??Enright

Wellington Mark I C ??Enright (22-Dec-1941)

This was the first air crew who were seconded to 215 Squadron on 22 Decmeber 1941.

Crew of Wellington Mark I C ??Enright (22-Dec-1941) consisted of :

Plt/Off R T Bowen, Navigator
Sgt Anthony John Browne, 643058, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 January 1942
Sgt C T Enright, A404312, Pilot
Plt/Off C Logan, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner
Sgt John Philpin Williams, 983072, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 January 1942, Aged 26

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 16 June 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??Glass

Wellington (model unknown) ??Glass (1941)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??Glass (1941) consisted of :

Sgt Robert Raymond 'Ray' Glass DFC, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Flt/Lt Jack Harold 'Shorty' Wetherly DFC MiD, 82716, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 March 1943, Aged 28

Source : Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot

Date record last updated : 28 June 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??Kitchin (09-Jan-1941)

Take off 17:47hrs. Return 22:30hrs.

Successfully attacked and bombed an oil refinery at Gelsenkirchen. Arrived home safely.

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??Kitchin (09-Jan-1941) consisted of :
Flt/Lt Kitchin, Pilot
Sgt D Paterson
Sgt A S Patterson
Sgt Smith
Sgt White
Plt/Off I K Woodroffe, POW 9 May 1941

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 19 February 2021

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??Lewendon

On 9 March 1942 this aircrew reported for duty with 215 Squadron at 15 OTU Harwell.

On 20 March 1942 the crew then departed Hampstead Norris for St Eval, en-route to India.

See Photo album 4 "The exodus of 214 Squadron to 215 Squadron".

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??Lewendon consisted of :

FS L E Baxter, R/56098
Sgt C K Fawthrop, 986112
Sgt W E Lewendon, 1288221, Pilot
Sgt K G McClung, 1058693
Sgt J Newell, 642329
Plt/Off E W Self

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 29 May 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??Leyshon

Leyshon took over this crew from Sgt Smiles after they survived the crash of T2841 on 29 January 1941.

Leyshon had several co-pilots with this crew:
Sgt Evans
Sgt T Jones
Fg/Off Jenkins
Sgt Nicholls
Wg/Cdr Jordan
Sgt Ruoff

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??Leyshon consisted of :

Sgt M 'Jinx' Elelman, Rear Gunner
Sgt H Foster, Navigator / Observer
Sqn/Ldr Mervyn 'Taff' Leyshon AFC MiD, Non Comm 970070 Comm 103502, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British
Sgt J R Turner, Front Gunner
Sgt T Yates, Wireless Operator

Source : Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon)

Date record last updated : 4 October 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington (model unknown) ??McKeand

Wellington (model unknown) ??McKeand (1941)

Crew of Wellington (model unknown) ??McKeand (1941) consisted of :

FS George McKeand DFC DSO, 101511, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom
Flt/Lt Jack Harold 'Shorty' Wetherly DFC MiD, 82716, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 March 1943, Aged 28

Source : Christopher Jary, Author - Portrait Of A Bomber Pilot

Date record last updated : 28 June 2009

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C ??Smith

On 11 March 1942 this crew reported for duty with 215 Squadron at 15 OTU Harwell.

On 22 March 1942 Sgt H Smith was replaced by CO Wing Commander G Warrington at Harwell.

On 28 March 1942 the crew departed from Harwell to Portreath.

See Photo album 4 "The exodus of 214 Squadron to 215 Squadron".

Crew of Wellington Mark I C ??Smith consisted of :

Sgt B G Brown, R/49849, Air Gunner
Sgt C T Enright, A404312, Pilot
Sgt A N Jenkins, R/70070, Observer
Plt/Off C Logan, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner
Sgt H Smith, 1377225, Pilot
Fg/Off William Gordon Venner, J88353 & R/54229, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 16 June 2010

RAF_roundel Wellington Mark I C ??Williams

On 11 March 1942 This aircrew reported for duty with 215 Squadron at 15 OTU Harwell.

On 20 March 1942 The crew departed Hampstead Norris for St Eval, en-route for India.

See Photo album 4 "The exodus of 214 Squadron to 215 Squadron".

Crew of Wellington Mark I C ??Williams consisted of :

Sgt J A Dillow, 1381369, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner
Plt/Off R Fellows, 103575, Observer
FS C M Gillis, R/56399, Pilot
Sgt G Hill, 946109, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner
Sgt F B Kershaw, 701962, Air Gunner
FS J E Williams, R/67724, Pilot

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 16 June 2010

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