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Surname :

FS Leslie Arnold Hadder, 1804649, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 4 March 1945, Aged 20

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB815 (04-Mar-1945) BU-J
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB815 (07-Feb-1945) BU-J

Born 30 October 1924

Born in Bromley


Son of George Henry and Elizabeth Annie Hadder (Nichols), of Thorpe.

After working as a Motor Mechanic's Mate from the age of 14 when the family moved to Norwich Leslie volunteered for the RAF on 31 March 1942 when he was seventeen and a half years old. He was placed in the Reserve on the following day, apparently at Euston. Nearly a year later, on 1 February 1943, he reported to the No.1 Aircrew Reception Centre, which was possibly at Lords Cricket Ground. He was described as 5 feet 9 inches tall, with a 31 inch chest, brown hair, grey eyes, fresh complexion, and with four vaccination scars on his left arm.

Entries in his Service Record under the heading "Mustering" show that when he was called up he was considered for pilot training. However his eyesight was not sufficiently good and this entry has been crossed out. He began his training as an AC2, Aircraftsman 2nd Class, and was promoted to LAC, Leading Aircraftsman, on 11 June 1943 when he was considered for training as a navigator, bomb aimer or wireless operator. But when he was promoted to T/Sgt on 21 October 1943 he was training as an Air Gunner. At the end of the year, and again a year later on 31 December 1944 Leslie's character was described as very good, and his proficiency as satisfactory.

Leslie's training began on 20 March 1943 at No.10 Initial Training Wing at Scarborough. In July 1943 he spent some time with an Elementary Training Wing under canvas at Ludlow.

In September 1943 he went to No.2 Air Gunners School at Dalcross near Inverness, and on 21 October 1943 he qualified as an Air Gunner and was promoted to T/ Flight Sergeant. Five days later he was posted to No.11 Operational Training Unit at RAF Bassingbourn in Cambridgeshire.

There were at least three Base HQs in 3 Group (31, 32 and 33) and during the first four months of 1944 Leslie moved through a number of units at 31 Base HQ at RAF Stradishall; No.1657 CU was the Heavy Conversion Unit at Stradishall (3-4 weeks course to become a proficient heavy-bomber crew); 1483 was the (Bomber) Target and Gunnery Flight based at RAF Marham (specialist gunnery training); and No.3 LFS was the Lancaster Finishing School based at Feltwell. He also spent some time during February 1944 at the Aircrew School at Methwold in Suffolk.

From late April 1944 Leslie spent three months in and out of Ely Hospital, though his Service Record does not specify why. During this time Ely Hospital was preparing for D Day, so he was sent for convalescence to Hoylake Remedial Centre in Liverpool. While in hospital the rest of his crew were killed when their plane was shot down over France. On discharge he was posted back to No.1657 CU at Stradishall, and on 28 September from there to 214 Squadron at Oulton, just west of Blickling Hall. This was one of the airfields in Norfolk used by No.100 (Bomber) Support, and where he trained with 1699 CU on Fortresses. However his Service Record has no more entries until "Killed in Action."

Leslie survived 13 crash landings altogether.

By December 1944 Leslie had finished training and was involved in Special Duties flying out to Osnabruck, Frankfurt, Munster and Coblenz. Some secret flights were not written down. In January 1945 there was only 18 hours and 35 minutes flying time due to bad weather, but Special Duties were carried out at Vohwinkel, Giessen and Mainz.

In February 1945 Special Duties took them to Mannheim and Wiesbaden before being shot up on 7th while returning from Dortmund.

Leslie Barker (nephew) has set up a website in memory of Leslie Hadder.

Please see the following link to the BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR, which tells the story of the death of FS Hadder and his comrades whilst returning to their airbase at Oulton when they were apparently shot down by a German fighter whilst preparing to land.


Source : Nightjar Newsletter and CWGC and BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR and and BBC website "A bomber's story" by Bill Knight and Leslie Barker (nephew)

Date record last updated : 7 November 2009


Colin Haigh, Navigator / Radar

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Victor Mark I - 3 point tanker ??Barrell (Jul-1969)

Colin was a Navigator / Radar on the Victor K1. He was on the second crew to be trained on the Victor K1 when it took over the tanking role after the Valiant was withdrawn from service following structural failures in 1965.

He died in January 2014 - Aged 70.

Source : Nightjar February 2014 and Nightjar May 2013

Date record last updated : 25 January 2015



Sgt Sydney John Haldane, 551723, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 30 August 1940, Aged 19

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C T2559

Buried in ZELHEM (HALLE) PROTESTANT CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave.

Son of Herbert Sydney and Kathleen May Durrant Haldane, of Hayes, Middlesex.

Source : Bennie Eenink (researcher in the Netherlands) and CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2006 and Chorley

Date record last updated : 31 December 2014


FS Edward Everett Hale, R/58480, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 January 1942, Aged 25

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1759 (15-Jan-1942) BU-L

Buried in THORNABY-ON-TEES CEMETERY. Reference : Plot O. Row N. Grave 13.

Son of Edward E. Hale and Dorelle S. Hale; husband of Corinth Winston Eckman Hale, of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

After his aircraft crashed into the North Sea off Whitby Yorkshire, his body was recovered after being washed ashore near Redcar.

Source : CWGC and Richard Allenby -

Date record last updated : 9 March 2009


Taken at Dumfries gunnery school in Scotland between November 1940 and January 1941

Sgt Ernest Halestrap, 948309, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 29 August 1941, Aged 26

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1604 BU-?


Son of Frederick and Mary Halestrap, of Upminster, Essex; husband of Joan Evelyn Halestrap, of Upminster.

Source : Chorley and CWGC and Iain Walker (Iain's grandfather served with Sgt Ernest Halestrap)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2020



Flt/Lt Charles Herbert 'Charlie' Halford, 147642, Navigator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British

Born 6 February 1921

Born in Chelmsford, Essex

Son of Arthur Ernest Halford and Dorothy Elizabeth Halford (Rogers)

Career :
Appointed 22/9/1941 selected for air crew. Initial flying training in Canada (AvroAnson) 9/11/1942 - 5/3/1943. Advanced Flying Unit (AFU) Wigtown 4/8/1943 - 18/08/1943. Cranage training as Instructor at the Central Navigation School 31/08/1943 - 27/11/1943, No 67 Staff Navigator Course. RAF Jurby, Isle of Man Dec1943 - Jan 1945. (joined Bomber Command No9 Squadron RAF Bardney as 2nd Navigator Lancaster aircraft 23/24/12/1943 for experience 1st bombing mission target Berlin) No17 Operational Training Unit (OTU) Turweston (Wellington aircraft) Feb 1945 - March 1945. No17 OTU Silverstone (Wellington) March 1945 - June 1945. June 1945 RAF Oulton Heavy Conversion Unit (HCU) Fortress aircraft. June 1945 - July 1945 214 Squadron RAF Oulton (Bomber Command) Fortress Aircraft. October 1945 - 1332 HCU Riccall Liberator aircraft. Nov 1945 - Feb 1946 No53 Squadron (Transport Command) RAF Merryfield Liberator VI, VIII. March 1946 - May 1946 RAF 220 Squadron Waterbeach Liberator aircraft.

Posted from 1699 Training Flight to 214 Squadron on 21 June 1945

Flew in Fortress II, Z,C,A,S. (1699 HCU 12-20/6/1945) and T,N,W,U,V,S. (214 Squadron 25/6-25/7/1945)

Flew with Pilots Flt/Lt Colquhoun, Brown, Sqn/Ldr Bellingham, Wg/Cdr Bowes (19/7/1945).

Ed Halford writes :
My father C.H.Halford (147642) served with No 214 Squadron as a Navigator but only for a short while. It is through my continued research into his RAF career that I have recently came across this website.
Charlie Halford served as a Navigator with 214 Squadron during June and July 1945 based at RAF Oulton and billeted at Blickling Hall. Charlie spent most of his flying time with Pilot Flt/Lt Colquhoun during his time with the H.C.U. 23 Course to the Flying Fortress aircraft 1699 Flight and after working up in readiness for activities being planned for the allies' attack on Japan. I understood this Squadron were top secret, highly specialised and formed from multi nationals with highly select skills, accuracy and precision flying. The aircraft selected for the ability to fly at very high altitude were equipped with specialised radar jamming devices as your website mentions. I believe this is another reason little information is available about them at this time. It was these aircraft and their crews that enabled the 1,000 Bomber Raids to penetrate deep into enemy territory with such massive impact and success as the squadron radar jammed a corridor for the main attack force travelling behind and below. I understand the air crew were required to fly on oxygen throughout the attack as they operated at the ceiling of operating capability at over 20,000 feet. I also understand there was a high level of security surrounding these aircraft and the main bomber force below were not fully aware of their presence or capability, also a reason the Fortress aircraft were painted black. Charlie served with 214 at the time when Germany had just surrendered and the USA dropped atomic bombs on Japan. Charlie once told me he did not expect to survive if he had been assigned to attack Japan and greatly relieved to hear of Japan's surrender. I note from Charlie's flight records there is a flight over Wilhelmshaven, Heligoland, Ruhr dated 19/7/1945 with his Pilot named as W/Cdr Bowes. I note from the website W/Cdr Bowes was RAF Oulton base Commander at that time.
I am sure 214 Squadron held a key essential role in the effectiveness of Bomber Command during the WW2 and like so many air and ground crew their role is still not fully appreciated.

Flt/Lt Halford also made beautiful sketches of Blickling Hall. Please look in the Oulton Section of the bases page to see these.

Died in September 2004 aged 84

Source : Ed Halford (son of Fg/Off Charles Herbert Halford) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 17 January 2020


Fg/Off D W Hall, J39949, Royal Canadian Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ125 BU-J

Source : Richard Heath (grandson of Sgt Harold James Heath)

Date record last updated : 15 December 2017


FS Frank Henry Hall, 1456163, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 22 November 1945, Aged 22

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Liberator (model unknown) KL587

Buried in SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 16. C. 17.

Son of Edward and Lily Elizabeth Hall, of Dagenham, Essex.

Source : CWGC and Jock Whitehouse

Date record last updated : 5 September 2010



Fg/Off Gordon Albert Hall MiD, Non Com 1258412 Com 149916, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 17 March 1945, Aged 22, Date taken POW 15 March 1945, POW number Unknown

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB799 (14-Mar-1945) BU-K

Named on the following Memorial : Hastings War Memorial
Named on the following Memorial : Huchenfeld Church, SW Germany
Named on the following Memorial : Llanbedr Church, North Wales
Named on the following Memorial : RAFA Ely Cambs Branch Memorial Rose Garden

The RAFA Ely Cambs Branch Memorial Rose Garden is situated at what used to be the RAF Hospital, which is now the NHS Princess of Wales Hospital. Tom Tate attended the dedication ceremony which was held in 1999.

Buried in DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 9. H. 5.

Son of Albert Henry and Elsie Hall; husband of Cornelia Hall, of Caerau, Glamorgan.


Prior to joining 214 Squadron he flew in Wellingtons and Lancasters with 9 Squadron.

After baling out of the aircraft he was kept in Buhl prison before being transferred by foot into Luftwaffe custody on 17 March 1945. Upon reaching Huchenfeld he was locked into the boiler room of the Neuen Schule (New School) along with 6 others of his crew. A crowd of civilians demanded access to the 7 men, demanding revenge , and dragged them outside. 3 escaped to be recaptured.
Hall and four others were taken to the cemetery and shot.

The graves at Huchenfield Germany. Flt/Lt Sidney C Matthews DFC., Fg/Off James Vinall, Fg/Off Harold Frost, Fg/Off Gordon Hall, FS Edward Percival

The French soldiers who had been the first of General Patten's army to enter the area had Inscribed each cross with simple but telling words: 'British airman, assassinated by the SA, 17/18 March 1945.'

Mentioned in Despatches recorded in the London Gazette Issue 37598 published on the 4 June 1946. Page 63 of 68.

Please click on this link to see a document produced by the Squadron Association regarding this crew and the reconciliation between former enemies

Source : Glen Hall (son of Gordon Hall) and CWGC and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and John & Carol Edwards (family connection to Sidney Matthews) and Reg Kemp (nephew of Harold Frost) and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 13 January 2023



Sgt George Leonard 'Lennie' Hall, 960499, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 26 November 1941, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark II Z8373

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 44

Born 6 September 1920

Born in Middlesborough, England

Son of George and Margaret Isabel Hall, of Acklam, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire.

Attended Middlesbrough High School and worked in the Borough Treasurers Office, Middlesborough Council before being called up.

News was received to say that, on 26 November 1941, the aircraft had never reached Germany. After setting off at 5.30pm they had engine trouble and had to return, giving their position every short while until they were 80 miles from the English Coast when, at 7.29pm communications ceased.
Rescue launchs and reconnaissance aircraft went out in search of the plane or it's crew, but unfortunately nothing was found.

Lists of Lennie's belongings was received but they were incomplete. After further checks nothing else was found so it was concluded that the greater part of his belongings had been pilfered.

Lennie had been on at least six missions over Germany. On one he had been over enemy territory on a bitterly cold night and the plane had used up almost all of it's fuel. On return they found themselves over Whitby and then Leicester where they would have to either all jump or make a forced landing. All searchlights were put on and they managed to land. It was noted that they had a door open ready to jump if neccessary!

During his trainings after returning from Ireland, the undercarriage would not come down so they made a belly landing and fortunately they all escaped unhurt.

Source : Ian Johnstone (relative of George Leonard Hall) and Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2005 and CWGC

Date record last updated : 10 August 2009


Sgt H C M Hall

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB801 (17-Apr-1945) BU-T

Source : ORB and Richard Heath (grandson of Sgt Harold James Heath)

Date record last updated : 2 February 2018



FS Harry Ernest Hall BEM, 1436050, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 22 September 1943, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I EF393 BU-R

Born 14 February 1922

Born in Birches Green, Birmingham, England

Buried in HANOVER WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 12. B. 14.

Son of Harry Ernest and Edith Hall, of Erdington, Birmingham, England.

Harry was regarded by his kin as the 'bright' one of the family. He started his working life as an electrician and joined up for war service with the RAF on the 28th May 1941.

His rank on joining the RAF was LAC (leading aircraftman) with a serial number of 1436050. His records indicate that he was sent for pilot training to Canada.
He joined 36 Elementary Flight Training School on 13 March 1942
Moved to 33 SFTS(?) on 23 May 1942
Moved to 31 D.D.(?) on 15 September 1942
Having successfully completed his flight training he disembarked in the UK on 7 October 1942
Joined 3 PRC(?) on 8 October 1942
Joined 14(P)AFU 3 November 1942
Joined 29 Operational Training Unit 26 January 1943
Attended 1660 Con(version?) Unit 1 June 1943
Joined his operational squadron (214) 3 July 1943 with the rank of Flight Sergeant

Awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division) in November 1943. The citation from the London Gazette (12 November 1943) reads :
One night in Aug 1943, FS Hall was pilot of an aircraft which was returning from Operations. When approaching the South Coast of England the aircraft ran out of fuel and dived almost out of control into the sea. The crew were temporarily knocked out by the impact and the aircraft filled rapidly with water. FS Hall was the first to recover and his first thoughts were for the safety of his crew. He found the wireless operator injured and floating just below the astrodome, and in spite of the rapidly rising water and with complete disregard for his own safety, he succeeded in extricating him from the aircraft and securing him safely in a dingy. He then returned to the aircraft to search for the navigator and Flight engineer who were missing. Five members of the crew were subsequently picked up by an air/sea rescue launch. In a desperate situation, aggravated by darkness, FS Hall displayed extreme courage and coolness throughout.

After this daring rescue Harry was admitted to Swanborough Manor Naval Hospital (Lewes in Sussex?) on 11 August 1943 where he stayed until the 15 August 1943.

The remains of Harry's plane are on display in Brenzett Air Museum in Sussex, England, along with a description of the rescue by RAF Launch HSL156, commanded by Fg/Off Geoffrey Lockwood, who received a DFC for this rescue.

He died on the 23 September 1943 in a raid over Germany. The raid on the night of 22/23 September 1943 included a mixture of 711 heavy bombers, including 214 Squadron Stirlings, which were detailed to attack Hannover. Harry was the pilot of Stirling EF 393 BU-R which took off from RAF Chedburugh at 19:10 hrs on 22nd September 1943 but failed to return.

The story that has been relayed was that the bomber was critically hit and was going out of control. Harry held the plane steady while the other members of the crew bailed out. Unfortunately Harry could not bail out as he could not release the controls without the plane spinning. This was told by members of his crew who became POWs to the next of kin either through letters or after the war was over.

From Luftwaffe records it is highly likely he was shot down by Staffelkapitan August Geiger. This was Geiger's 47th victory, with 3 more to go before he was shot down himself on 29th September 1943.

Source : John Fowler (relative of Harry Hall) and CWGC and Mark Sawyer (cousin of Harry Hall) and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 27 November 2020


Sgt J Hall


Sgt Hall evaded capture when Stirling BK653 BU-A, crashed in the village of Bonneuil les Eaux, Northern France on 16 April 1943

Source : Julien Saguez, French Researcher and Chorley

Date record last updated : 30 July 2011


Sgt John Robert Hall, 740620, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 September 1940

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C L7843 BU-?

Buried at HEVERLEE WAR CEMETERY. Joint grave 12. E. 10-11.

Source : Nightjar newsletter Winter / Spring 2006 and CWGC

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020



Newspaper article celebrating Bill's 100th Birthday.
Please note that the photo of the B-17 Flying Fortress in the article is incorrect as it shows American markings rather that RAF. However we have been advised by Bill Hallett that the RAF crews were trained in American planes.

Here is Bill in the 2024 Anzac (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) Day March in his village of Pottsville, New South Wales, Australia. This is the first time he has taken part in a remembrance type day march since moving to Australia in 1952. He was supported by his grandsons and his great grandchildren in the March.

Sgt Walter William Charles 'Bill' Hallett, Flight Engineer, Nationality : British, Date taken POW 24 May 1944, POW number 24

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR384 BU-A

Imprisoned at POW camp Bankau (Bakow), Poland

Born 1 May 1922

Born in Over Wallop, Andover, Hampshire

Husband of Edna


Sgt Hallett emigrated to Australia in 1951 and lives in NSW.

Daniel Debs is in the conclusion of publishing a biography of Bill Hallett in collaboration with Ryan L. Dudley.

Marilyn Wood writes :
My father WW. Hallett was a member of Bomber Command 214. He was also a POW. He is an amazing 97 year old, still living in his own house caring for his 94 year old wife. He is active, volunteers twice a week at his local Neighbourhood Centre which has a second hand clothes shop and furniture. He is also a member of the local Men's Shed. He tells his grandkids and his great grandkids many stories of his life experiences, living in UK, his wartime escapades and his life in Australia. (June 2019)

Marilyn Wood wrirtes :
My dad is extremely computer literate with an iPhone, IPad and a desk top computer. He pays all his bills online and is always purchasing goods on the World Wide Web. Just wondered if there is any veterans who would be able or interested in contacting and keeping in touch with him, via email etc. (May 2020)

If you would like to contact Bill Hallett, please sent an email to the administrators and we will forward it to Marilyn / Bill.

Bill reached his 100 birthday in May 2020.

Please see a newspaper article about him above.

Marilyn Wood writes :
He has his 102nd Birthday on 1st May 2024. He lost his beloved wife Edna in 2022. He still lives at his favourite home in the village, with help from carers for few hours each day. (April 2024)

Source : Ryan Dudley (nephew of Allan Hockley) and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Roz Glenn (daughter-in-law of FS Thomas Glenn) and Marilyn Wood (daughter of Sgt Hallett)

Date record last updated : 26 April 2024



Plt/Off Robert Balfour Halliday, J/6652, Air Observer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 15 April 1942, Aged 25

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z1148 BU-?

Buried in HEVERLEE WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 3. E. 16.

Son of John and Minnie Halliday of North Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Source : Chorley and CWGC and Alain Rosseels (Researcher from Belgium)

Date record last updated : 14 September 2018


Sgt Clifford Hambleton, 955336, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 3 September 1941, Aged 26

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1717 BU-Z?

Buried in DUNKIRK TOWN CEMETERY. Reference : Plot 2 Row 2 Grave 21.

Son of Wilfred and Hilda Hambleton; husband of Louie Hambleton.

Source : Captain Glen McKay Retd (Canadian Armed Forces), (nephew of FS James Patrick McKay) and CWGC

Date record last updated : 29 December 2010


Sgt Hamilton

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) X3206

Source : Colin Burningham and W.R.Chorley

Date record last updated : 17 November 2008


Sgt Donald Albert Stanley Hamilton, 403547, Pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 1 April 1942, Aged 22

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C X9979 (01-Apr-1942) BU-O

Buried in DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 2. B. 17.

Son of Joseph Robert and Elizabeth Hamilton, of Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.

Source : Chorley and CWGC

Date record last updated : 16 June 2010


Sgt R A Hamlin, Flight Engineer

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9355 (02-Jul-1942)

Source : Arthur Skone

Date record last updated : 22 June 2014


Sgt N Hammond

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I W7631 (23-Oct-1942) BU-G

He survived the crash of Stirling Mark I W7631 (23-Oct-1942) BU-G.

Source : Chorley and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023


LAC Richard Lister Hampton, Flight Engineer

Lester Hampton writes that he has a copy of the photo of the squadron in front of the Fortress in 1944 shown in Photo Album 4. He believes his Grandfather, Richard Lister Hampton, to be in this photo.
He served with 214 Squadron from March 1943 to the end if the war. He also served with 617 Squadron.

Source : Lester Hampton (grandson of Richard Lister Hampton)

Date record last updated : 23 February 2018



WO Leslie 'Hank' Hancock, 745181, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 29 September 1941, POW number 18328

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1789 (11-Sep-1941) BU-Q
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C X9884 (29-Sep-1941) BU-?

Named on the following Memorial : Coventry Cathedral computer memorial

Imprisoned at POW camp Dulag Luft (Oberursel), Germany
Imprisoned at POW camp Oerbke (Fallingbostel), Germany
Imprisoned at POW camp Heydekrug (Silute), Lithuania
Imprisoned at POW camp Lamsdorf (Lambinowice), Germany - until 1943 when it became Stalag 344
Imprisoned at POW camp Sagan (Zagan) & Belaria, Germany

Born 13 February 1921

Born in Leicester, England

Son of Frank Hancock and Blanche Mabel Hancock (Nee Goulding)


Leslie signed up with the RAFVR 28 February 1939 aged 18.
No 1 Initial Training School Cambridge 18 September 1939
EFTS Desford 18 December 1939
10SFTS Ternhill 11 May 1940
Awarded flying badge 27 June 1940 from No 10 Flying School
20 OTU 20 August 1940
149 Squadron Mildenhall 14 October 1940
3PRU 4 December 1940

He joined 214 Squadron at Stradishall on 20 December 1940
He was injured on 5 February 1941 whilst investigating a problem on the runway. He fractured his skull and was in hospital in Newmarket.
Leslie returned to Stradishall in May 1941 and started ops with B flight in August 1941. His aircraft crashed and he was taken POW in September 1941.

Leslie was interested in calligraphy and indeed handwriting lessons in the camps to other POW's

Leslie also flew in the following Wellington aircraft:
R1789, T2918 and Z8900.

Leslie is in the top row far left. Can anyone name the other men?

Leslie died on 26 March 1973 aged 52.

Source : Nicola Jones (daughter of Sgt Leslie Hancock) and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Chorley and 214 Squadron ORB and and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023


Sgt Harold Hancocks, 1314850, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 15 October 1942, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9146 (15-Oct-1942) BU-S

Buried in UDEN WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 4. B. 13.

Son of Reginald and Amelia Hancocks, of Fulham, London.

Source : CWGC

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023


Doug Handbury, Navigator

Doug was a Stirling Navigator

Source : Nightjar Newsletter February 2016

Date record last updated : 13 December 2016


Sgt Jean Pierre Hanet, 1819763, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 September 1944

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB767 BU-A

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 230

Son of Gaston and Florence Hanet.

Source : CWGC and John Cripps

Date record last updated : 7 June 2008



Sgt Colin Leslie Hanna, 407642, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 20 September 1942, Aged 27

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9152 (7-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9356 (20-Sep-1942) BU-U

Named on the following Memorial : Australian War Memorial Panel 123

Buried in DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 6. J. 1.

Son of William Leslie and Elsie I. Hanna, of North Gumeracha, South Australia.

Tim Hanna reports the date of death is actually 19 September 1942, the date of the 20th shown on CWGC is likely meaning the night of the 19th.

Source : John Cripps and Australian War Memorial and Tim Hanna (nephew to Sgt Colin) and Geoff Swallow (Australian Researcher) and CWGC and Chorley and 214 Squadron ORB and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023


Sgt J Hanna, Mid-upper gunner


Source : Mrs Shirley Whitlock neice of one of the crew and Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 19 July 2019


WO R Hanna DFM, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) ??Scantleton

Source : John Scantleton (son of Flt/Lt V L Scantleton)

Date record last updated : 4 August 2009


Sgt R K Hansen, Air Bomber

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark III BK659 (14-May-1943) BU-N

Source : Alan Beevor (son Flt/Lt Arthur Beevor DFC) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 25 September 2020


Plt/Off David Hardie, 184768, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 November 1944

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB788 (06-Nov-1944) BU-B

Named on the following Memorial : Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas' Church

Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 13. D. 2.

Source : CWGC and Simon Glancey

Date record last updated : 1 December 2017


Sgt A C Harding

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) BF318 (28-Nov-1942)

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 29 December 2008


Plt/Off William Ralph Harding, 184635, Navigator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 6 November 1944

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB788 (06-Nov-1944) BU-B

Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 13. D. 1

Son of George Pool Harding and Laura Beatrice Harding, of Milton, Martock, Somerset.

Family contact: John Harding : 27 Meadow Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2AS

Source : CWGC and John Harding (family contact)

Date record last updated : 28 February 2020


Sgt Bert Hardington, Top Turret Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB819 (02-Apr-1945) BU-U

Source : F A Wilkes

Date record last updated : 16 January 2014


Flt/Lt (Acting) Eric Thomas 'Ric' Hardman DFC, 424832, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ103 BU-M

Named on the following Memorial : Australian War Memorial (Honours and Awards)

Awarded the DFC on 21 September 1945 : Click on this link to see the entry in the London Gazette

Source : Chorley and John McCall (son of Keith McCall) and Sqn/Ldr John McLelland (Rtd) (Son of Fg/Off McLelland) and London Gazette and Australian War Memorial

Date record last updated : 23 March 2021


Sgt William Frederick Walter Hards, 1332273, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 13 May 1943

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I BF381 BU-P2

Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 5. B. 1.

Source : Ian Hunt and CWGC

Date record last updated : 29 October 2010


FS Frank Hares DFM, 1581827, Air Bomber, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 4 March 1945, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB815 (04-Mar-1945) BU-J
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB815 (07-Feb-1945) BU-J

Buried in COALVILLE (HUGGLESCOTE) CEMETERY. Reference : Sec. A. Grave 217

Son of James and Beatrice Mary Hares, of Hugglescote.

London Gazette published 23 March 1945, Supplement 36997, page 1596
Distinguished Flying Medal. 1581827 Flight Sergeant Frank HARES, R.A.F.V.R., 214 Sqn
As pilot and air bomber of aircraft respectively, this officer and airman participated in an attack against Ladbergen one night in February, 1945. After leaving the target the aircraft was attacked by a Junkers 88 and sustained much damage. The navigator was seriously wounded and Flight Sergeant Hares promptly went to his assistance. After rendering what aid he could he afterwards
took over the duties of the wounded navigator and his good work was of great value to his pilot, Flying Officer Bennett who, displaying exceptional skill, succeeded in flying the badly damaged aircraft to an airfield in this country. This officer and airman set an excellent example of coolness and co-operation. That the aircraft was brought safely back reflects great credit on their skill and resolution.

Please see the following link to the BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR, which tells the story of the death of FS Hares and his comrades whilst returning to their airbase at Oulton when they were apparently shot down by a German fighter whilst preparing to land.


Source : Nightjar Newsletter and CWGC and BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR and BBC website "A bomber's story" by Bill Knight and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 2 June 2017



Sgt Clayton Edward 'Ted' Hargest DFM, Wireless Operator

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) N2776 BU-G
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (pre Sep-1940) BU-G

After completing operational training, Clayton Hargest, Evans and George Steven who had become good friends, narrowly escaped fate when they were posted to a squadron based in Newmarket - the horse racing track. The day before they arrived the squadron had lost six of their eight planes (shot down) and all six crews perished. Since there were no aircraft left the three were then posted on to 214 Sqdn at Stradishall and operations.

In early 1941 he went to Malta and the Middle East and flew another tour with 148 Squadron. The London Gazette of 31 October 1941 lists the award of a DFM to Ted Hargest in recognition of 62 sorties (32 in Europe and 30 in the Middle East). He survived the war.

Source : Christopher Jary (author of "Portrait of a bomber pilot") and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 11 April 2009


Plt/Off John Denton Hargreaves, 77035, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 4 April 1940, Aged 20

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) P9267

Buried in WEST ROW BAPTIST CHAPELYARD. Reference : Row 5 Grave 10

Son of Edith Hargreaves, of New Malden, Surrey.

Pilot Officer Hargreaves of New Malden, Surrey, was attached to No. 149 Squadron when he died.

Source : Jock Whitehouse and Traces of WW2 website and CWGC

Date record last updated : 8 August 2011


Sgt Herbert Harker, Waist Gunner

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II ??Van Den Bok (Dec-1944) BU-C
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB793 (02-Jan-1945) BU-S

Source : Mike Ashwell (son-in-law) and Roger Mills (son of John Tudor Mills) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 17 April 2020


FS H T Harmsworth

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB803 (15-Mar-1945) BU-L

Source : Chorley

Date record last updated : 1 December 2017


FS Albert Douglas Harris, 415529, Air Gunner, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 13 August 1943, Aged 23

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I EF390 BU-A


Son of Frederick John Linton Harris and Amelia Rose Harris, of Huntly, Auckland, New Zealand.

Source : CWGC, Nightjar Newsletter Summer / Autumn 2003 and J. Michael Townsend, Chairman of the RAFA French Riviera Branch.

Date record last updated : 18 February 2008




Sgt Herbert Allenby Harris, R/80735, Mid Upper Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 3 December 1942, Aged 26, Date taken POW 28 November 1942, POW number Unknown

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark III R9194 BU-N


Son of Henry Garfield Harris and Margaret Harris, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Injured 28 November 1942 and taken POW. He died from his injuries on 03 December 1942.

Source : Capitaine Herve Savary (French Gendarmerie Officer), CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023


Flt/Lt Wilfred Arthur Harris, 33256, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 December 1940, Aged 24

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) R3209 BU-H
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) T2470 BU-K

Buried in OYE-PLAGE COMMUNAL CEMETERY. Reference : Row 1. Grave 16.

Son of James and Edme Harris, of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire.

The following is an excerpt from the personnel entry of S/Ldr Geoff Cole:
On 7 December 1940 his crew and two others were despatched half an hour ahead of the main force to act as pathfinders by locating and marking the target, Dusseldorf, with incendiaries. The weather was atrocious and Geoff Cole's aircraft lost both engines, falling several thousand feet before he was able to start them again. The other two 'pathfinder' aircraft, captained by Flight Lieutenant Harris* and Flying Officer Dadswell, were both lost.

* This is undoubtedly Wilfred Arthur Harris, being researched by Tim Jackson, England.

Source : Tim Jackson & CWGC

Date record last updated : 11 April 2009



Padre Harrison GM, Squadron Chaplain

Wellington T2841 took off at 03:02 hrs from Stradishall on 29 January 1941, on a mission to Wilhelmshaven. As the bomber left the ground with a full bomb load the port engine failed and the Wellington sank back onto the runway and burst in to flames. Fortunately none of the crew lost their lives. Pardre Harrison (Squadron Chaplain) who was nearby was one of the first to reach the scene of the accident and, despite the risk of explosion, he was instrumental in saving the lives of the crew. For this great heroism he was awarded the George Medal.

Source : Chorley and Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon)

Date record last updated : 4 October 2009


Flt/Lt Norman Harrison, 116554, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 June 1942, Aged 31

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I N3761 BU-E

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 65.

Son of George Robert and Thomasina Harrison; husband of Anne Harrison, of Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Source : Kate Brettell (niece of Flt/Lt Turtle). Kate has retrieved information from the National Archives Canada, The PRO in England and CWGC

Date record last updated : 29 December 2010



Flt/Lt Maurice Walter Hartford DFC, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) L7847 (08-Sep-1940)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) N2776 BU-G
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) N2776 (pre Sep-1940) BU-G

Maurice Hartford flew a tour as a pilot officer with 214 Squadron in the latter half of 1940. Originally he flew as second pilot to Flying Officer John Leighton Beck; most of his operations as captain were with Pilot Officer Jack Wetherly as second pilot. In early 1941 he went to Malta and the Middle East, where he flew with 148 Squadron. Hartford was awarded the DFC in the London Gazette of 26 September 1941.

He is mentioned in John Sweetman's book about the Dams Raid as, in the spring of 1943, as a test pilot at Boscombe Down, Hartford was flying Upkeep Lancasters. Happily, we know he survived the war because Ian Lawson met him at a Farnborough Air Show in the fifties.

Source : Christopher Jary (author of "Portrait of a bomber pilot") and Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott) and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011


FS Edgar Edward Hartland DFM, 1195242, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 31 August 1943, POW number 250727


Imprisoned at POW camp Muhlberg am der Elbe, Germany


London Gazette Issue 36991 published on the 16 March 1945:
1195242 Edgar Edward HARTLAND, R.A.F.V.R., 214 Sqn., awarded the DFM with effect from 18th August, 1943.

Source : Adrian Lee (son of Frank Lee) and Chorley and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 27 November 2009


FS Ernest Henry Hartrey, 1316863, Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 22 November 1945

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Liberator (model unknown) KL587

Buried in SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 16. C. 20.

Source : CWGC and Jock Whitehouse

Date record last updated : 5 September 2010



Sgt E A Harvey, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 27 September 1943, POW number 582


Imprisoned at POW camp Heydekrug (Silute), Lithuania
Imprisoned at POW camp Thorn (Torun), Poland - dates unknown


Source : "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 8 August 2011


Sgt D T Hatch, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB803 (06-Oct-1944) BU-L
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB819 (14-Feb-1945) BU-U

Source : Ian Hunt and Angus Cameron

Date record last updated : 18 June 2008


Sgt Haveland

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR388 (02-Jun-1944) BU-H

Sgt Haveland was an additional crew member for the flight on 2 June 1944

Source : Mike Day (son of Sqn/Ldr Day)

Date record last updated : 20 July 2011


Flt/Lt Ian Hawkins, Pilot

Flt/Lt Ian Hawkins did one tour with 214 Squadron in 1943 as a pilot of a Stirling before becoming an instructor. In October 2013, he was living at Lee on the Solent.

He went on to become a school teacher. He is the last surviving member of his crew (although they all made it through the war).

Flt/Lt Ian Hawkins sadly died on 6 July 2022 aged 100.

Source : Peter Grist and Marion Sausins (Daughter of Flt/Lt Ian Hawkins)

Date record last updated : 1 August 2022



Sgt Andrew William Hay, 519077, Wireless Operator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 5 November 1940

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C T2470 (05-Nov-1940) BU-K

Named on the following Memorial : Newmarket War Memorial

Buried in NEWMARKET CEMETERY. Reference : Plot P. Grave 485.

Source : CWGC and Chorley and Tony Pringle (Newmarket War Memorial)

Date record last updated : 30 January 2017


Plt/Off Hayes

Was a regular crew member with Gp/Capt John Aidan Field

Is possibly R W S Hayes

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019


Plt/Off Ronald William Stanley 'Ronnie' Hayes, 69424, Pilot, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 25

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z8979 (01-Apr-1942) BU-P

Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 9. C. 6.

Son of William Alfred and Edith Hayes, of Ernesettle, Plymouth.

Nicola Davies wrote:

"Pilot Officer Ronald (Ronnie) Hayes of Wellington Z8979 was engaged to my Great Aunt. I believe their wedding was imminent and gifts had been sent from Canada where I understand he may have trained.
My Great Aunt is still alive at 96 although she has never spoken to us directly about her loss. She had photos and letters regarding him but they were stolen whilst she was travelling not that long afterwards.
It is my understanding that Pilot Officer Hayes' father was a submariner who died in an accident off Plymouth when he was very young."

Source : Ian Hunt and CWGC and Nicola Davies

Date record last updated : 23 August 2009


David Haylett, Engine Mechanic

Shared a tent with John Wright and Peter Brown while out in Shallufa, Egypt in 1951

Source : Nightjar Newsletter May 2013

Date record last updated : 25 January 2015


Flt/Lt Bernard J Haynes, Pilot

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress (model unknown) ??Haynes (16-Apr-1945) BU-H

Joined 214 Squadron from 31 Base on 7 August 1944.
First Operation was on 17 September 1944.
Last operation was on 25 April 1945.
Promoted to Acting Flt/Lt 15 January 1945

43 Fortress operations were flown from September 1944 to April 1945. These are actual operational take offs, but do not disregard aborted operations, early returns etc.

Source : Ian Hunt and Roger Mills (son of John Tudor Mills)

Date record last updated : 30 November 2018



Flt/Lt D Head, Air Electronics Officer, Royal Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Victor Mark I - 3 point tanker End of 214 (2)

Source : Flt/Lt David Card

Date record last updated : 14 September 2018


Harry Head is 3rd from the left in the top picture

Harry's log book

Harry's log book

FS Harry Head DFM, 620082, Flight Engineer

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) EF337 (17-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) N3767 (11-Jul-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) N3769 (25-Jun-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) N3769 (29-Jun-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9152 (16-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7569 (19-Jul-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7575 (12-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7610 (11-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7610 (01-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7610 (26-Jul-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7610 (28-Jul-1942)

Died in 1978.

David Head writes :
My Mum (Margaret Head) is aged 87 this year recently handed over to me some of my Dad's war records recently which included the following items:
- Life size flight chart, which shows every mission he flew during his service (appears to be a staggering 48 bombings in total).
- RAF Flying Log Book in good condition (extract attached June 1942)
- Some original pictures (see attached).
Dad's service no. was 620082 and he commenced his service on 17 April 1942 and the log book suggests his last bombing mission was Berlin 27 March 1943 and he appears to have flown in the Stirling M1 under the Ft/Lt Stickell for the majority of his missions. Dad never spoke very much about the War which I understand was very common and he passed away in 1978 from cancer. He was awarded a DFM after finishing his service with Squadron No. 7.

Sgt. Harry Head was transferred from 214 Squadron to the Pathfinder 7 Squadron on 26 August 1942.

Source : David Head (son of FS Harry Head) and Margaret Head (wife of FS Harry Head) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 7 June 2019



Flt/Lt Dudley Percy Heal DFM, Navigator, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 15 March 1945, POW number Unknown

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB799 (14-Mar-1945) BU-K

Imprisoned at POW camp Augsburg, Bavaria

Born 5 August 1917

Born in Edinburgh

Edward Heal and Ellen Heal nee Kimpton


Flt/Lt Heal flew the following aircraft:
Flying Fortresses 214 Squadron: HB816, HB785, KJ106,HB803, HB799
Lancaster: 617 Sqn: ED918/G (F for Freddie)
Lancasters: 44 Sqn: W4829, W4831,W4305,W4838, R5898, ED716
Whitley V (training) : BD261, Z6751, AD684, Z6971, Z6658, Z6975, Z6875

One of the most memorable things that happened to him during the War was being selected for a secret mission with 617 Sqn. That mission was the Dambusters Raid, "Operation Chastise", flown on 16 May 1943, for which he was awarded the D.F.M. His aircraft and crew were detailed to attack the Sorpe Dam, which was later to be revealed as indestructible, being made of earth, as against the brick construction of the other 2 dams breached.

He continued to fly with 617 Squadron after the dams raid with the crew and was one of the last of the original crews to leave, having by that time been commissioned as a Pilot Officer on 8 September 1943 and further promoted to Flying Officer on 8 March 1944. On 12 December 1943, Dudley, along with the rest of the crew, was attached to No. 138 (Special Duties) Sqn. For 9 days, during which time they dropped supplies to Resistance forces in France, taking off from RAF Tempsford.

He was posted to No.29 Operational Training Unit on 26 March 1944, for instructional duties and on 4 February 1945, to 214 Squadron, part of No. 100 Group (Bomber Support), flying American Flying Fortress aircraft on radio counter measure ops.

On 16 March 1945 Dudley was taken POW after bailing out from HB799 BU-K. He and Flt/Lt POW landed away from the rest of the crew.
Dudley was picked up by the German Army after he parachuted onto the roof of a factory on the German side of the border the crew had reached. He became a prisoner of war for 2 months until the end of the war, being repatriated on 17 May 1945.

It was only in 1993 that Dudley found out to his horror that 5 of the 214 Squadron crew with whom he bailed out over Germany in 1945 had been murdered. His former crewmate Tom Tate saw his name in the local paper in another connection and contacted him.

Click on image to see larger version

He was a member of the Caterpillar Club as a result of his bail-out and was finally demobbed from the RAF as a Flt/Lt In March 1946. He had married in January 1946 in Gosport, Hants, his childhood home, to Thelma, and had two daughters, spending most of his life in Southampton.

He returned to his civilian job as a Customs Officer, initially at Southampton and later at the town's Eastleigh Airport, retiring as a senior officer in 1978 with 42 years' service.

His main hobby was gardening and after he retired he became a member of the RHS club in Southampton Membership was flagging and he built the club up, becoming Chairman. He was a gifted musician, playing the piano, a useful activity in the RAF Mess!

He passed away on 17 February 1999.

Please click on this link to see a document produced by the Squadron Association regarding this crew and the reconciliation between former enemies

Source : Vivien White (daughter of Dudley Heal) and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 13 January 2023


Sgt W C Healey

Sgt Healey's crew as recorded on their first 5 ops entries listed in the ORB seem to give the crew as:-
Flt/Lt J W Lucas
Flt/Lt W H Taylor
F/O N W Manners
F/Sgt R Jeffcock
W/O S C Hopkins
Sgt W C Heley (spelt Healey in the first entry but Heley in the next four)
F/Sgt J Parkinson
Sgt C W Pearson
Sgt J Burchell

This crew seems to be listed consistently in this order in the ORB, although it doesn't give their individual crew functions. HOWEVER, the tenth crew member (possibly the jamming equipment Special Operator?) changed a bit over the first 5 ops.
- Firstly it was Sgt J S Reid (1st op);
- then F/O W E Gronau RCAF (2nd op);
- then Sgt C Kerr (next 3 ops). It may be that this was how the crew settled down to be (ie with Kerr).

Source & Research : Ian Hunt



Sgt Patrick James Healy, Air Gunner, 1300369, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom. KIA 4 March 1945 aged 24

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB815 (04-Mar-1945) BU-J

Buried in LEYTONSTONE (ST. PATRICK'S) ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERY. Reference : Plot 11A. Row 3. Grave 198.

Son of Patrick Sullivan Healy and Anna Christina Healy, of Forest Gate

Please see the following link to the BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR, which tells the story of the death of Sgt Healy and his comrades whilst returning to their airbase in Oulton when they were apparently shot down by a German fighter whilst preparing to land.

See the chapter named OULTON AIRBASE

Source : Nightjar Newsletter and CWGC and BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR and Richard Shipman (nephew)

Date record last updated : 5 August 2009


Wedding picture of Geoffrey Heath and Joan Singleton in 1943 in Brentford

FS Geoffrey Heath, 1214771, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 22 September 1943, Aged 27

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9258 BU-W

Buried in HANOVER WAR CEMETERY. Coll. grave 10. D. 5-8.

Son of Percy John and Alice Heath; husband of Joan Heath, of St. Breward, Cornwall.

Source : CWGC and Peggy Hobbis (Cousin of Geoffrey Heath) and Mark Heath (researcher)

Date record last updated : 27 October 2017



Sgt Harold James Heath, Rear Gunner

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ125 BU-J

Source : ORB and Richard Heath (grandson of Sgt Harold James Heath)

Date record last updated : 15 December 2017


Sqn/Ldr Heather

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) T2470 (30-Aug-1940)

Source : Sheila Scott Byrne (daughter of Wg/Cdr Peter Doig Scott)

Date record last updated : 10 July 2011


WO Charles Walter Heathman, 1378655, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 19 April 1945, Aged 38, Date taken POW 12 October 1941, POW number 24384

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C X9762 (12-Oct-1941) BU-?

Imprisoned at POW camp Heydekrug (Silute), Lithuania
Imprisoned at POW camp Lamsdorf (Lambinowice), Germany - until 1943 when it became Stalag 344
Imprisoned at POW camp Thorn (Torun), Poland - dates unknown

Buried in BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 6. B. 10.

Husband of Gladys Heathman, of New Barnet, Hertfordshire.


Killed by RAF Typhoons on 19 April 1945 while taking part in the Great March

Source : Chorley and 214 Squadron ORB and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 30 September 2020



Gerhard's car. Look at the registration mark!

Sgt Gerhard 'Harry' Heilig, 1892246, Special Operator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : Austrian

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR386 BU-N

Born 19 April 1925

Born in Budapest, Hungary

Son of Bruno and Hilda Heilig

Gerhard wrote some short stories (please click on the titles to read them) :


Author of :

Circuits and Bumps: A Pilot's Experiences in War and Peace with the RAF and Civil Airlines 1943-1964
ISBN: 1-903953-57-X

The Cry of the Nightjar
ISBN 1-903953-81-2

Around the world in 80 beds: a bawdy romp without any four letter words.
ISBN 1-903953-82-0

All published by Woodfield Publishing, Babsham Lane, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England

A Film by Steven Hatton
A meditative story of a parent child relationship, Heilig offers an intimate portrait of Jewish Kindertransport refugee Gerhard Heilig, now 85 and living in retirement in Vienna.
Heilig explores not only Gerhard's own escape from Nazi Austria but the imprisonment at Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps of his father, Bruno Heilig, an anti-nazi political journalist and later, writer of one of the first eyewitness accounts of life in the concentration camps.
This DVD is available from Amazon

Sadly Gerhard passed away in Vienna on 24 October 2014.

Please read Gerhard's farewell letter below :

Source : Gerhard Heilig

Date record last updated : 31 December 2014


Flt/Lt Werner John Hein, 118668, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 June 1943


Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 20. E. 1-3.

Source : CWGC and Chorley

Date record last updated : 20 June 2010




Sgt Clifford A Hellewell, 935937, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 11 October 1940, Aged 20

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C L7840 BU-?

Born in Bradford

Buried in BRADFORD (SCHOLEMOOR) CEMETERY. Reference : Cons. Sec. N. Grave 824.

Son of Alfred and Emily Hellewell

Born in 1920

Source : Bill Stubbs and CWGC and Mark Hellewell (great nephew of Clifford Hellewell)

Date record last updated : 30 October 2010


FS R H Hembrow, Special Wireless Operator, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR381 BU-F

FS Hembrow was able to speak German.

FS Hembrow was one of the injured members of the crew on 21 June 1944 when SR381 BU-F crash landed at Woodbridge emergency aerodrome, crashing into a Lacaster that was fully loaded with bombs after being shot up twice in Germany . The other was Wireless Operator Stanley.

FS Hembrow had been slightly wounded, with a German cannon splinter in his shoulder.

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2003 and Roger Mills and Murray Peden

Date record last updated : 28 December 2011


Taken in 1943

This is his headstone at Becklingen War Cemetery. He was originally buried at the church cemetery in Moisburg.

Plt/Off Harry Leonard Henderson, J/95282, Air Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 7 March 1945, Aged 19

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ106 BU-G

Born 11 July 1925

Buried in BECKLINGEN WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Plot 14. Row C. Grave 14.

Son of John Valentine Henderson and Lavina Henderson, of Innisfail, Alberta, Canada.

Source : CWGC and Patrick Henderson (nephew) and David Champion (researcher)

Date record last updated : 23 February 2018


Fg/Off Jock Henderson, Pilot

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) FEN959 (22-Nov-1943) BU-?
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) NEE876 BU-?

Jock and Donald Macgilchrist flew 14 operations together from July 1943.

On 22 November Jock's eardrums were damaged after his aircraft was heavily damaged and he was removed from operational flying.

Source : Donald MacGilchrist

Date record last updated : 20 September 2008


WO John Henderson, 1699586, Mid Upper Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 7 March 1945, POW number Unknown

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ106 BU-G


POW camp not known

WO Henderson was from Blyth, Northumberland.

Source : "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and David Champion (researcher)

Date record last updated : 23 February 2018



Fg/Off Jack B Henderson, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force

During the period from April 1944 to May 1945 Jack flew 1 Fortress mission. (Actually "operational take-offs". Does not disregard aborted ops, early returns etc.)

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 30 November 2018


Picture from 19 OTU RAF Kinloss Course No.31 of 04-Nov-1941 WO-ACS

Plt/Off James McKenzie Henderson, 109515, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 26

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z8805 (01-Apr-1942) BU-H

Buried in RHEINBERG WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 1. D. 6-18.

Son of John and Mary Henderson, of Dundee; husband of Margaret Carrie Henderson, of Dundee.

Attended 19 OTU RAF Kinloss Course No.31 of 04-Nov-1941 WO-ACS

Source : CWGC and Chorley and Paul Markham (77 Squadron Association)

Date record last updated : 19 January 2024


Sgt J M Henry

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) BK800

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 15 January 2021


Jonathan Paul Henry

Served with 214 Squadron during the Second World War.

Died August 2018.

His funeral was held on 17 August 2018 at St Oswald's Parish Church, Crown Lane, Lower Peover, Knutsford WA16 9PY.

Source : Victoria Tinsley (Niece) and Shaun Broaders (214 Squadron Association)

Date record last updated : 15 October 2018


Sgt Heppenstall

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C T2918 (14-Jul-1941)

Is possibly Percy Heppenstall.

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 31 August 2020


Sgt Heppenstall

Was a regular crew member with Gp/Capt John Aidan Field

Is possibly Percy Heppenstall

Source : Richard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019



Sgt Percy Heppenstall, 998624, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 April 1942, Aged 22

Born 14 September 1919

Born in Doncaster

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z8951 (16-Apr-1942) BU-X

Named on the following Memorial : War memorial "Het Rijtven", Deurne, Netherlands

Buried in
EINDHOVEN (WOENSEL) GENERAL CEMETERY. Reference : Plot JJ. Coll. grave 54-56.

Son of William and Beatrice Minnie Heppenstall, of Doncaster, Yorkshire.

Source : Adrian van Zantvoort and Chorley and CWGC and family of Sgt Percy Heppenstall and Richard Schoutissen (researcher from the Netherlands)

Date record last updated : 5 October 2024


WO Hepton

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB785 (Corke) BU-A

Source : Pilot Officer William Foskett

Date record last updated : 26 May 2009


Sgt P N Herbert, 931389, Navigator

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) Z8900
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) Z8900 (15-Nov-1941)

On 18 October 1941 Sgt Herbert was posted to 214 Squadron from 23OTU.
He was flying as part of a crew in 214 Squadron from 18 October 1941 (as per ORB for 230TU Pershore) till January 1942.
On 19 January 1942 he was posted 99 Squadron.
On 23 February 1942 he was posted to Portreath from Waterbeach.
On 26 February 1942 he was posted from Portreath direct to Malta, en-rote to to ME fro 99 Squadron in India, being seconded to 215 Squadron, on arrival, until rejoining 99 Squadron in Oct 1942 until at least 1943.

Source : Colin Burningham and W.R.Chorley

Date record last updated : 4 October 2009



FS Frank B 'Curly' Herlihy, Air Gunner, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB817 BU-G
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ101 BU-H
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ114 (02-May-1945) BU-B

Source : Ian Hunt and Alan Mercer

Date record last updated : 21 February 2009


FS Norman Gilbert Hettrick, R/68075, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 26 November 1941

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark II Z8373

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 60

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2005 and CWGC

Date record last updated : 10 August 2009


Sgt Hewitt, Waist Gunner

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR386 BU-N

Source : Gerhard Heilig

Date record last updated : 24 March 2008



FS John 'Jersey' Heys, 1927783, Engine Fitter

With 214 Squadron from 1961 to 1964.

Resume of John's career sent to us on 8 March 2007 :

"I joined the RAF at the tender age of 15.5, as a Boy Entrant at RAF Cosford after having to leave Public school owing to the collapse of my Father's company, and after 18 very interesting months training, I was posted to RAF Odiham to 46 Squadron with Meteor nf 12's and 14's. Then onto Germany, back to Marham and 214 and world travelling. Went to St Athan in 64 on instructional duties, dragged off that screaming and kicking to go to Zambia on 29 sqdn with the terrible Javelins as I was very experienced on them, and Kenneth Kounda demanded protection from Ian Smith in Rhodesia . Back to St Athan instructing, then onto Buccaneers, and finished as a Flight Sergeant on 3 Sqdn servicing the fantastic Vulcans. I served for 24 years, and came back to Jersey in 77.
I never miss the Boy Entrant reunion at Cosford, where about 290 of us turn up for the weekend and have a wonderful time. We have actually located 9 boys from Hut H9 which we were all in, and it is an emotional weekend but hugely enjoyable. We all form 3 flights and take part in the Battle Of Britain Parade, and are considered to be the smartest bunch there, it is so funny to be taking the mick out of high flying company directors , factory owners and road sweepers, we are all boys once again!!, and strangely sad to be driving out of the gates on the Sunday. I have many experiences to relate from my 24 years, and it is so interesting to hear what the others got up to then and since becoming civilians."

John had two articles published in the Winter / Spring 2007 Nightjar Newsletter (Three Jerseymen and a Guernseyman - Chance meeting in the frozen North and To the East and back in a month - An encounter with a remarkable Jerseywoman).

Source : John Heys

Date record last updated : 13 October 2011


Picture from 19 OTU RAF Kinloss Course No.31 of 04-Nov-1941 Pilots

FS Norman George Hickey, R/75890, Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, KIA 2 April 1942, Aged 22

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z8979 (01-Apr-1942) BU-P

Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 9. A. 3-6.

Son of Gordon Whitfield Hickey and Violet May Hickey, of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Attended 19 OTU RAF Kinloss Course No.31 of 04-Nov-1941 Pilots.

Source : Ian Hunt and CWGC and Paul Markham (77 Squadron Association)

Date record last updated : 16 February 2024


Sgt R G Higgins

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9186 (01-Mar-1943) BU-F

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 5 December 2021


Fg/Off Hill, Pilot

Mentioned in the Flying Log Book of Sgt Fulton James Logan

Source : Ron Belanger (son in law of Sgt Fulton James Logan)

Date record last updated : 5 May 2008


Plt/Off Frederick Charles Hill, 62649, Royal Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I N3729 (07-Aug-1942) BU-R

Source : 214 Squadron ORB and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023


Sgt G Hill, 946109, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) ??Williams

Was part of an aircrew to be seconded to 15 OTU for 215 Squadron on 11 March 1942.

See Photo album 4 "The exodus of 214 Squadron to 215 Squadron".

Source : Colin Burningham

Date record last updated : 29 May 2010


FS Leonard Stanley Hill, 638698, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 3 June 1942, POW number 507

Born 12 October 1918

Born in Exeter, Devon, England

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I W7537 BU-H

Imprisoned at POW camp Heydekrug (Silute), Lithuania
Imprisoned at POW camp Sagan (Zagan) & Belaria, Germany
Imprisoned at POW camp Thorn (Torun), Poland - dates unknown


The National Archives Catalogue Entry for FS Leonard Stanley Hill can be seen here

Source : Chorley and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Richard Maddox (researcher) and The National Archives

Date record last updated : 3 February 2023


Flt/Lt Norman Hill, Pilot

During the period from April 1944 to May 1945 Norman flew 33 Fortress missions. (Actually "operational take-offs". Does not disregard aborted ops, early returns etc.)

He previously flew Stirlings with 214 Squadron.

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 29 November 2018


Gp/Capt Peter Hill

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Valiant (model unknown) ??Hill

In 2016 Peter Hill has past his 90 birthday.

Source : AVM Eric H Macey

Date record last updated : 8 December 2017


Sgt Gilbert Leslie Hislop, 1594952, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 16 November 1944, Aged 32

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB787 (16-Nov-1944) BU-J

Buried in GOOLE CEMETERY. Reference : Sec. D. Plot 3. Grave 2088.

Son of Thomas Dagg Hislop and Mollie Hislop, of Goole; husband of Elsie Hislop, of Goole, Yorkshire, England.

Source : CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2003 and Kelvin Youngs

Date record last updated : 13 August 2021


Flt/Lt M F Hislop, Navigator / Plotter, Royal Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Valiant B Mark I XD869

Source : Peter Walker

Date record last updated : 6 August 2008



Sgt Cornelius Matthew Flinders Hitchcock, 904310, Pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 April 1941

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C T2542 (09-Apr-1941)

Buried in KIEL WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 3.A.6.

Cornelius's brother, (Will Hitchcock's Grand Father) John Samuel Hitchcock AFC DFC was also a bomber pilot. He served right through the war, and saw operation in 37, 57 and 78 squadrons. He died in 1979.

Source : CWGC and Will Hitchcock and Nightjar newsletter and Nils Hemple and Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon)

Date record last updated : 2 October 2009


Fred Hitchcock

Fred was a Halton Apprentice and joined 214 at RAF Scampton in 1936/7 where he was a ground engineer and also flew as a gunner on the Vickers Virginia.

He died at the end of 2013 aged 98 - Lived in Paris.

Source : Nightjar Febriuary 2014

Date record last updated : 22 June 2014


Sgt John Alfred Hitchins, 1323326, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Nationality : United Kingdom. KIA 24 June 1943, Aged 19


Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 153.

Son of John Owen Hitchins and Gladys Lilian Hitchins, of Boscombe, Hampshire.

He has no known grave.

Source : Ian Hunt and CWGC



Peter Hoad, near Marseilles Station, June 1947 (the aircraft diverted into Istres on the return leg from Luqa to Manston on 7 June 1947 with engine trouble and didn't depart until the 17th.

Lancaster crew at Luqa (no names given), June 1947

Maintenance crew at work, Luqa, no names, June 1947

Taken from side window of Lancaster, no date or place given

FS Peter Alexander John Hoad, 1866195, Navigator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Lancaster B Mark I PA386 QN-Y

Born 6 February 1925

Born in Frindsbury, Kent

Son of Alexander Theodore Hoad and Winifred Hoad

Flew in the following aircraft :
Lancaster: 'A', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'O', 'P', 'T', 'W', 'V', 'X', 'Z'

Flew with the following captains :
S/Ldr Blount
F/O Buckle
S/Ldr Clements
F/O Jones
F/O Gudgeon
W/O Isaacs
F/O Matthews
F/O Robson
F/O Staton
F/L Vowles

Died on 24 November 1996 aged 71 and was cremated.

Andrew Hoad writes :
My father was posted to the Sqn as a Navigator on Lancasters based at Upwood from Nov 1946 to Sep 1947.
He had joined the RAF a month before his 18th birthday in January 1943. My understanding is that although Bomber Command losses were horrendous, they weren't as bad as had been predicted as a result of which he was immediately put on the reserve and didn't start I.T.W until 1st Jan 44. He finally completed training with Heavy Conversion at Swinderby in Oct 1946 and his stint with 214 Squadron was his only operational tour before discharge in late 47 although he remained on the reserve list until March 1959.

Source : Andrew Hoad (son of FS Peter Alexander John Hoad)

Date record last updated : 30 January 2020




Plt/Off Allan James Neville 'Skipper' Hockley, 420197, Pilot, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 24 May 1944, Aged 27

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR384 BU-A

Named on the following Memorial : Australian War Memorial Panel 124

Born 12 May 1917

Born in Enfield, NSW, Australia

Buried in YERSEKE GENERAL CEMETERY. Reference : 171

Son of Walter James Hockley and Minnie Blanche Hockley (Hogan), of Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia.

You can get an updated version of Hockley's Heroes from Ryan Dudley at Please remember to remove the XXX

Allan enlisted with the Royal Australian Air Force on 11 October 1941 before which he worked as a bus driver in the Sydney area.

Allan trained for 12 months in Australia prior to embarking for the United Kingdom in November 1942 arriving on 29 December 1942.
In England Allan was sent to 15 (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit in Andover later transferring to 11 Operation Training Unit in Westcott in June 1943 and then 1657 Conversion Unit in Stradishall in August.

After a month in Stradishall Allan transferred to 214 Squadron in Sculthorpe on 18 September 1943 being at that time a Flight Sergeant but later being promoted to Pilot Officer in January 1944.

Official records show that Allan's Fortress aircraft SR384 took off from Oulton at 23:38 on 24 May 1944 on an operational flight to Antwerp. Nothing more was heard from the crew after take off and Allan was presumed dead by air ministry on 25 May 1944. In July 1944 the RAAF received a telegram from International Red Cross Committee (IRCC) quoting German information stating 25 May FS Lyall captured, Raoul Trichon `Tom' Lyall being the only other Australian in Allan's crew, but no further news had been received about Allan. Four months after this initial telegram the RAAF received another telegram from the IRCC dated 27 November 1944 reading Berlin communicates following deceased airmen:- 420197, Hockley; A.J.N. Washed ashore 11 June in the Harbour Yerseke buried communal cemetery Yerseke grave 172. Yerseke General Cemetery, (Zeeland) is located on the island of Zuid Beveland some 13km from Goes.

Two bodies were actually recovered from the sea and buried in Yerseke the second being the planes rear gunner 20 year old Raymond George Victor Simpson of King's Lynn, Norfolk. Of note it was actually Raymond buried in grave 172 and Allan in grave 171. Family lore says that the remainder of the crew parachuted into a flooded area of Holland being picked up by Gestapo shortly after swimming to dry land.

From FS Tommy Glenn's POW diary held by his daughter-in-law Roz Glenn. On one page Tommy has written the following:
"In memoriam P/O Hockley, Alan James Noel [sic.] Our "Skipper" and pilot, who gave his life, so that we may live, remaining at the controls of the aircraft, thus allowing all but one of us to parachute to safety. He was a native of Sydney, Australia, aged 26, who was always tolerant, generous, sporting and certainly one of the best pilots in the RAF or RAAF."

During the period from April 1944 to May 1945 Allan flew 3 Fortress missions. (Actually "operational take-offs". Does not disregard aborted ops, early returns etc.)

Previously he flew Stirlings with 214 Squadron.

Source : Ryan Dudley (cousin twice removed) and CWGC and John Cripps and Geoff Swallow (Australian Researcher) and Roz Glenn (daughter-in-law of FS Thomas Glenn) and Stevin Oudshoorn and Australian War Memorial

Date record last updated : 26 March 2021


Sgt Hodge, Co-pilot

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z8951 (01-Apr-1942) BU-X

Source : Ian Hunt

Date record last updated : 29 March 2015


Sgt Albert William Hodgson, 636770, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940, Aged 20

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C L7849
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (13-Dec-1940) BU-P
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) N2800 (15-Dec-1940) BU-P

Buried in BRIDLINGTON CEMETERY. Reference : Sec. H. Grave 394.

Son of Albert and Lavinia Ellen Hodgson, of Bridlington; husband of Marjorie Anne Hodgson, of Hatfield Moors.

He was killed 9 days after getting married

Source : CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2006 and Brid Guard spreadsheet and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 18 February 2022


Plt/Off Hoffman, Special Operator

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR378 BU-D

Is listed on Battle Orders for 22 August 1944.
George Mackie names him as Hoffnung.

Source : George Mackie

Date record last updated : 5 August 2008


Sgt Holdsworth

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) X3206

Source : Colin Burningham and W.R.Chorley

Date record last updated : 17 November 2008


Plt/Off John Barry Holdsworth, 115722, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 7 June 1942, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I N3761 BU-E
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9317 (03-Jun-1942)

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 70.

Son of Gilbert Knight Holdsworth and Adelaide Holdsworth, of Bickley, Kent.

His brother, Frank Dare Holdsworth, also died on service.

Source : Kate Brettell (niece of Flt/Lt Turtle). Kate has retrieved information from the National Archives Canada, The PRO in England and CWGC and Chorley

Date record last updated : 22 June 2014


Fg/Off Holiday

Was a regular crew member with Gp/Capt John Aidan Field

Source : Ricard Field (son of Gp/Capt John Aidan Field)

Date record last updated : 24 May 2019


Sgt Holland

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9319 BU-S

Date record last updated : 3 October 2010


Fg/Off Frank Wilfred 'Dutch' Holland, 132094, Air Bomber, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 13 August 1943, Aged 32

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I EF390 BU-A

Buried in LA BUSSIERE-SUR-OUCHE COMMUNAL CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 3-4.

Son of Frank and Emma Holland, of Brighton, Sussex.

Source : CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Summer / Autumn 2003 and J. Michael Townsend, Chairman of the RAFA French Riviera Branch.

Date record last updated : 29 October 2010


Sgt James Holland, 948335, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 20 September 1942, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9152 (7-Aug-1942)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9356 (20-Sep-1942) BU-U

Named on the following Memorial : St Paul's Church, Strines, Stockport

Buried in DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 6. J. 2.

Son of Stanley and Evaline S. Holland, of Strines, Cheshire.

Source : Chorley and CWGC and Andrew (from Strines, Stockport) and 214 Squadron ORB and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023



Sgt Jimmy Hollingsworth, Wireless Operator

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR386 BU-N

Source : Gerhard Heilig

Date record last updated : 24 March 2008


FS Charles J Holmes, Navigator / Bomber

He served on Fortresses with 214 Squadron 1944 /45.

Died 29 June 2014 aged 90.

Maybe the same person as Plt/Off C J Holmes.

Source : Nightjar Newsletter August 2014

Date record last updated : 2 February 2018



Plt/Off C J Holmes, Bomb Aimer

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB801 (17-Apr-1945) BU-T

Maybe the same person as FS Charles J Holmes.

Source : ORB and Richard Heath (grandson of Sgt Harold James Heath)

Date record last updated : 2 February 2018


Sgt Jack Holmes, 996754, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 15 October 1942, Aged 30

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9146 (15-Oct-1942) BU-S

Buried in UDEN WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 4. B. 10-12.

Son of Joseph and Annie Holmes, of Leeds, Yorkshire; husband of Ivy Holmes, of Leeds.

Source : CWGC

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023


Sgt John Holt, 749319, Navigator / Observer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 9 May 1941

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) ??Eddison
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1226 BU-L

Buried in BERGEN-OP-ZOOM WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 32. C. 2.

Source : CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Summer / Autumn 2005 and Aled Leyshon (grandson of Mervyn Leyshon)

Date record last updated : 2 October 2009


FS 'Honeymoon' Honeyman, Flight Engineer

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR378 BU-D

Is listed on Battle Orders for 22 August 1944.

Is also listed on returning operational aircrew on 31 August 1944

Source : George Mackie

Date record last updated : 6 August 2008


FS Charles Cyril Honychurch, Observer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian, Date taken POW 11 June 1942, POW number 326

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9326 BU-G

Imprisoned at POW camp Heydekrug (Silute), Lithuania
Imprisoned at POW camp Sagan (Zagan) & Belaria, Germany
Imprisoned at POW camp Thorn (Torun), Poland - dates unknown

Born in Brooklyn, America


Stuart Inglis (son-in-law of Sgt Len Tonkin) has advised us that his full name is Cyril Charles Honychurch RCAF, not Charles L Honeychurch as previously advised by several other sources. This has been corrected to Charles Cyril by his granddaughter, Katherine Matz.

The crew of R9326 were filmed as part of a Pathe News Gazette wartime film called 'Take it on the Chin' about the bombings raids over Germany, which they took part in. This can be viewed by visiting :

FS Honychurch is mentioned in the article "Until they cry Enough" from,9171,795814-1,00.html

FS Honychurch is also mentioned in the New York Times archives:
BOMBING DEPICTED BY BROOKLYN FLIER; Flames of Cologne Prevented Observation of Hits, Says Sergeant Honychurch June 2, 1942, Tuesday

Source : Ian Tonkin and Nightjar Newsletter Summer / Autumn 2004 and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Stuart Inglis and Richard Miller, son of Sgt Stanley Goodey and Katherine Matz (grandaughter of FS Honychurch)

Date record last updated : 11 April 2009


Sgt Robert E "Bobbie" Hooke

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9145 (07-Aug-1942) BU-K
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I W7584 (06-Aug-1942) BU-D

Died 20/21 March 2010

Source : Richard Hooke (son) and 214 Squadron ORB and Richard Maddox (researcher)

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023


WO Sidney Charles Hopkins, 520203, Royal Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB819 (Date unknown) BU-U

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal awarded to WO Hopkins

Source : London Gazette October 1945

Date record last updated : 25 October 2015


Sgt Stanley Harold Hopkins, 1604617, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 1 September 1943


Buried in BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY. Reference : Coll. grave 5. D. 34-37.

Source : CWGC and Chorley

Date record last updated : 2 February 2010


FS Hopton, Waist Gunner

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress (model unknown) ??Peden

Source : Return of operational Aircrew at 16:00hrs on 31 August 1944

Date record last updated : 31 October 2008


Sgt W D Horne, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 11 June 1942, POW number 327

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9326 BU-G

Imprisoned at POW camp Beninia?, Poland
Imprisoned at POW camp Heydekrug (Silute), Lithuania
Imprisoned at POW camp Sagan (Zagan) & Belaria, Germany


The crew of R9326 were filmed as part of a Pathe News Gazette wartime film called 'Take it on the Chin' about the bombings raids over Germany, which they took part in. This can be viewed by visiting :

Source : Ian Tonkin and Nightjar Newsletter Summer / Autumn 2004 and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 3 October 2008


Fg/Off D Horwell, Navigator, Royal Canadian Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB819 (02-Apr-1945) BU-U

Source : F A Wilkes

Date record last updated : 16 January 2014


John Hoskin, Engine Fitter

John worked on Wellington and Stirlings.

He died in April 2012, aged 94.

Source : Squadron Association

Date record last updated : 27 September 2013


Sgt B F Hoskins, Date taken POW 11 June 1942

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9326 BU-G


Taken POW on 11 June 1942 but not listed in "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

The crew of R9326 were filmed as part of a Pathe News Gazette wartime film called 'Take it on the Chin' about the bombings raids over Germany, which they took part in. This can be viewed by visiting :

Source : Ian Tonkin and Nightjar Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2004

Date record last updated : 3 October 2008


Fg/Off Bryan Frank Robert Hotson, 405276, Navigator, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 1 March 1943, Aged 27

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I R9145 (01-Mar-1943) BU-K

Buried in KIEL WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 5.D.4

Son of Claud and Margaret Hotson, of Otorohanga, Auckland, New Zealand

Shot down in raid on Berlin 1 March 1943 and abandoned the aircraft. He was killed by a shell splinter as he decended.

Source : Chorley and CWGC

Date record last updated : 31 March 2023



FS Douglas Conway Houghton, 420469, Rear Gunner, Royal Australian Air Force, Nationality : Australian, KIA 1 September 1943, Aged 20

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) Mackett crews

Named on the following Memorial : Australian War Memorial Panel 124

Born 20 January 1923

Born in Hunters Hill New South Wales

Buried in BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 6. D. 4.

Son of William Donald and Florence Annie Elizabeth Houghton, of Waverley, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Enlisted in Sydney.

At No 26 Operational Training Unit in 1943 Douglas crewed up with Pilot Bob Mackett, Bomb Aimer Bill Wilkinson, FO Alan Deadman, Wireless Operator Gordon Lowe and Mid Upper Gunner Bruce Taggert. In July 1943 Flt Eng Stan Newton joined the crew and they all joined 214 Squadron at RAF Chedburgh the end of the month.

He flew with Robert Mackett's crew until, on 1 September 1943, he volunteered to fill the place of a sick airman with Stirling EE970 BU-B and lost his life in a flying battle over North West Europe.

The aircraft over Berlin, had been hit by flak, caught fire, and going down in flames the pilot ordered the crew to bail out.

Douglas, reaching for his parachute found it on fire and useless and at the urging of another crew member, put his arms around him and the two jumped together. When the chute snapped open, Douglas fell free and his body was found a few days later in a woods.

Frank Edge adds: "A good account of what happened was published in Canadian papers The Sunday Star Metro and The Toronto Star on 7 November 1999. "

Source : John Cripps and CWGC and Geoff Swallow (Australian Researcher) and Ian Hunt and Chorley and National Archives of Australia and Robert Mackett and Frank Edge (researcher) and Vic Pheasant 214 Squadron Association and Australian War Memorial

Date record last updated : 26 March 2021


Fg/Off W H Hoult

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I BF444 (18-Feb-1943) BU-N

Source : Chorley

Date record last updated : 25 January 2015


Sgt J A Hounslow, 749475, Rear Gunner, Date taken POW 9 December 1940, POW number Unknown

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I R1246 BU-H


Hounslow is recorded as baling out from his aircraft when it hit a barrage balloon cable on 9 December 1940 while flying between R.A.F Stradishall and 70 Squadron based in the Middle East.

He was taken POW

Not in "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock, which has extensive POW records.

Source :

Date record last updated : 30 October 2020


Fg/Off Robert Valleau 'Bob' Houston, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ103 BU-M

Was cousins with Fg/Off Terrence Velleau McKee another crew member he flew with.

Fg/Off Robert Valleau Houston survived the crash of KJ103 on 17 January 1945 but never really recovered from his injuries. He died in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1971.

Source : Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2003 and Chorley and John McCall (son of Keith McCall) and David Champion (researcher)

Date record last updated : 15 December 2017



Plt/Off Ken Hovers, Navigator

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR386 BU-N

Source : Gerhard Heilig

Date record last updated : 8 March 2008


FS Howard, Bomb Aimer

Source : Roger Mills (son of John Tudor Mills)

Date record last updated : 16 May 2009



Sgt Bill Howard, Flight Engineer

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark II SR386 BU-N

Source : Gerhard Heilig

Date record last updated : 8 March 2008


Flt/Lt Donald Howard AFM, Navigator / Radio Operator, 2238475, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom. KIA 11 September 1959 Age 31

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Valiant B Mark I XD869

Date of Birth 11 May 1928 in Finsbury Park, London.

Stationed at RAF Marham.

He is buried in MARHAM CEMETERY. RAF Grave 9.

Named on the following Memorials :
Armed Forces Memorial
Rolls of Honour, Church of St Clement Danes, London

Source : Jock Whitehouse and Armed Forces Memorial



Sqn/Ldr (Acting) Desmond Howard, 154927, Wireless Operator

Born 4 December 1918

Born in Uppermill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire

Son of Fred Wrigley Howard and Mary Howard (Nee Turner)

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB801 (17-Apr-1945) BU-T

Please note that Desmond Howard is sometimes shown as R A Howard in the 214 Squadron ORB. Please see the pictures of his log book in the photo album in his personnel entry that show this.

Died on 18 January 1981 in Sheffield and was cremated.

Shaun Howard writes :
The first record I have of him in the RAF was 05/12/1942 when he was at No 1 Radio School, in the signals squad.
He then spent some time in Canada training and also went on a gunnery course, whilst he was there.
The first entry in his log book for 214 squadron are from September 1944, based at RAF Oulton.

Please click on this link to see other photographs related to Sqn/Ldr (Acting) Desmond Howard.

Source : 214 Squadron ORB and Richard Heath (grandson of Sgt Harold James Heath) and Shaun Howard (son of Sqn/Ldr (Acting)) Desmond Howard

Date record last updated : 27 September 2024


FS H E Howard, R181164, Royal Canadian Air Force

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III KJ107 (21-Feb-1945) BU-N

Source : 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 17 April 2020


Roy Howard, Navigator / Bomber

Ron crewed on Stirling / Fortress aircraft during 1943/45.

He died on 4 April 2011, aged 89.

Source : Squadron Association

Date record last updated : 27 August 2013


Frank Hudson, Rear Gunner

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB815 (07-Feb-1945) BU-J

Please see the following link to the BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR.

See the chapter named FLYING OPERATIONS

Source : BBC website WORLD WAR 2 - PEOPLE'S WAR "A bomber's story" by Bill Knight

Date record last updated : 5 August 2009



Sgt Desmond Connell 'Des' Hughes DFC, 1807915, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : American


Appointed to commission of Sgt on 3 June 1944. Click on this link to see more from the London Gazette

Died 30 September 2010 in New Mexico aged 88

Steve Palmer writes :
I am sending you a photograph of the Atkinson crew of Stirling EF-445 BU-J lost in the North Sea on 23rd November 1943, plus some others that are relevant. They originated from the Flight Engineer on the crew, then Sgt Des Hughes. He, along with Friend and Wilson are pictured on the boundary of RAF Waterbeach (see crew for photograph) when they formed part of the Chopping crew on 514 Squadron, where they went on to add membership of the Caterpillar Club to their Goldfish. Nevertheless all three survived their tour, Friend and Wilson being awarded the DFM and Hughes the DFC, having been commissioned in May 1944. Hughes was an American who went to a great deal of effort to join the RAF. He died in New Mexico on 30th September 2010 at the age of 88.

Source : Chorley and Steve Palmer and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 26 October 2018


Flt/Lt Patrick Roderick Hughes DFC, 60804, Navigator, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 12 February 1942

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z1081 BU-B

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 65

Station Navigation Officer at Stradishall

He died as the aircraft ditched on 12 Februray 1942.

Source : Tony Da Vall and CWGC and Ian Hunt and John Jones (researcher)

Date record last updated : 10 May 2019



Sgt Ronald Douglas Hull, 912001, Wireless Operator / Air Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, KIA 14 July 1941, Aged 19

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1614 (14-Jul-1941) BU-H

Buried in SOUTHEND-ON-SEA (SUTTON ROAD) CEMETERY. Reference : Plot R. Grave 12299.

Son of Hanslow Archibald and May Marion Hull, of Southend-on-Sea.

R1614 was presumed lost over the North Sea. The body of Sgt Hull was washed onto English beaches.

Graham Newton writes :
He was my mothers(now deceased), first boyfriend.

Source : Ian Hunt, extracted from Operations record book, PRO and CWGC and Graham Newton

Date record last updated : 14 September 2018



Sgt W E Humphreys, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom, Date taken POW 31 August 1943, POW number 222608


Imprisoned at POW camp Muhlberg am der Elbe, Germany


Sgt Humphries was interviewed on German radio the day after he was shot down.
This is a link to page 1 of the transcript of this interview
This is a link to page 2 of the transcript of this interview

Source : Chorley and "Footprints on the sands of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock and David Humphries (son of Sgt Humphreys)

Date record last updated : 24 November 2017


Flt/Lt William Jack Humphries DFC, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I BF326 (17-Feb-1943) BU-X
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I BF445 BU-H
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I BK516 BU-K
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I BK593 (28-Nov-1942) BU-L
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark III BK707
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark I EF332 BU-W
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9165 BU-Y
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9186 BU-F
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9191 BU-O
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9242 BU-O
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9282 BU-Q
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9323 BU-R
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) R9358 BU-A
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling (model unknown) W7577 BU-P

Born 2 January 1921

Born in Wandsworth, London, England

Son of William Albert Humpries and Florence Samuels

Flight Lieutenant Humphries flew with many crew members during his time with 214 Squadron.
They included:
Pilot, Plt/Off Ross Campbell DFC. Canada.
Navigator. Sgt Bill Broadfield. Scotland.
Bomb aimer. Sgt Norman Ventham, Gravesend. On 6 December 1942 after preflighting a/c for trip to Mannheim, Sgt Ventham fell from the fire truck taking them back, struck his head and was killed.
Mid upper gunner. Sgt Johnny Woods, Purley Surrey. Johnny Woods was k.i.a. on his 2nd tour.
Rear Gunner, Sgt "Tubby" Fell, Manchester. Tubby Fell was P.O.W on his 2nd tour
Wireless Operator Sgt George Webber, Canada.
FS Jock Baldwin repalced Sgt Venham

Trained at No 4 School of Technical Training at St Athan.
Volunteered as Ft/Eng May/June 1942.
First flight in Stirling 31/8/42 in R9300,. The pilot was Sgt Terry.
7 Conversion Flight. Oakington.
1657 Heavy Conversion Unit Stadishall.
October 1942 he was posted to 214 Squadron at Chedburgh.
From August 1943 after finishing tour, he went to 1651 Conversion.Unit, Waterbeach.
On 20 November 1943 he went to Wratting Common.
On 1 December 1943 he transferred to Ground Training Flight.
In November 1944 he joined 514 Squadron, flying Lancasters, and flew another 17 operations, plus 2 trips of operation "Manna" and 2 trips of operation "Exodus".

Left RAF in either late 1945 or early 1946.

Flight Lieutenant Humphries died on 14 August 1997, aged 76, in Exeter.

Source : Ross Humphries (son)

Date record last updated : 28 April 2023


Humphrys, Navigator / Radar

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Victor Mark I - 3 point tanker XA937 (11-Jan-1977)

Source : Flt/Lt David Card

Date record last updated : 14 September 2018



Sgt George Thomas Hunt, 944629, Observer / Bomb Aimer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 24 June 1941, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R1609

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 45.

Son of Albert Victor and Ethel Ann Hunt, of Dudley, Worcestershire.

CWGC gives a death date of 23 June 1941 which is incorrect.

Source : Mrs June Batley and Mrs Jeni Cook (both relatives of Sgt Hunt) Mrs Nadia Turrell (Sister of Sgt Hunt) and CWGC

Date record last updated : 12 October 2011


Sgt George William Hunt, 39922, Co-pilot, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nationality : New Zealand, KIA 11 October 1940, Aged 22

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) L7840 BU-?


Son of the Revd. George William Hunt and Roberta Hunt, of Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand.

Chris Hammond would like to be contacted by any relatives of Sgt Hunt.
He can be contacted at (remember to remove the XXX)

Buried in St Margaret's Churchyard, Stradishall

Source : Bill Stubbs and CWGC and Chris Hammond

Date record last updated : 13 February 2009


Fg/Off Howard Switzer Hunt DFC, J18053, Bomb Aimer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nationality : Canadian

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark III BK659 (20-Apr-1943) BU-N

Born in Loreburne, Saskatchewan, Canada

Born in 1922.
His home was in Ministo, Saskatchewan
Enlisted in Saskatoon 12 March 1941.
Trained at No 2 ITS (Graduated 27 August 1941).
Trained at No 4 AOS (Graduated 13 April 1942).
Trained at No 4 BGS (Graduated 23 May 1942).
Trained at No 1 ANS (Graduated 3 July 1942).
Howard was commissioned in 1943.
Served with 214 from 28 February 1943 to 29 July 1943. The crew were based at Chedburgh, Suffolk flying Stirlings.

See Articles ("N" for nuts section) for a story written by Flt/Lt Wallace about one of the crews Ops over Germany when their Stirling was shot up by another Stirling injuring the pilot Geoff Shattock.

Fg/Off Hunt went on to 427 Squadron and was awarded a DFC on 5 February 1945, as listed in the London Gazette dated 16 February 1945 and AFRO 563/45 dated 29 March 1945.
The recommendation was made on 19 November 1944 when he had flown 39 sorties totalling 203 hours and 40 minutes. This was split as follows; from 4 April 1943 to 3 July 1943 with 214 Squadron - 16 sorties totalling 82 hours and 10 minutes and from 12 August 1944 to 2 November 1944 with 427 Squadron - 23 sorties totalling 121 hours and 30 minutes.

"This bomb aimer has completed two operational bombing tours against the enemy. At all times his work has been of a very high calibre and his coolness and devotion to duty a splendid example, not only to his crew but to the entire Squadron".

Source : Dave Wallace, son of Flt/Lt A Wallace and Sarah Bond (daughter of Plt/Off Shattock) and London Gazette

Date record last updated : 30 April 2011




Logbook March 1945

Caterpillar club certificate

WO John 'Jack' Hunter War Medal & Star, Air Crew Europe Star, 619044, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Flying Fortress Mark III HB803 (15-Mar-1945) BU-L

Born 30 April 1921

Born in North Shields England

Son of Thomas and Dorothy Hunter

John Hunter joined the RAF in 1937 as a 17 year old.
He was flying in Stirlings with 218 Squadron from August 1942 until December 1944. He then joined 1699 Conversion Flight to move to Fortresses and joined 214 Squadron in February 1945. All of his sorties were with Flying Officer Anderson.

His log shows that on 15 March 1945 his aircraft was attacked by enemy fighters at about 22.30hrs after an operational flight over Hanover. He baled out in the area of Mayen/Kruft west of Koblenz and some records suggest that the aircraft was finally brought down by US Forces fire. This area was actually the front line of the advancing allied forces on that particular date. I know that on safely reaching the ground he gave himself up to US Forces in the early hours of the following morning and rerceived a GI rifle butt in the face for the privilege. He was sent back up the lines and flown back to base via Brussels.

John Hunter died on 8 November 1998 in North Shields aged 77.

Source : Margaret Heaney (daughter) and Chorley and Flying Log

Date record last updated : 15 December 2017


Plt/Off Hurley, Pilot

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) C9606

Source : Donald MacGilchrist

Date record last updated : 20 September 2008


Flt/Lt Trevor Hurrell

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Valiant (model unknown) XD812

Source : Judi Wright (daughter of Flt/Lt David Wright)

Date record last updated : 28 December 2011


FS E T Hutchinson, Royal Air Force, Nationality : British, POW 23 May 1943, POW number 1251

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Stirling Mark III BF528

Imprisoned at POW camp Barth, Germany

In A Cooper's book "Air battle of the Ruhr" he is recorded as Sgt E T Hutching.

Source : Dave Pointer (grandson of Sgt WS Clifton-Moggs) and "Footprints in the sand of time" by Oliver Clutton-Brock

Date record last updated : 29 January 2008


2nd/Lt William Wallace Hutton, Royal Flying Corps, KIA 28 October 1917, Aged 23



Son of Albert Edward Hutton and Jessie Ethel Hutton of Green Point, Cape Town, South Africa

CWGC show his Secondary unit as 7th Bn. London Regiment

CWGC show his country of Service As United Kingdom even though he was from South Africa.

Extract from CWGC :
A ceremony was held in Belgium on Wednesday 24 May 2023 for World War 1 Royal Flying Corps (RFC) Officer, Second Lieutenant (2nd Lt) William Wallace Hutton, who was aged 24 when he was killed.
2nd Lt Hutton, from Cape Town, died in October 1917 after his plane left Dunkirk on a bombing raid to Saint Denjis Westrem in Belgium.
The ceremony at Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery, was held after evidence was presented that an unknown grave was his. It was organised by the MOD’s Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC), also known as the ‘MOD War Detectives’.

Click on this link to see more information.

David Hearn writes :
I cannot understand why RFC crewman was flying HPs from Dunkirk in October 1917 in a RNAS bombing Squadron.

Source : David Hearn (Great nephew of Lt Reginald Binckes) and CWGC

Date record last updated : 13 August 2023


Sgt John Francis Huxtable, 901860, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 December 1940, Aged 24

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C L7849

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 15

Son of John Roland and Leila Violet Huxtable, of West Worthing, Sussex.

Source : CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Winter / Spring 2006

Date record last updated : 21 February 2008



Sgt Alfred Hyam, 749403, Rear Gunner, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 23 November 1940, Aged 28

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C L7859 (10-Oct-1940)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R3208 (17-Nov-1940)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R3208 (05-Nov-1940)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C R3208 (07-Nov-1940)
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C T2470 (28-Oct-1940) BU-K
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C T2471 BU-?
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington (model unknown) T2709 (25-Oct-1940)

Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 15

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hyam, of Coventry.

Alfred Hyam's signature is one of many on the picture of Wellington L4215 in Photo Album 4.

Martin Hyam (nephew) wrote:

"You talk of strange happenings my Grandmother, Alf's mother died on the night of 11 Nov 1940 the night of the Coventry blitz so was spared the news that one of her sons had died. I have a letter from Alf to his brother Harold telling him that they were at R.A.F. Driffield to do a Air gunners course , no date on it but he mentions no Easter leave as they are working 7 days a week."

Source : Wendy Bockman (Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Neice of Sgt Alfred Hyam) and Ian Hunt and W R Chorley's book 'RAF Bomber Command Losses 1939-1940' and CWGC and Nightjar Newsletter Spring 2006 and Richard Williams (joint author of Sway at War 1914-1945) and 214 Squadron ORB

Date record last updated : 14 January 2022


Sgt Allan John Hyde, 1375119, Co-pilot, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : United Kingdom, KIA 28 April 1942, Aged 21

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C DV768 BU-?
SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Wellington Mark I C Z1158 BU-S

Buried in KIEL WAR CEMETERY. Reference : 3. E. 11.

Son of William Edwin and Annie Louise Hyde, of Claygate, Surrey. L.R.A.M.

Source : Ian Hunt and 214 Squadron ORB and Chorley and CWGC

Date record last updated : 27 November 2020



FS Basil Hyman, 778292, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Nationality : Rhodesian, KIA 30 July 1943


Named on the following Memorial : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Panel 137

Son of Maurice and Jane Hyman; husband of Sadie Hyman, of Gatoorna, Southern Rhodesia.

Basil is listed as an "Honorary Secretary of our Congregation" as part of the Zimbabwe Jewish Community see

Source : Chorley and CWGC

Date record last updated : 30 April 2011


Flt/Lt Murray Frederick Hyslop AFM, Navigator / Plotter, 3514067, Royal Air Force, Nationality : United Kingdom. KIA 11 September 1959 Age 27

SEE CREWS AND LOSSES for Valiant B Mark I XD869

Date of Birth 24 February 1932 in Plymouth, Devon.

Stationed at RAF Marham.

He is buried in Horson Cemetery, Torpoint, Cornwall.

Named on the following Memorials :
Armed Forces Memorial
Rolls of Honour, Church of St Clement Danes, London

Source : Jock Whitehouse and Armed Forces Memorial

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